Sustainable aviation fuels
As more global carbon reduction mandates come online, airlines will look to fulfil their environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) requirements with sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).
With any possible electrification option decades away, SAF is the only solution at this time for airlines to fly more sustainably. It is key that airlines and those in the aviation industry have visibility into the value of the fuel and its feedstocks.
Argus SAF price assessments provide that visibility. Our methodology, using real market transactions and bids/offers, results in prices that accurately reflect the specific supply/demand dynamics of this low carbon renewable fuel.
Why does Argus care about SAF?

Excited about an emerging market, crucial for decarbonising aviation.

Critical for pricing that allows the market to clear/ trade based on SAF’s own specific supply / demand fundamentals.

Key prices
We publish daily pricing of European SAF incl. Asian SAF netbacks and US SAF. Closely following the physical SAF market every day.

Market intelligence
Argus reporters speak every day to airlines, suppliers and producers.
Argus Open Markets® for European SAF
The first real-time spot pricing platform for SAF is taking off! Trades occurring daily for SAF fob ARA on Argus Open Markets®.

Learn more

Global SAF capacity
The data behind the map is also available in Data and Downloads on Argus Direct for subscribers.
Download nowSpotlight content
Spotlight on the European SAF market: Countdown to 2025
An Argus overview on SAF regulations, market fundamentals, and prices.
Insight PapersUS renewable feedstocks
From Fossil Fuels to Renewable Sources: The Future of US Feedstocks. Get insight into the feedstocks market as US production continues to shift toward renewable fuels.
FAQsUS renewable diesel market in 2024
Globally renewable diesel is expected to have the highest growth prospects of any renewable fuel in the short to medium term. We’ll discuss what is to come in 2024 and provide more in-depth insight into long-term supply and demand forecasts.
Insight PapersGlobal SAF markets
Argus shines a light on growing sustainable aviation fuel markets with an overview and coverage on mandates, airline involvement, and the value and outlook for SAF.
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