Argus Global Markets
Visão geral
Para obter informações vitais sobre os mais recentes desenvolvimentos do mercado internacional de petróleo, confira o serviço Argus Global Markets.
Com base na experiência diária da Argus em relatórios de preços de petróleo, este serviço oferece cobertura inteligente e independente sobre derivados, arbitragem, fundamentos de mercado e negociação global.
Principais recursos
Editoriais informativos
Notícias essenciais e análise dos desenvolvimentos mais importantes do mercado de petróleo.
Relatórios oportunos e aprofundados sobre os fundamentos que impulsionam os movimentos do mercado.
Mercados de futuros
Cobertura informativa do mercado de futuros.
Preços globais de petróleo
Obtenha uma seleção de preços que abrangem os mais importantes graus de petróleo de todo o mundo.
Modelo Argus Netback
Calcula as margens netback para uma variedade de petróleo bruto no noroeste da Europa, na costa do Golfo dos EUA e em Singapura.
Dados fundamentais
Turnarounds de refinaria, produção e manutenção, equilíbrio entre oferta e demanda, cronogramas de carregamento, importações, exportações e estoques.
Clientes beneficiados
Pode confiar em nossos dados durante todo o comércio, desde a análise pré-comercialização até os preços de liquidação para entrega a prazo.
Que precisam estar a par dos principais desenvolvimentos do mercado consideram nosso relatório uma fonte inestimável de informações.
Instituições financeiras
Use dados e insights da Argus para valorizar negócios e construir produtos financeiros sensíveis.
Especificações de produtos
O Argus Global Markets fornece informações vitais sobre os mais recentes desenvolvimentos no mercado internacional de petróleo.
- Equilíbrios de oferta e demanda para OPEP e não-OPEP, bacia do Atlântico, Ásia-Pacífico, Oriente Médio
- Produção de petróleo para regiões-chave, incluindo: América do Norte, América Latina, FSU, Oriente Médio, Ásia-Pacífico, África, Europa, OPEP e não-OPEP
- Dados semanais de ações dos EUA
- Avaliações de preço de grau de marcador de petróleo, incluindo forward North Sea, WTI Houston, WTI Cushing e Dubai
- Principais diferenciais de grau de marcador de petróleo
- Valores de retorno líquido para petróleo do noroeste da Europa, Golfo dos EUA, Ásia-Pacífico, incluindo; valor de porta de refinaria, valores de retorno líquido, margens de retorno líquido
- Mercados de futuros; volumes e juros abertos, preços de liquidação, posições longas líquidas
- Fórmulas oficiais de preço do petróleo
- Tarifas de frete e arbitragem para rotas chave para navios-tanque limpos e sujos
Principais avaliações de preço
As avaliações de preços de amônia da Argus são reconhecidas pelo mercado como indicadores confiáveis e confiáveis do valor real de mercado. Explore algumas de nossas avaliações de preços mais utilizadas e relevantes.
Argus RME biodiesel
The Argus RME (rapeseed oil methyl ester) price assessment is a key biofuel benchmark for Europe. The price assessment is used to price swaps and physical deals and in clearing and settlement through exchanges.
Argus European RED marine biodiesel indexes
Argus B24 (UCOME) dob West Med, Argus B30, B100 (Advanced Fame 0) dob ARA, Argus B30 (UCOME) fob ARA.
Gasoil diesel 50ppm fob offshore Lome STS cargo
The market’s first and only price assessment of low sulphur gasoil cargo for West Africa.
Argus steel scrap cfr Taiwan
The LME Steel Scrap CFR Taiwan (Argus) is a cash settled futures contract based on the reported arithmetic monthly average of Argus’ Ferrous scrap HMS 1/2 (80:20) containerised CFR Taiwan price.
US coking coal
Argus provides three fob Hampton Roads coking coal price assessments — low-volatile, high-volatile type A (HVA) and high-volatile type B (HVB).
Petroleum coke: Argus fob USGC high sulphur coke index
The Argus fob US Gulf 6.5pc sulphur 40 HGI petroleum coke index is the benchmark price reference for coke originating in the US Gulf and midcontinent and shipping to the seaborne market.
Baltic wood pellet
The fob Baltic wood pellet price assessment is the price reference for wood pellets sold out of Baltic ports in the 90-day spot window. It is also known as Argus fob Riga.
Argus WTI Midland
The Argus WTI Midland price is a volume-weighted average of spot trades. The oil price is a differential to Nymex light sweet crude futures settlement.
Argus WTI Houston
The light sweet crude oil price on the US Gulf coast is based on the Argus Houston WTI price, which is the most transparent WTI price indicator.
Argus WTI diff to CMA
The ideal adjustment factor to calculate the price of WTI at Cushing.
Argus Western Canadian Select
Argus Western Canadian Select examines Cold Lake and Western Canadian Select (WCS oil prices), the most active spots on the US Gulf Coast for heavy crude oil streams.
Argus waterborne fob Gulf asphalt
The US Gulf coast is a significant region for asphalt exports, and the swiftly changing nature of crude slates has increased the need for transparent benchmarks that accurately reflect prices.
Argus USGC Group I and Group II fob
Independent price assessments capturing the value of group I and II base oils exported from the US Gulf Coast.
Argus US West Coast SAF
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect the supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus US HRC
Hot-rolled coil (HRC) is the predominant finished steel form in the US domestic and global steel industry, and the foundation for many steel-based industrial products.
Argus US Gulf Colonial pipeline Cbob
Industry-leading price assessments for the most physical liquid gasoline market in the world.
Argus RME biodiesel
The Argus RME (rapeseed oil methyl ester) price assessment is a key biofuel benchmark for Europe. The price assessment is used to price swaps and physical deals and in clearing and settlement through exchanges.
Argus European RED marine biodiesel indexes
Argus B24 (UCOME) dob West Med, Argus B30, B100 (Advanced Fame 0) dob ARA, Argus B30 (UCOME) fob ARA.
Gasoil diesel 50ppm fob offshore Lome STS cargo
The market’s first and only price assessment of low sulphur gasoil cargo for West Africa.
Argus steel scrap cfr Taiwan
The LME Steel Scrap CFR Taiwan (Argus) is a cash settled futures contract based on the reported arithmetic monthly average of Argus’ Ferrous scrap HMS 1/2 (80:20) containerised CFR Taiwan price.
US coking coal
Argus provides three fob Hampton Roads coking coal price assessments — low-volatile, high-volatile type A (HVA) and high-volatile type B (HVB).
Petroleum coke: Argus fob USGC high sulphur coke index
The Argus fob US Gulf 6.5pc sulphur 40 HGI petroleum coke index is the benchmark price reference for coke originating in the US Gulf and midcontinent and shipping to the seaborne market.
Baltic wood pellet
The fob Baltic wood pellet price assessment is the price reference for wood pellets sold out of Baltic ports in the 90-day spot window. It is also known as Argus fob Riga.
Argus WTI Midland
The Argus WTI Midland price is a volume-weighted average of spot trades. The oil price is a differential to Nymex light sweet crude futures settlement.
Argus WTI Houston
The light sweet crude oil price on the US Gulf coast is based on the Argus Houston WTI price, which is the most transparent WTI price indicator.
Argus WTI diff to CMA
The ideal adjustment factor to calculate the price of WTI at Cushing.
Argus Western Canadian Select
Argus Western Canadian Select examines Cold Lake and Western Canadian Select (WCS oil prices), the most active spots on the US Gulf Coast for heavy crude oil streams.
Argus waterborne fob Gulf asphalt
The US Gulf coast is a significant region for asphalt exports, and the swiftly changing nature of crude slates has increased the need for transparent benchmarks that accurately reflect prices.
Argus USGC Group I and Group II fob
Independent price assessments capturing the value of group I and II base oils exported from the US Gulf Coast.
Argus US West Coast SAF
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect the supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus US HRC
Hot-rolled coil (HRC) is the predominant finished steel form in the US domestic and global steel industry, and the foundation for many steel-based industrial products.
Argus US Gulf Colonial pipeline Cbob
Industry-leading price assessments for the most physical liquid gasoline market in the world.
Argus RME biodiesel
The Argus RME (rapeseed oil methyl ester) price assessment is a key biofuel benchmark for Europe. The price assessment is used to price swaps and physical deals and in clearing and settlement through exchanges.
Argus European RED marine biodiesel indexes
Argus B24 (UCOME) dob West Med, Argus B30, B100 (Advanced Fame 0) dob ARA, Argus B30 (UCOME) fob ARA.
Gasoil diesel 50ppm fob offshore Lome STS cargo
The market’s first and only price assessment of low sulphur gasoil cargo for West Africa.
Argus steel scrap cfr Taiwan
The LME Steel Scrap CFR Taiwan (Argus) is a cash settled futures contract based on the reported arithmetic monthly average of Argus’ Ferrous scrap HMS 1/2 (80:20) containerised CFR Taiwan price.
US coking coal
Argus provides three fob Hampton Roads coking coal price assessments — low-volatile, high-volatile type A (HVA) and high-volatile type B (HVB).
Petroleum coke: Argus fob USGC high sulphur coke index
The Argus fob US Gulf 6.5pc sulphur 40 HGI petroleum coke index is the benchmark price reference for coke originating in the US Gulf and midcontinent and shipping to the seaborne market.
Baltic wood pellet
The fob Baltic wood pellet price assessment is the price reference for wood pellets sold out of Baltic ports in the 90-day spot window. It is also known as Argus fob Riga.
Argus WTI Midland
The Argus WTI Midland price is a volume-weighted average of spot trades. The oil price is a differential to Nymex light sweet crude futures settlement.
Argus WTI Houston
The light sweet crude oil price on the US Gulf coast is based on the Argus Houston WTI price, which is the most transparent WTI price indicator.
Argus WTI diff to CMA
The ideal adjustment factor to calculate the price of WTI at Cushing.
Argus Western Canadian Select
Argus Western Canadian Select examines Cold Lake and Western Canadian Select (WCS oil prices), the most active spots on the US Gulf Coast for heavy crude oil streams.
Argus waterborne fob Gulf asphalt
The US Gulf coast is a significant region for asphalt exports, and the swiftly changing nature of crude slates has increased the need for transparent benchmarks that accurately reflect prices.
Argus USGC Group I and Group II fob
Independent price assessments capturing the value of group I and II base oils exported from the US Gulf Coast.
Argus US West Coast SAF
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect the supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus US HRC
Hot-rolled coil (HRC) is the predominant finished steel form in the US domestic and global steel industry, and the foundation for many steel-based industrial products.
Argus US Gulf Colonial pipeline Cbob
Industry-leading price assessments for the most physical liquid gasoline market in the world.