«Газпром» ввел в строй Ковыктинское месторождение

  • Market: Condensate, LPG, Natural gas
  • 21/12/22

«Газпром» в среду ввел в эксплуатацию Ковыктинское газоконденсатное месторождение (Иркутская обл.) и магистральный газопровод Ковыкта — Чаянда, завершив подключение этих объектов к трубопроводной системе «Сила Сибири».

Ковыктинское газоконденсатное месторождение является крупнейшим в Восточной Сибири и обладает извлекаемыми запасами в объеме 1,8 трлн м³ газа и 65,7 млн т газового конденсата. «Газпром» планирует в следующем году добыть на нем 5 млрд м³ газа, а в 2026 г. вывести месторождение на пиковый уровень добычи – 27,2 млрд м³/год.

Магистральный трубопровод «Сила Сибири» обеспечивает поставки газа в направлении Амурского газоперерерабатывающего завода и далее на экспорт в Китай. Газопровод проходит через Иркутскую область, Якутию и Амурскую область, заканчиваясь в Благовещенске на российско-китайской границе.

Подача газа с Ковыкты в «Силу Сибири» началась еще в конце октября – в режиме пусконаладочных работ. До подключения Ковыктинского участка, газ в эту систему поступал только с Чаяндинского месторождения (Якутия), запасы газа которого оцениваются в 449 млрд м³. Протяженность нового газопровода Ковыкта – Чаянда составляет 804 км, а общая протяженность магистрали «Сила Сибири» превышает 3 000 км. Маршрут Ковыкта – Чаянда включает участок протяженностью 1,5 км, проложенный в грунте на дне реки Лена, на глубине 13 м.

Для приема газа с Ковыкты «Газпром» построил на Чаяндинском месторождении второй цех Центральной дожимной компрессорной станции – здесь поддерживается необходимый уровень давления в трубопроводе для дальнейшей транспортировки газа.

Один из основных введенных в строй объектов на Ковыкте - это установка комплексной подготовки газа №2 (УКПГ-2) производительностью более 6 млрд ³/год газа. Установка принимает углеводородное сырье со скважин месторождения и обеспечивает его очистку от воды, механических и других примесей, чтобы качество товарного продукта соответствовало нормативам. В состав УКПГ-2 в том числе входят три колонны для стабилизации газового конденсата.

Ковыктинский газовый конденсат после стабилизации будет поступать в конденсатопровод для прокачки на железнодорожный терминал в п. Окунайский. Терминал расположен в Иркутской области и примыкает к Байкало-Амурской железнодорожной магистрали (БАМ). Протяженность конденсатопровода Ковыкта–Окунайский составляет 173 км.

В период до 2026 г. «Газпром» планирует ввести в строй на Ковыкте еще три установки комплексной подготовки газа мощностью около 6 млрд м³/год каждая.

Поставки газа по «Силе Сибири» в Китай осуществляются в рамках долгосрочного контракта между «Газпромом» и китайской государственной компанией CNPC. Договоренности компаний предусматривают проведение планового ремонта газопровода два раза в год: весной и осенью. Весенний ремонт проводился 29 марта - 4 апреля, а осенний – в период 22-29 сентября.

В декабре «Газпром» ввел в эксплуатацию на «Силе Сибири» четыре новые компрессорные станции: «Иван Ребров», «Максим Перфильев», «Василий Поярков» и «Василий Колесников». Таким образом, общее число компрессорных станций увеличилось до восьми.

В текущем году «Газпром» планирует нарастить прокачку газа по «Силе Сибири» на 40% по сравнению с 2021 г., до 14 млрд м³. Трубопровод введен в строй в декабре 2019 г. и рассчитан на транспортировку 42 млрд м³/год газа, в том числе поставку в Китай 38 млрд м³/год. Но объем поставок будет увеличиваться постепенно, и полная загрузка трубопровода ожидается только в 2025 г. В следующем году «Газпром» собирается повысить прокачку газа по «Силе Сибири» до 21-22 млрд м³: рост поставок ожидается благодаря запуску Ковыкты и увеличению добычи на Чаянде.

Запасы Чаянды и Ковыкты представляют собой многокомпонентный газ. Для разделения этого сырья на фракции «Газпром» направляет его на Амурский ГПЗ, который находится ближе к конечной точке «Силы Сибири» и на котором уже введены в строй две технологические линии из шести. Мощность каждой линии по сырью составляет 7 млрд м³/год, а общая мощность Амурского ГПЗ в 2025 г. должна достичь 42 млрд м³/год. Получая газ по «Силе Сибири», Амурский ГПЗ перерабатывает это сырье, выделяя из него метан, этан, пропан, бутан, гелий и пентан-гексановую фракцию. В частности, каждая линия должна обеспечивать выпуск 6-6,5 млрд м³/год товарного газа.


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Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul reallocates gas supply

Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul reallocates gas supply

Sao Paulo, 17 May (Argus) — Natural gas supply in Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul had to be redistributed because of the historic floods in the state, with diesel potentially making its way back as an power plant fuel to leave more gas available for LPG production. Gasbol, the natural gas transportation pipeline that supplies Brazil's south, does not have capacity to meet demand from the 201,000 b/d Alberto Pasqualini refinery (Refap), state-controlled Petrobras' Canoas thermal power plant and natural gas distributors in the region, according to Petrobras' then-chief executive Jean Paul Prates said earlier this week. The Santa Catarina state gas distributor has adjusted its own local network to meet peak demand in neighboring Rio Grande do Sul via the pipeline transportation network. The Canoas thermal plant is running at its minimum generation at 150GW, with 61pc coming from its gas turbine. The plant was brought on line to reinstate proper power supply after transmission lines in the south were affected by the floods. Petrobras plans to use a diesel engine to increase power generation. The current approved fuel cost (CVU) for diesel in the Canoas plant is of R1,115.29/MWh. Petrobras is also operating Refap at 59pc of its maximum installed capacity, at 119,506 b/d. Heavy showers in Rio Grande do Sul since 29 April brought unprecedented flooding to the state, causing a humanitarian crisis and infrastructure damage. The extreme weather has left 154 people dead, 98 missing and over 540,000 people displaced, according to the state's civil defense. By Rebecca Gompertz Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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Japan’s Jera to handle 35mn t/yr LNG until FY2035-36


Japan’s Jera to handle 35mn t/yr LNG until FY2035-36

Osaka, 17 May (Argus) — Japan's largest LNG importer Jera plans to maintain its LNG handling volumes at no less than 35mn t/yr until the April 2035-March 2036 fiscal year. Rising renewable power supplies and the possible return of more nuclear reactors are likely to pressure LNG demand from Japan's power sector. Jera consumed 23mn t of LNG in 2023-24, down by 3pc on the year, although it handled 35mn t through its global operations during the same year. But Jera needs to secure sufficient LNG supplies to adjust for imbalances in electricity supplies and ensure power security, through more flexible operations. It is also looking to further promote LNG along with renewable electricity in Asian countries, while helping to reduce their dependence on coal- and oil-fired power generators. The 2035 target for LNG is part of Jera's three pillars of strategic focus, along with renewables as well as hydrogen and ammonia , which was announced on 16 May to spur decarbonisation towards its 2050 net zero emissions goal. The company plans to invest ¥5 trillion ($32bn) for these three areas over 2024-36. Jera also aims to retire all supercritical or less efficient coal-fired units by 2030-31 . This would help achieve the company's target of cutting CO2 emissions from its domestic business by at least 60pc against 2013-14 levels by 2035-36. By Motoko Hasegawa Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


LPG World editorial: Clean cooking’s watershed moment?


LPG World editorial: Clean cooking’s watershed moment?

African clean cooking schemes could prove to be an early energy transition success story now that world leaders view them as environmental imperatives London, 16 May (Argus) — The $2.2bn in funding pledged for clean cooking programmes in Africa over the next five years, announced at the IEA's Clean Cooking Summit in Paris on 14 May, could be a "turning point", according to the agency's executive director Fatih Birol. Not only would this be true in terms of tackling what is a long-neglected problem. It is also true for the LPG industry, which has been extolling the benefits of a transition to LPG in sub-Saharan Africa for many years. Other than the dozen or so individual financial commitments made by governments and organisations, what resonated most from the event was just how achievable transitioning sub-Saharan Africa to cleaner fuels such as LPG actually is. Often the immediate reaction is to balk at the challenges — the lack of infrastructure, the lack of regulatory frameworks, the corruption, the cost of the LPG and equipment. Yet this was when it was looked at purely through the prism of the market. Now it is an environmental and social imperative. Many of the political leaders from Europe, Africa and the US that spoke noted that greenhouse emissions from cooking were comparable to the airline and shipping sectors, yet tackling the former is far less complex, less expensive and receives scant recognition in comparison with the latter two. "We can fix it now… it is not high-tech, it is low-tech," Norway's prime minister Jonas Gahr Store told delegates. Another often ignored part of the issue is how disproportionately women are affected by cooking with harmful solid biomass fuels — perhaps an underlying factor behind the many years of neglect at a national and international level. This is a gender issue, both Birol and Tanzania's first female president, Samia Suluhu Hassan, noted. The obvious health and social benefits from the transition to clean cooking will be most keenly felt by women and their children, who are at home breathing in the smoke from open fires. Several of the speakers, including African Development Bank president Akinwumi Adesina and World Health Organisation director-general Tedros Ghebreyesus, even spoke of their own experience of growing up in a household with open fires, and the consequent unnecessary suffering their mothers in particular had to endure. LPG is not the only solution here — others mentioned included electric cookers, biogas, bioethanol and cleaner cooking stoves. And as a fossil fuel, it will ultimately be replaced at some stage by renewable alternatives. But it is the best solution right now for large parts of the region. "LPG is the most efficient in terms of its benefits and its ease of use," Togo's president Faure Gnassingbe said. LPG markets can develop in the region through subsidies and LPG price regulation to moderate volatility, while countries must also invest in domestic LPG production as well as import and distribution infrastructure, he said. Each country will be different, but it is "well within our reach", Gnassingbe added. From pledge to realisation The sub-Saharan African region and the LPG industry must now work with foreign governments, financial institutions and private-sector companies to ensure that the large sums pledged are invested in a pragmatic and fruitful way. The IEA will come back in a year's time to report on the progress of the various commitments made at the summit and will provide updates online in an effort to ensure progress and transparency, Birol said. There is reason for cautious hope. The feasibility of achieving the transition and the relatively low levels of foreign investment involved — and the huge opportunities for LPG companies that will emerge — could create the conditions for success of a kind that has so far eluded many other such ambitions. It would be a huge boon for the world to have one such success story to point to by 2030 in its long, hard struggle to transition to a cleaner energy future. Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Japan’s Mol orders dual-fuel LPG, ammonia VLGCs


Japan’s Mol orders dual-fuel LPG, ammonia VLGCs

Tokyo, 16 May (Argus) — Japanese shipping firm Mitsui OSK Lines (Mol) has ordered two dual-fuel very large gas carriers (VLGCs) to deliver LPG and ammonia, with commissioning expected in 2026. Mol has reached a deal with TotalEnergies' shipping arm CSSA Chartering and Shipping Services to charter two 88,000m³ VLGCs to deliver LPG and ammonia, although the specific time period is undisclosed. The vessel will be built by South Korean shipbuilder Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries, which has developed an engine that can use LPG and fuel oil. Japan's LPG consumption totalled 11.8mn t in the 2023-24 fiscal year ending 31 March, down by 3.2pc from a year earlier, according to the Japan LP Gas Association. Japan's trade and industry ministry expects the downwards trend will be driven further by technology innovation of high efficiency equipment. But its expects ammonia demand as a fuel to increase to 3mn t/yr by 2030 and to 30mn t/yr by 2050. Japan has set a goal of a 20pc ammonia co-firing at domestic coal-fired power plants by 2030 and above 50pc by 2050 to achieve the country's 2050 decarbonisation goal. By Reina Maeda Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Chinese importers seek five LNG cargoes for Jun-Sep


Chinese importers seek five LNG cargoes for Jun-Sep

Shanghai, 15 May (Argus) — Five Chinese importers, mostly second-tier buyers, are each seeking one LNG cargo for June-September delivery, according to an official notice published by China's national pipeline operator PipeChina on 15 May. The five importers are PipeChina, Chinese independent ENN, Hong Kong-listed city gas firm China Resources Gas, Hong Kong-based Towngas and state-owned China Gas. PipeChina and ENN have indicated a target price of at most $9.50/mn Btu for their intended cargoes, both for delivery to PipeChina's 6mn t/yr Tianjin terminal. China Gas has indicated a target price of at most $9.30/mn Btu for delivery to PipeChina's 6mn t/yr Beihai termial. China Resources Gas and Towngas have both indicated a target price of at most $9/mn Btu for delivery to PipeChina's 2mn t/yr Yuedong and Tianjin terminals, respectively. This consolidated requirement came about because of a need for PipeChina to better leverage on its infrastructure advantages and, at the same time, meet the varying needs of gas importers and consumers in the country. But this requirement comes at a time when spot LNG prices are still somewhat higher than the importers' targeted prices. But the importers can choose not to buy if offers are not within their expectations. The front-half month of the ANEA, the Argus assessment for spot LNG deliveries to northeast Asia, was last assessed at $10.485/mn Btu on 15 May. Chinese importers mostly perceive spot prices below $9-9.50/mn Btu for June-September deliveries to be unattainable for now because there is strong buying interest from south and southeast Asia in particular. Indian state-controlled refiner IOC most recently bought LNG for delivery between 22 May and 15 June at around $10.60/mn Btu, through a tender that closed on 14 May. Thailand's state-controlled PTT most recently bought three deliveries for 9-10 July, 16-17 July and 22-23 July through a tender that closed on 13 May , at just slightly above $10.50/mn Btu. The most recent spot transaction was Japanese utility Tohoku Electric's purchase of a 10-30 June delivery at around $10.55/mn Btu through a tender that closed on 14 May . This is at least $1/mn Btu higher than Chinese importers' indications. Summer requirements have so far been muted but concerns among buyers about potential supply disruptions remain. Malaysia's 30mn t/yr Bintulu LNG export terminal suffered a power loss on 10 May, but this issue may have been resolved as of early on 15 May, according to offtakers. Some unspecified upstream issues may still be affecting production at the Bintulu facility, resulting in Malaysia's state-owned Petronas having to ask some of its buyers for cargo deferments, according to offtakers. Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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