Douglas Kerr
Vice President, Business Development, IFDCDouglas joined IFDC in December 2020. He has almost 20 years’ experience in business development and has worked on programme design for clients including USAID, the US Department of State, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the US Department of Agriculture, and other bilateral donors, such as the UK’s Department for International Development (now the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office), Global Affairs Canada, Germany’s GIZ and KfW, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the World Bank, African Development Bank and Asian Development Bank. Before joining IFDC, Kerr was Vice-President at US-based environmental consultant Ecodit, and before that he spearheaded business development at the National Cooperative Business Association, Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance, University Research Corporation, Social Impact, Abt Associates, JSI and Constella Futures (now Palladium). Douglas has a bachelor’s degree in politics and economics from Warwick University in the UK, a master’s in political science from Acadia University, Nova Scotia, and a PhD (ABD) from the University of Alberta, Canada.