Argus fob Mediterranean bitumen
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Detalhes das avaliações de preço
Quais são as vantagens da avaliação do preço do betume mediterrâneo da Argus fob?
A avaliação Argus fob Med é um preço direto que coleta transações, ofertas de venda, ofertas e movimentos de produtos petrolíferos em todo o Mediterrâneo, reunindo o mercado em uma única avaliação de betume. Nossa equipe está comprometida em garantir a mais alta qualidade nas avaliações de preços, dando prioridade às transações à vista.
Como essa avaliação é usada?
Os usuários da avaliação fob Med incluem traders, refinadores, gerentes de risco, planejadores, analistas, reguladores, produtores, usuários finais contratados, empresas de construção, bem como gerentes de fornecimento e compras.
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Principais avaliações de preço
As avaliações de preços da Argus são reconhecidas pelo mercado como indicadores confiáveis e confiáveis do valor real de mercado. Explore algumas de nossas avaliações de preços mais utilizadas e relevantes.
Argus des Shandong
Argus des Shandong reflects five oil spot markets in key regions for China oil imports.
Argus 8800 PRB
The Powder River basin is the largest coal-producing basin in the US and produces half of the coal used for US power generation. The coal is a cost-effective fuel choice for generators.
Argus NYH barge diesel
New York Harbor (NYH) is one of the largest clearing markets for diesel in the Atlantic basin. The price of a NYH barge is considered the bellwether of distillate demand in the US Northeast, and underpins several major futures contracts.
Argus TMX Fob Vancouver
Get a real view with Argus TMX market updates and comprehensive coverage
Argus Polyethylene Transaction Index
The Argus Polyethylene Transaction Index (PTI) covers indexes for LDPE, LLDPE and HDPE
Argus marine biodiesel B24 dob Guangzhou
The first independent spot price assessment for China
Argus European UCO price assessments
Trusted price assessments capturing the value of used cooking oil in Europe.
Argus US UCO price assessments
Trusted price assessments capturing the value of used cooking oil in North America.
Argus Asian UCO price assessments
Trusted price assessments capturing the value of used cooking oil in Asia.
Argus European RED marine biodiesel indexes
Argus B24 (UCOME) dob West Med, Argus B30, B100 (Advanced Fame 0) dob ARA, Argus B30 (UCOME) fob ARA.
Argus ESPO Blend
Pricing for light crude shipped through the East Siberia-Pacific Ocean
US coking coal
Argus provides three fob Hampton Roads coking coal price assessments — low-volatile, high-volatile type A (HVA) and high-volatile type B (HVB).
Argus/Coalindo Indonesian Coal Index (ICI)
The five prices of the ICI coal price assessments are weekly assessments by Argus and Coalindo Energy for the main Indonesian thermal coal grades sold on a fob Indonesia basis.
Argus/McCloskey's API 8
The API 8 price assessment is the benchmark price reference for the import market in China, the world’s largest coal consumer.
Argus/McCloskey's API 5
The API 5 price assessment is the key price reference used for coal supply agreements in the Australian and Chinese markets.
Argus/McCloskey's API 4
The API 4 price assessment is the benchmark price reference for 6,000 kcal/kg coal exported from South Africa’s Richards Bay Coal Terminal and is used in physical and over-the-counter contracts.
Argus des Shandong
Argus des Shandong reflects five oil spot markets in key regions for China oil imports.
Argus 8800 PRB
The Powder River basin is the largest coal-producing basin in the US and produces half of the coal used for US power generation. The coal is a cost-effective fuel choice for generators.
Argus NYH barge diesel
New York Harbor (NYH) is one of the largest clearing markets for diesel in the Atlantic basin. The price of a NYH barge is considered the bellwether of distillate demand in the US Northeast, and underpins several major futures contracts.
Argus TMX Fob Vancouver
Get a real view with Argus TMX market updates and comprehensive coverage
Argus Polyethylene Transaction Index
The Argus Polyethylene Transaction Index (PTI) covers indexes for LDPE, LLDPE and HDPE
Argus marine biodiesel B24 dob Guangzhou
The first independent spot price assessment for China
Argus European UCO price assessments
Trusted price assessments capturing the value of used cooking oil in Europe.
Argus US UCO price assessments
Trusted price assessments capturing the value of used cooking oil in North America.
Argus Asian UCO price assessments
Trusted price assessments capturing the value of used cooking oil in Asia.
Argus European RED marine biodiesel indexes
Argus B24 (UCOME) dob West Med, Argus B30, B100 (Advanced Fame 0) dob ARA, Argus B30 (UCOME) fob ARA.
Argus ESPO Blend
Pricing for light crude shipped through the East Siberia-Pacific Ocean
US coking coal
Argus provides three fob Hampton Roads coking coal price assessments — low-volatile, high-volatile type A (HVA) and high-volatile type B (HVB).
Argus/Coalindo Indonesian Coal Index (ICI)
The five prices of the ICI coal price assessments are weekly assessments by Argus and Coalindo Energy for the main Indonesian thermal coal grades sold on a fob Indonesia basis.
Argus/McCloskey's API 8
The API 8 price assessment is the benchmark price reference for the import market in China, the world’s largest coal consumer.
Argus/McCloskey's API 5
The API 5 price assessment is the key price reference used for coal supply agreements in the Australian and Chinese markets.
Argus/McCloskey's API 4
The API 4 price assessment is the benchmark price reference for 6,000 kcal/kg coal exported from South Africa’s Richards Bay Coal Terminal and is used in physical and over-the-counter contracts.
Argus des Shandong
Argus des Shandong reflects five oil spot markets in key regions for China oil imports.
Argus 8800 PRB
The Powder River basin is the largest coal-producing basin in the US and produces half of the coal used for US power generation. The coal is a cost-effective fuel choice for generators.
Argus NYH barge diesel
New York Harbor (NYH) is one of the largest clearing markets for diesel in the Atlantic basin. The price of a NYH barge is considered the bellwether of distillate demand in the US Northeast, and underpins several major futures contracts.
Argus TMX Fob Vancouver
Get a real view with Argus TMX market updates and comprehensive coverage
Argus Polyethylene Transaction Index
The Argus Polyethylene Transaction Index (PTI) covers indexes for LDPE, LLDPE and HDPE
Argus marine biodiesel B24 dob Guangzhou
The first independent spot price assessment for China
Argus European UCO price assessments
Trusted price assessments capturing the value of used cooking oil in Europe.
Argus US UCO price assessments
Trusted price assessments capturing the value of used cooking oil in North America.
Argus Asian UCO price assessments
Trusted price assessments capturing the value of used cooking oil in Asia.
Argus European RED marine biodiesel indexes
Argus B24 (UCOME) dob West Med, Argus B30, B100 (Advanced Fame 0) dob ARA, Argus B30 (UCOME) fob ARA.
Argus ESPO Blend
Pricing for light crude shipped through the East Siberia-Pacific Ocean
US coking coal
Argus provides three fob Hampton Roads coking coal price assessments — low-volatile, high-volatile type A (HVA) and high-volatile type B (HVB).
Argus/Coalindo Indonesian Coal Index (ICI)
The five prices of the ICI coal price assessments are weekly assessments by Argus and Coalindo Energy for the main Indonesian thermal coal grades sold on a fob Indonesia basis.
Argus/McCloskey's API 8
The API 8 price assessment is the benchmark price reference for the import market in China, the world’s largest coal consumer.
Argus/McCloskey's API 5
The API 5 price assessment is the key price reference used for coal supply agreements in the Australian and Chinese markets.
Argus/McCloskey's API 4
The API 4 price assessment is the benchmark price reference for 6,000 kcal/kg coal exported from South Africa’s Richards Bay Coal Terminal and is used in physical and over-the-counter contracts.