Dr. Evgeniya Dudinova
Procurement Director Commodities/Grains, Agthia Dr. Evgeniya Dudinova was born in the South of Russian Agriculture Farm. Her initial University education is in Economy and Management of Agri Industrial complex & Her Further PhD education in World Economics has boosted the view and main understanding of key elements of Global market environment. Nowadays after 6 years with Cargill (joined in July 2010) and 2 years with Al Ghurair Resources (Dubai), then CAFI (Dubai), she has joined in Jan 2019 Agthia Group to protect (59% of Abu Dhabi Government company) their rights as one of the biggest food, feed, and beverage company in Arab Gulf in terms of commodities procurement. In total as of today Dr. Evgeniya has more than 14 years of successful experience in Agri business worldwide what is giving Her a confidence to stay at the stage of trading main grain commodities to perform the best value of money for final consumers and grain suppliers. Strong view in terms of local markets as well as strong worldwide view allow us to build up right positions among multiple origins: US, Brazil, Argentine, Paraguayan, Russian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Canadian, Baltic, Australian, Indian, Tanzania, etc. Quality focus remains Her first and main key to success!