EU signs critical minerals partnership with DRC, Zambia
The European Union has agreed to a partnership with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia to develop critical raw material value chains and improve rail transport connections in west Africa.
The EU, Zambia and DRC today agreed at the EU's Global Gateway Forum to closer co-operation on the integration of raw material value chains, funding for development infrastructure, sustainable and responsible raw material production, and research and development. But any concrete joint actions or funding from the agreement are yet to be announced.
Representatives of the EU, the US, Zambia, DRC and Angola also agreed their roles and objectives for developing the Lobito Corridor at the forum. The Lobito Corridor is an infrastructure project that is expected to connect parts of southern DRC and northern Zambia to the Angolan port of Lobito.
"The EU needs to secure a sustainable supply of raw materials, especially critical raw materials, as an essential prerequisite for delivering on green and clean energy objectives," the EU said.
The DRC is a major producer of cobalt, copper, tantalum and other minerals listed on the EU's critical raw material list, while Zambia is a major copper producer.
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