Fertilizer Matters: Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

Hear Argus’ analysis of what the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is, how it will work and what it means for the fertilizer sector in Europe and abroad.

We have recently entered the transition phase for CBAM, so this is a great time to join Mike Nash, Senior Editor and Claudia Wlk, EditorArgus Fertilizer Europe as they discuss this subject in the latest episode of the Argus’ Fertilizer Matters podcast series.


Key topics covered in the podcast:

  • What is CBAM and why is it so important for the fertilizer industry?
  • How is CBAM going to work in practice and how does it impact importers and exporters?
  • The Emissions Trading System (ETS): Its relevance and how it works as a 'cap and trade' system
  • The CBAM timeline: Transition period to 31st Jan 2026. Definitive period Feb 2026-2034
  • What impact will CBAM have on the European fertilizer sector?


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