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Renewable energy carbon credits not eligible for CCP

  • Spanish Market: Emissions
  • 06/08/24

The integrity council for the voluntary carbon market (ICVCM), a non-profit governance body, said carbon credits from renewable energy projects will not be eligible for its core carbon principles (CCPs).

Renewable energy credits issued under eight current carbon methodologies "fail to meet the CCP Assessment Framework requirements on additionality because they are insufficiently rigorous in assessing whether the projects would have gone ahead without the incentive of carbon credit revenues," the ICVCM said.

This move automatically excludes 236mn unretired credits or around a third of the supply within the voluntary carbon market. The ICVCM also rejected a methodology for projects reducing the release of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), also because of weak additionality components. This refers to the methodology AM0065 under Verra's carbon crediting programme, which currently only covers one project in the US for a total of 2.64mn credits issued, of which just 185,000 are unretired.

ICVCM's decision only covers current renewable energy methodologies and does not exclude the possibility of reviewing more rigorous approaches. "Renewable energy projects financed by carbon credits still have a role to play in the decarbonisation of energy grids... more robust methodologies would unlock finance for a new wave of renewable energy projects in places where they are most needed ," ICVCM chair Annette Nazareth said. This refers to renewable energy projects set up in countries with financial and legislative barriers, probably including most of the UN least developed countries (LDCs).

The ICVCM has also approved a new methodology — Verra's AM0023 — covering methane leaks, mainly in Bangladesh and Uzbekistan, which accounts for 19mn unretired credits, taking the total of unretired credits eligible for CCPs to 27mn or 3.6pc of the supply in the voluntary carbon market.

Assessments of key carbon methodologies such as improved forest management (IFM) or afforestation, reforestation and revegetation (ARR) are now concluded and the council's board is expected to make final decisions "soon", the ICVCM said. Assessments of other popular credits such as reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) or clean cookstoves are due within the coming months.

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Australia's CER undecided on SMC issuance details

Australia's CER undecided on SMC issuance details

Sydney, 12 September (Argus) — Australia's Clean Energy Regulator (CER) has not yet decided on the level of details that will be published alongside the upcoming safeguard mechanism credits (SMCs), while estimated issuance numbers remain within a "wide" range, delegates heard at a forum in Sydney. The regulator will start to issue SMCs early next year to safeguard facilities that report scope 1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions below their annual baselines. Each SMC will represent 1t of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) below a facility's baseline, which will have the option to either hold it for future use or sell it in the market. The CER has an estimated range of SMC issuance numbers for the July 2023-June 2024 compliance year, the first under Australia's reformed safeguard mechanism . But this range is "very wide" as several factors are at play, executive general manager Carl Binning told delegates at a safeguard mechanism forum organised by the regulator in Sydney on 11 September. SMC issuances will be "relatively modest initially" according to Binning, but volumes are expected to build up over time as companies intensify efforts to reduce emissions while baselines converge to industry averages. He declined to provide any internal estimates on SMC issuances. Australian companies need to submit their emissions and energy data under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) scheme by 31 October, including covered emissions data for individual safeguard facilities. The CER is finalising the so-called energy intensity determinations for each facility, which will be used to set their baselines. Baselines will be based on a production-adjusted framework initially weighted towards site-specific emissions intensity values, transitioning to industry average emissions intensity levels by 2030. Under the reformed mechanism, facilities that emit more than 100,000t of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) in a fiscal year face declining baselines — at a rate of 4.9 pc/yr until 2030 — and need to surrender Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) or SMCs if their onsite abatement activities were not enough to keep their emissions below thresholds. Australia's Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) late last year estimated SMC issuances would start at around 1.4mn units in the 2024 financial year ending 30 June 2024, rising to 7.4mn in 2030 and 10.3mn in 2035. Facilities that fall below the coverage threshold of 100,000t CO2e can choose to continue receiving SMCs for up to 10 years — with their baselines continuing to decline if they opt in — and the DCCEEW expects such issuances will be the main source of SMCs by 2035 (see table). Uncertain data level All safeguard facilities will need to give a breakdown of the surrendered ACCUs by the method under which they were generated for the first time from the 2024 financial year, as well as a breakdown of their emissions by CO2, methane and nitrous oxide. The CER will publish 2023-24 safeguard data by 15 April 2025. But while the regulator will also need to publish the number of SMCs issued to a facility, there is still no definition on whether it will disclose where SMCs surrendered by facilities came from, Binning told delegates. "One of the issues we're really wrestling with in the design of our new registry is how much information we tag," Binning said. "I think the marketplace is interested in more granularity… so I'd actually invite feedback on this topic," he added. The CER expects that the new registry replacing the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units (ANREU) will be operational by the end of calendar year 2024. It plans to issue SMCs into the new registry and transfer all ACCUs from the ANREU "gradually" over the following months before the start of the next safeguard compliance period. By Juan Weik Projected SMC issuances (mn) Financial year From safeguard facilities From below-threshold facilities Total 2024 1.36 0.05 1.41 2025 1.62 0.13 1.75 2026 2.27 0.06 2.33 2027 3.20 0.26 3.46 2028 3.52 0.22 3.74 2029 4.34 0.54 4.88 2030 5.67 1.77 7.44 2031 5.31 1.92 7.23 2032 5.29 3.75 9.04 2033 6.77 3.47 10.24 2034 5.82 4.72 10.54 2035 4.80 5.51 10.31 Source: DCCEEW Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

WMO puts likelihood of La Nina at 60pc from October


WMO puts likelihood of La Nina at 60pc from October

London, 11 September (Argus) — There is a 60pc chance of La Nina weather conditions emerging from October to February next year, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said today. The chance of the El Nino pattern redeveloping during that time are "negligible", it said. La Nina generally leads to a cooling effect on a global level, while El Nino typically has the opposite effect. The weather patterns are naturally occurring, but "are taking place in the broader context of human-induced climate change" that is increasing temperatures globally, the WMO said. The past nine years have been the warmest on record, even with the cooling influence of a La Nina period from 2020 to early 2023, the organisation noted. "Even if a short-term cooling La Nina event does emerge, it will not change the long-term trajectory of rising global temperatures due to heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere", WMO secretary-general Celeste Saulo said. Last month was the joint-hottest August on record , and was on average 1.51°C above pre-industrial levels. The Paris climate agreement seeks to limit global warming to "well below" 2°C above pre-industrial temperatures, and preferably to 1.5°C. Global temperatures have been at or close to record highs to date this year and it is "increasingly likely that 2024 is going to be the warmest year on record", EU earth-monitoring service Copernicus said last week. By Georgia Gratton Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Carbon markets need frameworks, Article 6 progress


Carbon markets need frameworks, Article 6 progress

Berlin, 10 September (Argus) — International carbon markets need better frameworks both at domestic and international level, and consistent guidance on the role of carbon credits and their legal nature, a report by the World Bank has found. The report, presented at the World Bank's Innovate4Climate conference in Berlin today, calls for better harmonisation at several levels, including governance structures but also extending to frameworks such as integrity initiatives, independent standards, verification bodies, registers, transaction registries or exchanges. The World Bank also urges progress on the framework for a new UN-supervised carbon market under Article 6 of the Paris climate agreement at the UN Cop 29 climate conference in November in Baku, Azerbaijan. Article 6.4 additionally provides for so-called mitigation contribution units, which could be used in the voluntary carbon market for "appropriate claims", the World Bank said. Greg Murray, founder of the KoKo networks which sell carbon units from projects providing efficient cookstoves to African households, called at the conference today for Europe to show "more leadership" on carbon markets at Cop 29. Article 6 negotiations failed last year to a large degree because of the EU's fears of insufficient environmental safeguards for the more regulated Article 6.4 mechanism. There was "big enthusiasm" at Cop 28 in Dubai last year about the work carried out by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) and the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTI) to raise standards, Hania Dawood, contributor to the report and World Bank practice manager for climate finance and economics, said at the conference today. But this enthusiasm has had no impact on the market, Dawood said. Agreement is still lacking in ongoing Article 6 discussions on key operational issues related to transparency, environmental integrity and the avoidance of double counting of mitigation outcomes. But the long debates over Article 6 are precisely to ensure the mechanism does not suffer the same fate as the voluntary carbon market, said Swiss climate negotiator Simon Fellermeyer, who has also been a member of the Article 6.4 supervisory body. By Chloe Jardine Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

2024 RD production outlook up, 2025 down: EIA


2024 RD production outlook up, 2025 down: EIA

New York, 10 September (Argus) — The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) today upped its forecast for 2024 domestic renewable diesel (RD) production but continued to trim its projections for 2025 as challenging economics for refiners persist. The US is expected to produce on average 208,000 b/d of renewable diesel this year, EIA said Tuesday in its latest Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), up by around 1pc from August's forecast. Renewable diesel consumption is expected to hit 237,000 b/d this year, an increase of 1.3pc from the prior month's STEO. But next year, EIA now expects 236,000 b/d of renewable diesel production, down by 3.2pc from the prior forecast and down by 19.7pc from the agency's initial projection in January this year of 294,000 b/d. The agency is also forecasting renewable diesel consumption to reach 255,000 b/d in 2025, a 2.3pc decrease from its estimate last month. Renewable diesel producers have struggled over the last year, as ample supply of fuels used for compliance with government clean fuel programs has helped depress the prices of environmental credits and hurt production margins. More capacity has come online this year — with EIA recently pegging production of renewable diesel and related biofuels like sustainable aviation fuel at an all-time high of 4.9bn USG/yr in June — but uncertainty persists about whether future capacity additions will come on line as planned. EIA also upped its projection for US net imports of renewable diesel, raising its 2024 forecast by 7.1pc to 30,000 b/d and its 2025 forecast by 5.6pc to 19,000 b/d. While a federal tax credit starting next year is expected to discourage biofuel imports, since the incentive can only be claimed for fuel produced in the US, EIA's projections have inched upwards over the course of this year. Biodiesel output target up US biodiesel production this year is expected to average 105,000 b/d, up by around 1pc from August's STEO. US Biodiesel consumption should reach 121,000 b/d this year according to the EIA, down by 0.8pc from the prior forecast. For 2025, EIA raised its outlook for biodiesel production by 5.3pc to 100,000 b/d and for biodiesel consumption by 4.4pc to 94,000 b/d. Today's outlook also includes for the first time more granular data about biodiesel and renewable diesel "that better capture how biofuels are being consumed and the share of total distillate fuel they account for," EIA said. While the agency expects total distillate fuel oil consumption to fall slightly this year, biofuels will account for 9pc of that consumption, up from 8pc last year and 5pc in 2022. By Cole Martin Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Firms’ short-term climate plans not Paris-aligned: TPI


Firms’ short-term climate plans not Paris-aligned: TPI

London, 10 September (Argus) — Only a low proportion of the world's highest-emitting companies analysed by the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) have 2025 and 2035 climate targets that align with the Paris climate agreement's temperature goals, although longer-term commitments are increasing. About 30pc of the 409 companies in 11 sectors assessed by TPI — which is based at the London School of Economics — now have climate targets out to the middle of the century that are aligned with limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, compared with 7pc in 2020. And another 14pc have 2050 plans aligned with limiting global warming to below 2°C. The Paris deal seeks to limit the temperature increase to "well below" 2°C above the pre-industrial average and preferably to 1.5°C. But shorter-term plans for 2025 and 2035 remain largely unaligned with the temperature goals, TPI analysis published today found. "This indicates both that historical rates of emissions reduction have been inadequate, and that, on average, company targets imply plans to postpone deep emissions cuts until the 2040s," TPI said. The analysis indicates that the world's highest-emitting companies will cumulatively overshoot the emissions intensity budget for 2020-50 required to keep to the 1.5°C goal by 61pc, based on a calculation that weights firms and sectors by market capitalisation. "Oil and gas companies are a major driver of the exceedance," TPI said. Only 6pc of those analysed have plans aligned with the 2°C goal in the medium and long term — 2035 and 2050. Food producers are also one of the least-aligned sectors, at just 8pc. The sector with the most companies aligned to the goal is diversified mining at 50pc, followed by the steel sector at 46pc and electricity at 41pc. Regionally, European firms have the highest rate of alignment at 66pc, followed by 64pc of Australasian companies and 56pc of Japanese groups. Only 18pc of Chinese companies are either aligned with the temperature goals or disclosed the information needed for analysis, and only 30pc of those headquartered in other Asian countries. By Victoria Hatherick Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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