Argus Jet Fuel
Argus Jet Fuel サービスは、業界のサプライチェーン全体でベンチマークとして使用され、信頼される価格を提供しています。


原油、 ULSD またはガスオイルに関連するクラックスプレッドは、原油やその他の輸送燃料と比較した精製経済のより深い理解に役立ちます。



Argus Jet Fuel の価格査定は、業界で開発された最も堅牢で透明性がのある、信頼性の高い方法論に基づいており、当社の価格査定が市場の取引方法を正確に反映していることを保証します。
Argus の評価に基づくインデックス契約が最も客観的な市場価格をであることを当社の市場データを用いて確認いただけます。地域の価格と市場情報により、航空会社は最も費用対効果の高い給油手計画を策定いただけます。
Argus Jet Fuel の市場情報により、潜在的な裁定取引の機会を特定し、収益性を向上させます。また、インデックス契約により、サプライヤーとの基本的なリスクが限定されます。
Argus の査定を活用し、最も収益性の高い生産機会を判断できます。特定の市場の供給と需要のバランス、精製所の閉鎖に関する詳細な情報は、地域の価格動向を特定するのに役立ちます。
- 持続可能な航空燃料 - SAF fob ARA、SAF fob Singapore、米国西海岸 SAF
- US:ニューヨーク港、米国湾岸、シカゴ、フィラデルフィア、タルサ、ロサンゼルス、ラックス、サンフランシスコ
- 欧州:地中海、アラジア、北ヨーロッパ
- アジア太平洋地域:シンガポール、韓国、日本
- アフリカ:ダーバンおよび西アフリカ
- 中東:ミドルイースト湾岸地域
- ロシア:モスクワ、シムケント、パヴロダル
- メキシコ:東海岸、ロサリト、ラサロ・カルデナス
- ラテンアメリカ:ブラジル
当社の市場エキスパートチームによる、アメリカの原油業界の最新ニュースストーリーが、Argus Direct クライアントポータルを通じて毎日のPDFレポートとしてリアルタイムで公開されています。
Argus Direct® は、当社が公開するデータ、ニュース、分析を活用し、最新のインサイトをすぐにお届けします。このインタラクティブで没入型のプラットフォームでは、ダイナミックなダッシュボード、革新的なツール、および PDF パブリケーションを介してインサイトにアクセスできます。
Argus US SAF
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect the supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus SAF fob Singapore
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus US Gulf colonial jet fuel
Key price reference for the most physical liquid jet fuel market in the Americas.
Argus New York Harbor Buckeye jet fuel
Key price assessment for one of the most liquid fuel markets in North America.
Argus jet fuel cif West Mediterranean cargo
The assessment is typically based on indications of trade, bids and offers expressed on an exchange-for-physical basis or as a differential to CIF Northwest European cargo price levels.
Argus jet fuel cif Northwest Europe cargo
The assessment typically reflects trades, bids and offers of 30,000 mt cargoes delivered in to standard Northwest European ports that include Rotterdam and Le Havre.
Argus fob Singapore jet fuel differential
The differential shown is the daily assessed market premium or discount to Singapore spot assessments for 100,000 bl - 250,000 bl jet fuel cargoes loading from Singapore 15-30 days forward from the date of publication.
Argus fob Mideast Gulf jet fuel differential
The differential shown is the daily assessed market premium or discount to Mideast Gulf spot assessments for cargoes 200,000 bl and above loading from the Mideast Gulf.
Argus fob FARAG barge jet fuel
The assessment is typically based on a volume-weighted average of deals concluded on an exchange-for-physical basis for jet fuel loading 2-8 working days forward at Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Flushing or Ghent (FARAG).
Argus European SAF
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect the supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus cif Durban South Africa jet fuel
Reliable price reference for jet fuel imported from the Mideast Gulf and India.
Argus bionaphtha fob ARA
The key price reference for naphtha produced from renewable feedstocks for northwest Europe.
Argus US SAF
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect the supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus SAF fob Singapore
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus US Gulf colonial jet fuel
Key price reference for the most physical liquid jet fuel market in the Americas.
Argus New York Harbor Buckeye jet fuel
Key price assessment for one of the most liquid fuel markets in North America.
Argus jet fuel cif West Mediterranean cargo
The assessment is typically based on indications of trade, bids and offers expressed on an exchange-for-physical basis or as a differential to CIF Northwest European cargo price levels.
Argus jet fuel cif Northwest Europe cargo
The assessment typically reflects trades, bids and offers of 30,000 mt cargoes delivered in to standard Northwest European ports that include Rotterdam and Le Havre.
Argus fob Singapore jet fuel differential
The differential shown is the daily assessed market premium or discount to Singapore spot assessments for 100,000 bl - 250,000 bl jet fuel cargoes loading from Singapore 15-30 days forward from the date of publication.
Argus fob Mideast Gulf jet fuel differential
The differential shown is the daily assessed market premium or discount to Mideast Gulf spot assessments for cargoes 200,000 bl and above loading from the Mideast Gulf.
Argus fob FARAG barge jet fuel
The assessment is typically based on a volume-weighted average of deals concluded on an exchange-for-physical basis for jet fuel loading 2-8 working days forward at Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Flushing or Ghent (FARAG).
Argus European SAF
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect the supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus cif Durban South Africa jet fuel
Reliable price reference for jet fuel imported from the Mideast Gulf and India.
Argus bionaphtha fob ARA
The key price reference for naphtha produced from renewable feedstocks for northwest Europe.
Argus US SAF
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect the supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus SAF fob Singapore
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus US Gulf colonial jet fuel
Key price reference for the most physical liquid jet fuel market in the Americas.
Argus New York Harbor Buckeye jet fuel
Key price assessment for one of the most liquid fuel markets in North America.
Argus jet fuel cif West Mediterranean cargo
The assessment is typically based on indications of trade, bids and offers expressed on an exchange-for-physical basis or as a differential to CIF Northwest European cargo price levels.
Argus jet fuel cif Northwest Europe cargo
The assessment typically reflects trades, bids and offers of 30,000 mt cargoes delivered in to standard Northwest European ports that include Rotterdam and Le Havre.
Argus fob Singapore jet fuel differential
The differential shown is the daily assessed market premium or discount to Singapore spot assessments for 100,000 bl - 250,000 bl jet fuel cargoes loading from Singapore 15-30 days forward from the date of publication.
Argus fob Mideast Gulf jet fuel differential
The differential shown is the daily assessed market premium or discount to Mideast Gulf spot assessments for cargoes 200,000 bl and above loading from the Mideast Gulf.
Argus fob FARAG barge jet fuel
The assessment is typically based on a volume-weighted average of deals concluded on an exchange-for-physical basis for jet fuel loading 2-8 working days forward at Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Flushing or Ghent (FARAG).
Argus European SAF
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect the supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus Jet Fuel
Argus Jet Fuel は、航空燃料市場に関するインサイトを提供します。
SAF インサイト
Argus Jet Fuel
Argus Jet Fuel は、航空燃料市場に関するインサイトを提供します。
SAF インサイト