Argus Butadiene
Visão geral
Você obtém avaliações semanais de preços para butadieno, além de análises fundamentais de curto prazo, incluindo o status operacional da planta, fluxos comerciais e fatores de demanda.
Um relatório em PDF é entregue em sua caixa de email todas as semanas e você tem acesso 24 horas por dia, sete dias por semana a um painel poderoso e personalizável que exibe preços, além das últimas notícias, análises e comentários do mercado.
Principais recursos:
Global coverage
Global coverage, news and analysis in a single, concise and integrated service.
Regional prices
Price assessments for butadiene for Asia-Pacific, northwest Europe and the US Gulf coast.
Feedstocks insight
See how global ethylene cracker operations influence butadiene supply.
Fundamentals analysis
Plant operating status, trade flows, freight rates, logistics and demand drivers.
Dynamic dashboard
Powerful, real-time visualization tool designed to help you analyse your commodity markets faster.
Access to specialists
Responsive, experienced experts dedicated to your needs and remain close to your markets.
Clientes beneficiados
Producers of butadiene
Depend on our data and analysis for an independent view on supply, demand and market dynamics for negotiations, optimization and commercial management strategies.
Consumers of butadiene
Rely on our thorough, impartial reporting to weigh market dynamics during supplier and customer negotiations and plan for what lies ahead.
Traders, marketers and distributors
Reference our global price data and regional market analysis to review arbitrage and trade opportunities, and to support price negotiations.
Banks and investors
Access our price data to model listed companies producing, or with major spend on, butadiene. Use global market analysis and news to keep abreast of the latest market dynamics.
Especificações de Produtos
O serviço Argus Butadiene oferece uma análise semanal de preços de contratos e spot, notícias globais da indústria e principais fatores econômicos.