Argus Marine Fuels
Acceda a precios confiables al contado diarios, noticias de mercado y análisis para los mercados de combustibles marinos convencionales y alternativos globales.
Nuestra cartera de más de 120 precios de combustible le permite capturar con precisión los movimientos de precios para una amplia gama de especificaciones diferentes. Además de los precios minoristas del combustible, el servicio también proporciona precios del petróleo al por mayor para barcazas y cargas.
Con una visión exhaustiva de un mercado cambiante, Argus Marine Fuels es una herramienta imprescindibles para cualquier persona involucrada en el transporte, la refinería, el comercio o la adquisición de combustibles marinos.
Características claves

Alternative marine fuels assessments
Daily spot prices for global marine biofuel, ammonia, LNG, methanol, as well as CO2 prices.

Residual fuel oil and marine gasoil prices
Daily global spot price assessments for VLSFO, HSFO and MGO.

Analysis, daily news and commentary
Market-moving industry analysis, news and commentary with spot bunker fuel deals.

Scrubber database
Updated monthly, this database provides details on vessels outfitted with scrubbers, such as vessel name, owner, IMO number, deadweight, year of scrubber installation, etc.

Alternative fuels vessels and supplier database
Updated monthly, this list captures vessels capable of burning alternative marine fuels, along with alternative marine fuel suppliers and the locations where they operate.

Spot bunker deals and firm quotes database
Updated daily, this data lists global spot marine fuel deals and firm quotes gathered by Argus.

VWA assessments
Volume Weighted Average (VWA) assessments based on reported daily deals, for the most liquid bunker locations.

Robust methodology
Transparent methodology, developed with the industry to accurately reflect the way the market trades.
Clientes que se benefician
- Ship owners and charterers can compare conventional with alternative marine fuels prices and their CO2 costs to determine the most convenient option to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, they can gain market transparency by viewing what their competitors are doing, from retrofitting their vessels to ordering new-built vessels that burn alternative marine fuels.
- Marine fuel suppliers can track which competing suppliers are investing in the alternative marine fuels supply chain and in which ports.
- Marine fuel traders and brokers can rely on our data throughout the trade, from pre-trade analysis to settlement prices for term delivery.
- Analysts can use the service to stay on top of key market developments and view which types of alternative marine fuels ship owners are leaning towards for forecasting.
- Financial institutions use Argus data and insights to value deals and construct swaps and futures.
Especificaciones de los productos
Además de la cobertura de combustibles convencionales (incluyendo VLSFO, MGO, HSFO), este servicio proporciona el precio más completo y la cobertura del mercado para todos los combustibles tipo búnker alternativos clave.
Evaluaciones del precio clave
Los precios de Argus son reconocidos por el mercado como indicadores confiables y fiables del valor de mercado real. Explore algunas de nuestras evaluaciones del precio más utilizadas y relevantes.