Argus European Benzene Forward Curves
Support investment and trading decisions: Get an independent market valuation tool and data for use in calculating value-at-risk, market-to-market accounting and financial statements preparation.
Manage your exposure to price volatility: Mitigate risk by locking in margins, giving you a longer price guarantee.
Base decisions on trusted, unbiased information: Utilise information based on Argus’ extensive coverage of petrochemical, crude and petroleum markets, including daily, weekly and monthly reports, as well as longer-term forecasts.
Key features

Daily assessments
Daily assessments for benzene ARA

Time-stamped using the appropriate daily settlement time for the ARA market.

Robust methodology
Independent and transparent market-appropriate methodology.

Delivery options
Receive our forward curve data via data feed, third-party channel partners, our client portal or via email.
Customers that benefit
The Argus European Benzene Forward Curves service is essential for anyone with exposure to European benzene markets. Below are examples of how some clients use this service:
Risk managers
Use our forward curves data for unbiased, third-party curve validation against counterparties, internal valuations, and for mark-to-market purposes for daily profit and loss assessments.
Rely on our extensive historical analysis to determine locational and temporal spread relationships and use prior-day curves on a daily basis as a reference when entering the market the following morning.
Product specifications

Argus forward curves
We offer a full suite of forward curves across key energy and commodity markets. Support your investment and trading decisions with our powerful, independent market valuation tool.
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