
Argus Methanol Forum

Houston, Texas, US
9-11 September 2024
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Meet the biggest buyers and sellers ahead of contracting season at the industry's leading methanol event

In preparation for contracting season, the Argus Methanol Forum returns to Houston, Texas on September 9-11, bringing together over 200 major global industry participants for three days of networking and information sharing.

With the world moving towards decarbonisation, methanol will play a major role in the energy transition creating various opportunities for the industry. Themes in conversation will include the future of traditional methanol globally and new demand in key derivatives, updates on CCUS technology and its part in reducing the carbon intensity of existing methanol plants, the landscape of low carbon methanol in the chemicals and plastics industry, and guidance on building a low carbon methanol pipeline while mobilising methanol in new ways.

Explore perspectives on low carbon feedstocks, financing methanol projects, methanol in marine and aviation sectors, and methanol innovations in upstream and downstream technology. Don't miss your opportunity to engage with industry stakeholders such as producers, buyers, financial intermediaries, technology providers, shipping and aviation firms, and project developers.


Book by June 14 to save $600!

Key themes on the agenda for 2024:

Featured speakers in 2024 include:

Yasuhiro Sazuka
Mitsui O.S.K Lines (Americas)
Enric Montserrat
Director Intermediate Chemicals Division,
Matthias Schwab
Head of New Business Development & Sustainability,
Sean Morgan
Executive Director,
NextEra Energy
Dario Formenti
System Manager Sustainable Fuels,
International Sustainability & Carbon Certification
Dave McCaskill
Vice President, Methanol and Derivatives Service,

200+ attendees

Network with leading experts and influential decision-makers from across the international market.

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3 days of networking

Develop new contacts during speed networking sessions, round tables discussions, networking lunches and evening cocktail receptions.

130+ companies represented

Join international companies from over 20 countries and build strategic partnerships with your global peers.

Related event: Argus Sustainable Marine Fuels Conference

Stay on in Houston and join the co-located Argus Sustainable Marine Fuels Conference taking place on September 11-13 2024, for insight into the future of fueling the shipping industry. The methanol sector will be there alongside shipowners, technology companies, regulators, port authorities, and the LNG, biofuels, ammonia, and hydrogen sectors.

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