Argus Нефтетранспорт
Сервис рассказывает о состоянии системы транспортировки нефти и нефтепродуктов, тенденциях развития отрасли и будущих проектах.
Ключевые особенности
мониторинг железнодорожных, трубопроводных, морских, речных перевозок, поставок автоцистернами, перевалки, сюрвейерских услуг, тарифов
Речной транспорт
регулярное отслеживание ситуации на рынке речных перевозок нефтепродуктов в европейской части России в период навигации и стоимости транспортировки
Морской транспорт
стоимость морских перевозок из Ростова-на-Дону/Азова, Таганрога, Темрюка и Кавказа на накопители Кавказ outside port limits (OPL), из Темрюка в Гебзе, из Новороссийска/Туапсе в порты Болгарии и Румынии, из портов Болгарии и Румынии в порты Грузии
Стоимость перевалки
цены на перевалку нефтяных грузов в портах России
Железнодорожный транспорт
ежемесячный мониторинг железнодорожных перевозок в танк-контейнерах;
Ставки фрахта
ежемесячный мониторинг стоимости фрахта танкеров на условиях тайм-чартера;
публикация расчетного фрахтового индекса для поставок нефти в пределах Черного моря танкерами класса Aframax и Suezmax; мониторинг дополнительных страховых премий за военные риски для судов класса Aframax и Suezmax, перевозящих нефть из российских портов, а также судов класса Handysize и MR, перевозящих нефтепродукты из российских портов; мониторинг ставок фрахта танкеров для транспортировки российской нефти танкерами класса Aframax и Suezmax и нефтепродуктов судами класса Handysize и MR
- аналитики торговых компаний — для подготовки собственных обзоров о ситуации на рынках;
- логисты портов — для изучения ситуации с грузопотоками в направлении портов-конкурентов;
- сотрудники торговых компаний — для поиска новой грузовой базы;
- специалисты торговых и транспортных компаний — для получения информации о пропускных способностях инфраструктуры и издержках транспортировки.
Логистика поставок нефтеналивных грузов из России на экспорт
- железнодорожные перевозки;
- трубопроводный экспорт нефти и нефтепродуктов;
- речные перевозки нефтепродуктов;
- морские перевозки нефти и нефтепродуктов;
- рынок портовой перевалки.
- ставки аренды нефтебензиновых и газовых цистерн;
- ежемесячная статистика трубопроводного и железнодорожного экспорта нефти;
- ежемесячная статистика железнодорожного экспорта нефтепродуктов;
- ежемесячная статистика железнодорожных перевозок в танк-контейнерах;
- ежемесячная статистика речного экспорта нефтепродуктов (в период сезонной навигации);
- стоимость фрахта танкеров на условиях тайм-чартера и стоимость морских перевозок нефти и нефтепродуктов;
- инфраструктурные обзоры нефтеперевалочных комплексов и интервью участников рынка.
Новости рынка транспортировки, публикуемые в режиме реального времени на клиентском портале Argus Direct, а также в ежемесячном отчете в формате pdf.
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Ключевые котировки
Argus RME biodiesel
The Argus RME (rapeseed oil methyl ester) price assessment is a key biofuel benchmark for Europe. The price assessment is used to price swaps and physical deals and in clearing and settlement through exchanges.
Argus European RED marine biodiesel indexes
Argus B24 (UCOME) dob West Med, Argus B30, B100 (Advanced Fame 0) dob ARA, Argus B30 (UCOME) fob ARA.
Gasoil diesel 50ppm fob offshore Lome STS cargo
The market’s first and only price assessment of low sulphur gasoil cargo for West Africa.
Argus waterborne fob Gulf asphalt
The US Gulf coast is a significant region for asphalt exports, and the swiftly changing nature of crude slates has increased the need for transparent benchmarks that accurately reflect prices.
Argus USGC Group I and Group II fob
Independent price assessments capturing the value of group I and II base oils exported from the US Gulf Coast.
Argus US West Coast SAF
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect the supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus US Gulf Colonial pipeline Cbob
Industry-leading price assessments for the most physical liquid gasoline market in the world.
Argus US Gulf Colonial pipeline 87 conventional gasoline
Captures the true value of this fuel, primarily used for exports or domestic blending.
Argus US Gulf colonial jet fuel
Key price reference for the most physical liquid jet fuel market in the Americas.
Argus UCOME biodiesel
The Argus UCOME (used cooking oil methyl ester) price assessment is a key benchmark for European waste biodiesel markets. The primary basis for the UCOME price assessment is fob ARA range — including Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Dordrecht, Flushing and Ghent. Argus also produces a UCOME price assessment for the southeast China region.
Argus US Colonial pipeline ULSD
The key index basis for diesel in the US and across Latin America.
Argus SAF fob Singapore
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus RIN and RVO
Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) are a tradeable commodity, allowing the holder to demonstrate compliance with the US Renewable Fuel Standard.
Argus renewable diesel
A full suite of comprehensive and reliable prices covering spot markets and margins in North America.
Argus RED Advanced Fame 0°C CFPP fob ARA
The industry's first daily price assessment for an advanced biodiesel.
Argus rail fob Midwest asphalt
The US rail fob midcontinent assessment includes prices for asphalt transported by railcar across the greater Midwest.
Argus RME biodiesel
The Argus RME (rapeseed oil methyl ester) price assessment is a key biofuel benchmark for Europe. The price assessment is used to price swaps and physical deals and in clearing and settlement through exchanges.
Argus European RED marine biodiesel indexes
Argus B24 (UCOME) dob West Med, Argus B30, B100 (Advanced Fame 0) dob ARA, Argus B30 (UCOME) fob ARA.
Gasoil diesel 50ppm fob offshore Lome STS cargo
The market’s first and only price assessment of low sulphur gasoil cargo for West Africa.
Argus waterborne fob Gulf asphalt
The US Gulf coast is a significant region for asphalt exports, and the swiftly changing nature of crude slates has increased the need for transparent benchmarks that accurately reflect prices.
Argus USGC Group I and Group II fob
Independent price assessments capturing the value of group I and II base oils exported from the US Gulf Coast.
Argus US West Coast SAF
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect the supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus US Gulf Colonial pipeline Cbob
Industry-leading price assessments for the most physical liquid gasoline market in the world.
Argus US Gulf Colonial pipeline 87 conventional gasoline
Captures the true value of this fuel, primarily used for exports or domestic blending.
Argus US Gulf colonial jet fuel
Key price reference for the most physical liquid jet fuel market in the Americas.
Argus UCOME biodiesel
The Argus UCOME (used cooking oil methyl ester) price assessment is a key benchmark for European waste biodiesel markets. The primary basis for the UCOME price assessment is fob ARA range — including Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Dordrecht, Flushing and Ghent. Argus also produces a UCOME price assessment for the southeast China region.
Argus US Colonial pipeline ULSD
The key index basis for diesel in the US and across Latin America.
Argus SAF fob Singapore
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus RIN and RVO
Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) are a tradeable commodity, allowing the holder to demonstrate compliance with the US Renewable Fuel Standard.
Argus renewable diesel
A full suite of comprehensive and reliable prices covering spot markets and margins in North America.
Argus RED Advanced Fame 0°C CFPP fob ARA
The industry's first daily price assessment for an advanced biodiesel.
Argus rail fob Midwest asphalt
The US rail fob midcontinent assessment includes prices for asphalt transported by railcar across the greater Midwest.
Argus RME biodiesel
The Argus RME (rapeseed oil methyl ester) price assessment is a key biofuel benchmark for Europe. The price assessment is used to price swaps and physical deals and in clearing and settlement through exchanges.
Argus European RED marine biodiesel indexes
Argus B24 (UCOME) dob West Med, Argus B30, B100 (Advanced Fame 0) dob ARA, Argus B30 (UCOME) fob ARA.
Gasoil diesel 50ppm fob offshore Lome STS cargo
The market’s first and only price assessment of low sulphur gasoil cargo for West Africa.
Argus waterborne fob Gulf asphalt
The US Gulf coast is a significant region for asphalt exports, and the swiftly changing nature of crude slates has increased the need for transparent benchmarks that accurately reflect prices.
Argus USGC Group I and Group II fob
Independent price assessments capturing the value of group I and II base oils exported from the US Gulf Coast.
Argus US West Coast SAF
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect the supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus US Gulf Colonial pipeline Cbob
Industry-leading price assessments for the most physical liquid gasoline market in the world.
Argus US Gulf Colonial pipeline 87 conventional gasoline
Captures the true value of this fuel, primarily used for exports or domestic blending.
Argus US Gulf colonial jet fuel
Key price reference for the most physical liquid jet fuel market in the Americas.
Argus UCOME biodiesel
The Argus UCOME (used cooking oil methyl ester) price assessment is a key benchmark for European waste biodiesel markets. The primary basis for the UCOME price assessment is fob ARA range — including Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Dordrecht, Flushing and Ghent. Argus also produces a UCOME price assessment for the southeast China region.
Argus US Colonial pipeline ULSD
The key index basis for diesel in the US and across Latin America.
Argus SAF fob Singapore
Using real market transactions to accurately reflect supply and demand dynamics of this low carbon fuel.
Argus RIN and RVO
Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) are a tradeable commodity, allowing the holder to demonstrate compliance with the US Renewable Fuel Standard.
Argus renewable diesel
A full suite of comprehensive and reliable prices covering spot markets and margins in North America.