• 23 de janeiro de 2025
  • Market: Gas & Power, Net Zero, Biomass

In this first of a series of papers on the topic of Beccs & Biochar, we introduce each of these technologies and consider their place in the context of carbon markets. 

Key themes covered include:

  • The fundamental basis for the connection between carbon and biomass markets
  • What are Biochar & Beccs?
  • How are carbon markets structured?
  • Where Biochar and Beccs sit within the supply-side of the carbon market
  • The concept of carbon dioxide removals (CDR) and the significance of Biochar and Beccs to the demand side of the carbon market
Biochar and Beccs

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As a leading authority on energy and commodity markets across the globe, Argus is uniquely positioned to provide in-depth analysis and expert thought leadership. Our white papers are carefully written by Argus specialists from across our company. Each white paper focuses on a topical theme, exploring areas such supply and demand dynamics, price trends, trading activity and changing regulations. We always aim to provide a balanced view, underpinned by data and insight gathered first hand from the market.