
The Argus Octane Blending Components service delivers leading gasoline octane blending component contract and spot benchmarks, global industry news and analysis of key economic drivers, in a single service.

You get weekly price assessments, plus short-term fundamentals analysis including plant operating status, trade flows and demand drivers.

A PDF report is delivered to your inbox each week.

Key features


Global service

Global coverage, news and analysis in a single, concise and integrated service.


Regional prices

Price assessments for gasoline octane blending components across the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific.


Feedstocks insight

See how crude and other feedstocks play a role in your business.


Fundamentals analysis

Plant operating status, trade flows and arbitrage, price spreads, supply and demand drivers.


Access to specialists

Argus’ experienced and respected experts know your markets.

Customers that benefit

The Argus Octane Blending Components service is essential for anyone exposed to gasoline octane blending component prices and seeking a perspective on the marketplace. Below are examples of how some clients use this service.
  • Fuel blenders, producers and consumers  

Use our price assessments to support contract negotiations; use our data and market analysis for an independent view on supply, demand and market dynamics for negotiations, budget planning and weekly commercial management strategies.  

  • Traders and distributors 

Use our global price data, regional market analysis, and capacity lost analysis to review arbitrage and trade opportunities, and to support price negotiations. 


  • Banks and investors 

Use our price data to model listed companies producing, or with major spend on, fuels and octane. Use global market analysis and news to keep abreast of the latest market dynamics.