Visão geral

O Argus AgriMarkets é um serviço essencial de inteligência de mercado e avaliação de preços que abrange os mercados globais de grãos, sementes oleaginosas e óleo vegetal. Oferece aos produtores, exportadores, intermediários e usuários finais informações exclusivas sobre os principais impulsionadores do mercado, ao mesmo tempo em que oferece visibilidade sobre mercados de dinheiro opacos em origens globais concorrentes e uma biblioteca de dados fundamentais que podem ser baixados.

Beneficie-se de informações e análises atualizadas sobre trigo global, milho, cevada, colza, soja, óleo de colza, óleo de girassol e tarifas de frete de grãos.

Principais recursos

Simple and clear daily PDF

Get daily news, key prices and analysis for wheat, barley, corn, soybeans.

Dedicated workspace

Bring together different information streams with your customisable real-time dashboard that combines market news, charts, assessments and prices.

Market movers

Review the leading news stories and most influential developments at a glance and skip to the story most relevant to your business.

Downloadable datasets

Download exclusive Argus Agriculture historical data for the grains, oilseeds and vegoils markets.

Weekly analysis

In addition to the daily insights, read the weekly vegoils markets analysis on Tuesdays, and the China corn analysis on Fridays.


Find charts, maps and visualisation on crop conditions, geopolitical news, harvesting progress and everything that shapes the global markets.

Clientes que se beneficiam

O AgriMarkets é o único ponto de serviço para todas as suas necessidades de inteligência de mercado de grãos, sementes oleaginosas e vegoils. Navegue facilmente em mercados turbulentos e opacos graças a avaliações de preços, notícias e análises imparciais, confiáveis e confiáveis.
  • Traders and analysts

    Access a full global view of competing origin pricing in the grains markets enabling you to price yourself competitively in tenders and private negotiations. 


  • Producers, cooperatives, agro-holdings

    Access reliable market intelligence, analysis and price discovery to help navigate volatility and uncertain market conditions, guide their forward selling, and ultimately manage risk. 


  • Millers and end users

    Gain a full global view of competing origin pricing for the grains markets, helping buyers to source products at the best price and ultimately protect margins and manage risk.
  • Shipping firms

    Access competing origin spot and forward pricing to aid better decision making on vessel positioning, along with tender information to forecast vessel demand. 


  • Fertilizer producers can

    Access global cash prices for grains and oilseeds markets to better understand farmers margins and ability to pay for fertiliser, gains insights into their decisions and acreage to become a robust, direct partner.