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Argus Agriculture & Feedstocks Conference

Brussels, Belgium
20-21 March 2025
View pricing
22Дней осталось

Experts speakers include:

Michael Losch
Coordinator for Bioeconomy, European Commission

Kenichi Miyanagi
General Manager, Food Grain & Oilseeds Department, Mitsui & Co

Ryan Easterbrook
Head of Grains & OIlseeds, ADM Investor Services

Andrea Martelli
Head of Biofuels Trading, Supply & Sustainability, Eni

Andrea leads biofeedstocks and biofuels activities at Eni. He became the head of biofuels trading at Eni Trading and Shipping in 2019, with responsibility for redesigning and enlarging biofeedstocks and biofuels trading activities. In 2020 he took over the role of head of supply for Eni. Since 2021, he has been a member of the board of directors of Eni Trading and Shipping. With more than 17 years’ experience within the group, he has held roles in several countries, including as German and Austrian branch manager, head of gas and power sales in France, Italy and the Benelux, and lead originator for gas, power and emissions.

Stephane Bernhard
Global Head of Trading, ETG Commodities

André Paula Santos
Head of EU Policy, Nuseed

André is an experienced Brussels lobbyist who has worked in European affairs for a decade. Having represented the EBB since 2016, he works on EU climate and energy, trade and sustainability policies. Before this, André worked for several years as a consultant and public affairs adviser for EU associations, focusing on the challenges facing the energy sector. He is a qualified lawyer who holds a law degree and a master’s degree in administrative law and procurement. Besides his native Portuguese, André speaks fluent English and Spanish, as well as some French.

Daniel Lieberman
Global Sustainability Strategy and Engagement Lead, Nuseed

Aleksandra Błazeusz
System Manager, ISCC System

Aleksandra Błazeusz is System Manager at ISCC System, focusing on the certification of sustainable fuels under the RED II (Renewable Energy Directive). With a strong background in environmental policy and a keen focus on social and ecological sustainability criteria, Aleksandra has been at the forefront of further developing sustainability requirements for the production and use of agricultural and forest biomass under ISCC certification.

Arezki Djeloudji
Partner, Greenea

Arezki joined the biofuel ecosystem six years ago. His work has encompassed projects ranging from defining a long-term growth vision to commercial due diligence for mergers and acquisitions, for multinational client companies across the petroleum and biofuels value chain. He holds a master’s degree in aerospace engineering, graduated from ISAE-SUPAERO, the French Ecole Polytechnique and the University of Berkeley in California.

Claude Soude
Vice Chair of both Copa-Cogeca Bioenergy Working Party and Oilseeds/Protein Crops Working Party, Copa Cogeca

Charles Hary
Trading Manager, Agriculture, Medara Trading

Martin Clemesha
Technical Advocacy Lead, Braskem

Dr. Evgeniya Dudinova
Procurement Director Commodities/Grains, Agthia

Dr. Evgeniya Dudinova was born in the South of Russian Agriculture Farm. Her initial University education is in Economy and Management of Agri Industrial complex & Her Further PhD education in World Economics has boosted the view and main understanding of key elements of Global market environment. Nowadays after 6 years with Cargill (joined in July 2010) and 2 years with Al Ghurair Resources (Dubai), then CAFI (Dubai), she has joined in Jan 2019 Agthia Group to protect (59% of Abu Dhabi Government company) their rights as one of the biggest food, feed, and beverage company in Arab Gulf in terms of commodities procurement. In total as of today Dr. Evgeniya has more than 14 years of successful experience in Agri business worldwide what is giving Her a confidence to stay at the stage of trading main grain commodities to perform the best value of money for final consumers and grain suppliers. Strong view in terms of local markets as well as strong worldwide view allow us to build up right positions among multiple origins: US, Brazil, Argentine, Paraguayan, Russian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Canadian, Baltic, Australian, Indian, Tanzania, etc. Quality focus remains Her first and main key to success!

David Carpintero
Director General, ePURE

Volodymyr Korchun
Head of Trading, LNZ Trading

Angel Alvarez Alberdi
Secretary General, EWABA

Angel Alvarez Alberdi has been Secretary General of European waste-to-advanced biofuels association EWABA since its creation in 2013. EWABA is a Brussels-based trade association defending the interests of waste-based biofuel producers using feedstocks such as used cooking oil (UCO), tallow and other wastes to produce sustainable biofuels with greenhouse gas savings ranking among the highest available on the market. Angel has been working in EU government and institutional affairs in Brussels for the past decade, with a particular focus on energy matters and on EU legislative procedures. He started his career in Brussels with a stint at the European Commission’s Secretariat General, then worked for an international public affairs consultancy, the trade association European Biodiesel Board and a global law firm. A lawyer by training, Angel has an MA in European interdisciplinary studies with a major in EU governance from the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium.

Anton Zhemerdieiev
Chief Commercial Officer, TAS Agro

Anton Zhemerdieiev has extensive experience in various areas of agriculture: public administration (Parliament of Ukraine, Ministry of Agrarian Industry and Food), international trade (CHS Inc.), infrastructure (Maxigrain terminal), and production (Astarta, TAS Agro). He has successful experience in managing trade in grains, oilseeds and processed products, port transshipment, oilseed processing and auto/rail/sea logistics. He graduated from the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (two master’s degrees in "Commodity Science and Trading Business" and "Commercial Law").

Katharina Geiger
Policy Advisor Crop Production, German Farmers Association

Michael Carus
Executive Manager of RCI and Founder of nova-Institute

Carlo Hamelinck
Partner, studio Gear Up

David Fyfe
Chief Economist, Argus

David has more than 30 years’ experience of working in energy markets. Prior to joining Argus, David was most recently chief economist at commodity trading company Gunvor. Before this, he managed the oil industry and markets division of the International Energy Agency and edited its influential monthly Oil Market Report. David has a master’s degree in energy policy and economics from Imperial College London.

Fiona Poynter
VP Agriculture, Argus

Maxence Devillers
Senior Analyst, Argus

Fabricio Cardoso
Principal, Consulting, Argus