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  • 17 сентября 2024 г.
  • Market: Уголь, Металлы, Сырье для производства стали, Net Zero, Биомасса, Электроэнергетика, Уголь, Газ и электроэнергия

In this insight paper, Joseph Clark, Editor Coal at Argus, and his team of experts review the factors that are driving developments in the global coal markets.

The paper also highlights the key market factors to watch for over the remainder of 2024.

Key factors affecting the coal market:

  • Chinese economic growth
  • European industrial demand 
  • Infrastructure projects in India 
  • Impact of geopolitical conflicts 
  • Disruption of established trade routes   

To find out how the above factors will impact the market, download the Insight Paper now

About Argus Media

As a leading authority on energy and commodity markets across the globe, Argus is uniquely positioned to provide in-depth analysis and expert thought leadership. Our white papers are carefully written by Argus specialists from across our company. Each white paper focuses on a topical theme, exploring areas such supply and demand dynamics, price trends, trading activity and changing regulations. We always aim to provide a balanced view, underpinned by data and insight gathered first hand from the market.