Argus Global Waxes
Key features

Market and price analysis, including overviews of the month’s market activities around the world

Price assessments
Independent price assessments for paraffin wax, liquid and slab wax and feedstock slack wax

Global view
Key markets in Asia, Europe and the Americas are covered in this service

Import and export information
Import and export data for different wax grades, including candles, vegetable and paraffin waxes, as well as other country-by-country trade flow data.

Complete market coverage
Comprehensive understanding of the market with insights into crude oil, feedstock, and base oil market developments

Maintenance and shutdown data
Global Group I base oil and wax refinery maintenance and shutdown information published monthly, providing guidance for present and future supply availability., providing guidance for present and future supply availability.
Customers that benefit
Traders use wax valuations to identify potential arbitrage opportunities to improve profitability. A historical database allows detailed analysis of seasonality and geographical pricing behaviour.
Producers use Argus’ assessments to determine the most profitable markets. Our detailed information on specific market supply and demand balances and imports help identify regional pricing trends.
Wax and industrial manufacturers
Wax and industrial manufacturers rely on our fundamentals analysis and statistical data to understand market trends and plan for their business cycles.
Product specifications
Argus Global Waxes is the reliable source of independent price assessments for each key region, delivered monthly: