
The Argus Monthly Ammonia Outlook service is your reliable and proven source of unbiased, independent short-term ammonia price forecasts and actionable market intelligence on regional market dynamics, including supply, demand and trade.

We empower market participants to make informed business decisions. Use the service to:

  • Inform your business plans: Get accurate, reliable and actionable insight on short- and medium-term developments.
  • Mitigate risk to your business: Stay up to date with potential regulations, policy changes and challenges.
  • Access comprehensive market data: Examine extensive raw data to assist your research and planning.
  • Find your next big opportunity: Our independent market data and expert insight help you identify future opportunities

Key features


Ammonia price forecasts

Ammonia prices are forecasted for the next three months and the next three quarters (covering Middle East fob, Tampa cfr, Caribbean fob, North Africa cfr, India cfr, East Asia cfr)


Global trade balance analysis and forecast

The Argus Monthly Ammonia Outlook service provides a rolling global trade balance in each monthly issue, covering the next three months and next three quarters


Supply and demand balance

The Argus Monthly Ammonia Outlook service includes analysis of the supply and demand balance for major markets


Country/regional analysis and outlook

The Argus Monthly Ammonia Outlook service includes country and region focused analysis, covering Northwest Europe, Russia, US, Trinidad, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Oman, India, East Asia


New capacity analysis

The Argus Monthly Ammonia Outlook service incudes analysis of new capacity (planned/under-construction) for the year ahead, listing company, location, expected date and capacity alongside additional insights and notes


Downstream and related market analysis

The service includes analysis of the impact of related markets such as phosphates and urea, as well as downstream markets such as acrylonitrile and CAN


Production costs analysis

The Argus Monthly Ammonia Outlook service includes production cost analysis, covering feedstock costs, variable costs, fixed costs and transport costs


Macroeconomic outlook

The Argus Monthly Ammonia Outlook service provides analysis of the macroeconomic outlook, including the GDP growth forecast for major fertilizer-consuming countries and regions


Enhanced graphics and visualisation

The Argus Monthly Ammonia Outlook service incorporates insightful visuals to highlight and bring key data to life, such as net trade and supply surplus/deficits

Customers that benefit

As interest in the vital ammonia market continues to grow, anyone with exposure to the global ammonia market will find the Argus Monthly Ammonia Outlook service essential.

Subscribers of the service include: New entrants to the market such as energy players/utilities and players active in the shipping and marine fuels market, fertilizer producers, industrial users of ammonia (such as ACN, caprolactam and mining-grade AN), trading companies, importers and distributors, buying agencies, financial institutions, logistics companies, co-operatives, government agencies and associations around the world.

Below are examples of clients that use this service:
  • Producers and suppliers  
  • Traders 
  • Energy and utilities companies
  • Shipping and port authorities
  • Procurement teams 
  • Industry analysts 
  • Governments 
  • Financial institutions including bankers and investors 
  • Wholesalers 
  • Co-ops and retailers