Argus Germany vDIP
Supplementary Price Assessments for the German Transport Sector
The Argus Germany vDIP price assessments provide a precise and reliable supplement to the existing price assessment for the German transport sector. This method of volume-weighted average price (vDIP) is less volatile as it is less affected by single extraordinarily high or low transactions, especially compared to the “mean” assessment.
Price assessment details
What are the advantages of the Argus Germany vDIP price assessment?
- Stability: The volume-weighted average is more stable and offers a more reliable price assessment.
- Fair Market Value: The vDIP guarantees a fair market value for the respective product at any given time.
How is this assessment used?
The vDIP is often used in supply contracts, typically based on a regional weekly average vDIP (e.g., South vDIP weekly). This ensures that the market value of the product is fair and reflective of the market.
How to access this assessment
Argus Germany vDIP price assessments are accessible through the Argus O.M.R Fuels service.
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Key price assessments
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Argus дизельное топливо с содержанием серы 10 ppm в Европе
Котировки дизельного топлива в Европе, отражающие сегодняшние торговые потоки
Argus non-oxy “E10” cargo gasoline
Объединение британского и северо-западныого европейского рынка бензина.
Argus UCOME biodiesel
Котировка Argus UCOME (подержанный метиловый эфир пищевого масла) является ключевым эталонным ценовым показателем для европейских рынков отходов биодизельного нефти. Основной базис котировки UCOME – fob АРА (диапазон), включая Антверпен, Роттердам, Амстердам, Дордрехт, Флиссинген и Гент. Argus также публикует котировку UCOME для Юго-Восточного Китая.
Argus jet fuel cif Northwest Europe cargo
Котировка обычно учитывает сделки и предложения на рынке партий авиакеросина объемом 30 тыс. т с доставкой в порты Северо-Западной Европы, включая Роттердам и Гавр, и отражает цены на продукт с доставкой в течение 10– 25 дней с даты публикации.
Argus Germany vDIP
Supplementary Price Assessments for the German Transport Sector
Argus Germany inland HVO price assessments
Trusted price assessment for the value of HVO100 in the German transport sector
Argus RME biodiesel
The Argus RME (rapeseed oil methyl ester) price assessment is a key biofuel benchmark for Europe. The price assessment is used to price swaps and physical deals and in clearing and settlement through exchanges.
Argus European RED marine biodiesel indexes
Argus B24 (UCOME) dob West Med, Argus B30, B100 (Advanced Fame 0) dob ARA, Argus B30 (UCOME) fob ARA.
Argus RED Advanced Fame 0°C CFPP fob ARA
The industry's first daily price assessment for an advanced biodiesel.
Argus jet fuel cif West Mediterranean cargo
The assessment is typically based on indications of trade, bids and offers expressed on an exchange-for-physical basis or as a differential to CIF Northwest European cargo price levels.
Argus HVO price assessments
Argus HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil) assessments are key prices for the European and Asian market, providing fair and reflective daily values for this growing and increasingly important renewable fuel market.
Argus fob Rotterdam bitumen
Benchmark price capturing the value of bitumen exported from northern Europe.
Argus fob Mediterranean bitumen
Bringing price transparency for trades from East to West Med.
Argus fob FARAG barge jet fuel
The assessment is typically based on a volume-weighted average of deals concluded on an exchange-for-physical basis for jet fuel loading 2-8 working days forward at Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Flushing or Ghent (FARAG).
Argus FAME Ø biodiesel
The most referenced benchmark price for biodiesel in Europe.
Argus European SAF
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect the supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus дизельное топливо с содержанием серы 10 ppm в Европе
Котировки дизельного топлива в Европе, отражающие сегодняшние торговые потоки
Argus non-oxy “E10” cargo gasoline
Объединение британского и северо-западныого европейского рынка бензина.
Argus UCOME biodiesel
Котировка Argus UCOME (подержанный метиловый эфир пищевого масла) является ключевым эталонным ценовым показателем для европейских рынков отходов биодизельного нефти. Основной базис котировки UCOME – fob АРА (диапазон), включая Антверпен, Роттердам, Амстердам, Дордрехт, Флиссинген и Гент. Argus также публикует котировку UCOME для Юго-Восточного Китая.
Argus jet fuel cif Northwest Europe cargo
Котировка обычно учитывает сделки и предложения на рынке партий авиакеросина объемом 30 тыс. т с доставкой в порты Северо-Западной Европы, включая Роттердам и Гавр, и отражает цены на продукт с доставкой в течение 10– 25 дней с даты публикации.
Argus Germany vDIP
Supplementary Price Assessments for the German Transport Sector
Argus Germany inland HVO price assessments
Trusted price assessment for the value of HVO100 in the German transport sector
Argus RME biodiesel
The Argus RME (rapeseed oil methyl ester) price assessment is a key biofuel benchmark for Europe. The price assessment is used to price swaps and physical deals and in clearing and settlement through exchanges.
Argus European RED marine biodiesel indexes
Argus B24 (UCOME) dob West Med, Argus B30, B100 (Advanced Fame 0) dob ARA, Argus B30 (UCOME) fob ARA.
Argus RED Advanced Fame 0°C CFPP fob ARA
The industry's first daily price assessment for an advanced biodiesel.
Argus jet fuel cif West Mediterranean cargo
The assessment is typically based on indications of trade, bids and offers expressed on an exchange-for-physical basis or as a differential to CIF Northwest European cargo price levels.
Argus HVO price assessments
Argus HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil) assessments are key prices for the European and Asian market, providing fair and reflective daily values for this growing and increasingly important renewable fuel market.
Argus fob Rotterdam bitumen
Benchmark price capturing the value of bitumen exported from northern Europe.
Argus fob Mediterranean bitumen
Bringing price transparency for trades from East to West Med.
Argus fob FARAG barge jet fuel
The assessment is typically based on a volume-weighted average of deals concluded on an exchange-for-physical basis for jet fuel loading 2-8 working days forward at Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Flushing or Ghent (FARAG).
Argus FAME Ø biodiesel
The most referenced benchmark price for biodiesel in Europe.
Argus European SAF
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect the supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus дизельное топливо с содержанием серы 10 ppm в Европе
Котировки дизельного топлива в Европе, отражающие сегодняшние торговые потоки
Argus non-oxy “E10” cargo gasoline
Объединение британского и северо-западныого европейского рынка бензина.
Argus UCOME biodiesel
Котировка Argus UCOME (подержанный метиловый эфир пищевого масла) является ключевым эталонным ценовым показателем для европейских рынков отходов биодизельного нефти. Основной базис котировки UCOME – fob АРА (диапазон), включая Антверпен, Роттердам, Амстердам, Дордрехт, Флиссинген и Гент. Argus также публикует котировку UCOME для Юго-Восточного Китая.
Argus jet fuel cif Northwest Europe cargo
Котировка обычно учитывает сделки и предложения на рынке партий авиакеросина объемом 30 тыс. т с доставкой в порты Северо-Западной Европы, включая Роттердам и Гавр, и отражает цены на продукт с доставкой в течение 10– 25 дней с даты публикации.
Argus Germany vDIP
Supplementary Price Assessments for the German Transport Sector
Argus Germany inland HVO price assessments
Trusted price assessment for the value of HVO100 in the German transport sector
Argus RME biodiesel
The Argus RME (rapeseed oil methyl ester) price assessment is a key biofuel benchmark for Europe. The price assessment is used to price swaps and physical deals and in clearing and settlement through exchanges.
Argus European RED marine biodiesel indexes
Argus B24 (UCOME) dob West Med, Argus B30, B100 (Advanced Fame 0) dob ARA, Argus B30 (UCOME) fob ARA.
Argus RED Advanced Fame 0°C CFPP fob ARA
The industry's first daily price assessment for an advanced biodiesel.
Argus jet fuel cif West Mediterranean cargo
The assessment is typically based on indications of trade, bids and offers expressed on an exchange-for-physical basis or as a differential to CIF Northwest European cargo price levels.
Argus HVO price assessments
Argus HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil) assessments are key prices for the European and Asian market, providing fair and reflective daily values for this growing and increasingly important renewable fuel market.
Argus fob Rotterdam bitumen
Benchmark price capturing the value of bitumen exported from northern Europe.
Argus fob Mediterranean bitumen
Bringing price transparency for trades from East to West Med.
Argus fob FARAG barge jet fuel
The assessment is typically based on a volume-weighted average of deals concluded on an exchange-for-physical basis for jet fuel loading 2-8 working days forward at Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Flushing or Ghent (FARAG).