
The Argus non-oxy “E10” cargo gasoline NWE cif price assessment better reflects for refiners, traders and buyers the actual physical grade of non-oxy gasoline, the type of gasoline needed increasingly as Europe moves to higher bio-ethanol blends of 10 pc.

Price assessment details

What are the advantages of the Argus non-oxy “E10” cargo gasoline price assessment? 

Argus provides comprehensive and transparent gasoline pricing for Europe and the world, based on the liquid ARA non oxy barge market. The cargo differential to ARA non oxy barge prices is calculated and reported daily on Argus bulletin board, along with the volume weighted average price of barge trades.

How is this assessment used?

Refiners and downstream gasoline buyers:

  • Argus is the benchmark for ARA, the gasoline hub in Europe and Argus’ non-oxy cargo price better reflects the market as it trades. Assessed as a differential to the ARA gasoline barge market and underpinned with very significant liquidity.
  • Provides a price out/sell price with an explicit margin for refiners’ gasoline vs. the key European Argus gasoline benchmarks.
  • Clearer line of sight for the refiners’ derivative gasoline exposure.
  • Transparent and easy to follow price developments throughout the day.
  • Predictability with instant reporting on the Argus bulletin board, you can stay on top of how the barge price is trading and how it determines the non oxy cargo value.
  • Helps reduces the time lag exposure from wholesale to pump pricing

Key price assessments

Argus prices are recognised by the market as trusted and reliable indicators of the real market value. Explore some of our most widely used and relevant price assessments.