ARGUS Metals platform
Your definitive source of independent prices, data, news and analysis of the world's metals markets.
Built for the world's metals professionals
The Argus Metals platform provides best-in-class tools for consuming and analysing the 1,000+ price assessments and exchange data that you can access through a subscription. The tools on the platform are designed specifically with the needs of metals traders and purchasing executives in mind, and allows users to create a fully customised environment that increases efficiency and uncovers opportunities.
Explore the different parts of the platform
- Workspaces — Visit the workspaces our editors have curated for you and imagine how useful it would be to have your own data set up exactly how you want it
- Pricing & Data — Know exactly what Argus covers in each commodity group by exploring the full library of price assessments
- Exchange data — You can access exchange data elsewhere, but Argus creates a far more useful view to truly understand the dynamics of these complex markets
- News & analysis — Sample a few recent articles from Argus from each of our metals services
- Charts — See how Argus charts can be saved for easy reference and useful comparisons between any materials
- Argus Alloy Calculator — Learn about this unique and powerful tool that can help you estimate costs and the recovery value for any alloy and plan for surcharge increases
- Price alerts — If you are taking a position on an exchange price, this tool will alert you to when you may want to make a move
- Price index — Search the full library of prices on a single page and match a product to your needs
Advantages of the Argus Metals platform
- Enables powerful analysis of price assessment and exchange data from all over the world
- Facilitates detection of opportunities to leverage favourable trading conditions
- Clear taxonomy allows you to discover prices quickly and easily
- Extract and export historic data for multiple assessments easily
- Provide a customised view for each user in your organisation including defined currency and unit of measure settings
- Eliminate the need to repeatedly perform the same administrative tasks
- Set up and save workspaces, charts and custom reports that are dynamically updated
- Allows creation of synthetic prices to estimate values of materials where no spot market exists