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US may restore Venezuela diesel swaps, ease waiver

  • Spanish Market: Crude oil, Natural gas, Oil products
  • 20/01/21

The new US administration is considering whether to reinstate Venezuelan crude-for-diesel swaps and ease a key sanctions waiver, but policy reversals alone would not be enough to meaningfully revive the Opec country's oil production after years of neglect.

At his senate confirmation hearing yesterday, secretary of state nominee Tony Blinken said the administration broadly backs the policy of pressuring Caracas to hold new elections, but "I believe there's more that we need to try to do in terms of humanitarian assistance, given the tremendous suffering of the Venezuelan people."

That humanitarian bent is partly driving President Joe Biden's administration to weigh whether non-US companies can resume the diesel swaps, and whether to restore less restrictive waiver conditions on US companies with Venezuelan assets, industry officials tell Argus.

The steps would aim to alleviate Venezuelan suffering without altering the sanctions framework designed to oust President Nicolas Maduro, a goal the "maximum pressure" campaign of Biden's predecessor, Donald Trump, never achieved.

After the US imposed oil sanctions on Venezuela in January 2019, Spain's Repsol, Italy's Eni and India's Reliance engaged in diesel transactions with Venezuela's state-owned PdV on humanitarian grounds, with the US Treasury's grudging approval. Repsol and Eni loaded Venezuelan crude as payment from PdV for natural gas from their offshore Perla field and other debts, with low-sulfur diesel shipped back to settle their books. Top supplier Reliance lifted Venezuelan crude in exchange for diesel in straight swaps. The sanctions exclude US companies from all Venezuelan oil trade.

Unlike gasoline, the diesel transactions and the subsequent ban were never formally enshrined in the sanctions. US officials telephoned the three companies around August 2020 to say their tolerance for swaps had ended. Diesel supply wound down in late October, just before the US elections in which former president Trump lost re-election but prevailed in Florida, partly thanks to anti-Maduro policies favored by conservative Hispanic voters. Venezuela's US-backed opposition was tight-lipped about the diesel ban, reluctant to cross its White House patrons despite concerns about the humanitarian costs at home.

Transcendent sentiment

Topped off with some high-sulfur supply from PdV's dilapidated refining system, the low-sulfur imported diesel helps to run Venezuelan power generators, produce and distribute food, operate water pumps and run public transport. As gasoline grew increasingly scarce last year, Venezuela's modest private sector started to shift more toward diesel for light trucks, distribution fleets and tractors.

Since the diesel swaps ended three months ago, Venezuela has been mostly relying on inventories, but these are expected to dry up around the end of March, potentially aggravating power outages and food shortages.

Although Venezuelans tend to be divided over the sanctions issue based on their political inclinations, a majority of all stripes reject diesel sanctions, according to a September 2020 survey of 500 residents across the country conducted by Venezuelan polling firm Datanalisis that was shared with Argus.

"Diesel is the first product that is rejected in all of the clusters of self-described political identification, including the opposition," Datanalisis president Luis Vicente Leon told Argus.

The survey showed that 68pc of participants reject diesel sanctions, including 50.4pc of self-described government opponents and 72.5pc of independents, as well as 90.7pc of pro-government participants.

A restoration of diesel swaps for non-US companies could be balanced out with a return to the original conditions of a sanctions waiver that has allowed Chevron and four US oil services companies to remain in Venezuela. At issue are waiver restrictions imposed in April 2020 that permit the companies to preserve their assets but prevent them from conducting maintenance and paying hundreds of local employees. The waiver itself lapses in June.

Elusive rebound

The return of more flexible waiver conditions as well as the diesel swaps would breathe some life back into Venezuelan crude production. The country is currently producing around 400,000 b/d, half the level it was at a year ago, and far from the 3mn b/d it pumped in the 1990s.

The Orinoco heavy oil belt, once meant to catapult Venezuelan output to 6mn b/d, is only producing around 200,000 b/d as almost all of PdV's joint ventures with foreign partners are off line or stagnant. The exceptions are PetroPiar, with minority partner Chevron, and PetroSinovensa, with China's state-owned CNPC. PdV's mature eastern and western divisions that used to produce about 1mn b/d apiece are barely producing 100,000 b/d now. Most onshore gas production is flared.

Any significant upturn in Venezuelan production could be problematic for the Biden administration, which is sensitive to the future electoral repercussions of any perceived softening of US policy toward Maduro and his close ally Cuba. But regardless of the sanctions or any relief the Biden administration would implement, chronic operating problems such as electricity outages, equipment theft, impaired infrastructure and labor flight would keep a lid on Venezuelan output growth. Without structural changes and significant investment, Venezuela's oil industry has little chance of a turnaround.

As for exports, a restoration of the diesel swaps would allow PdV to diversify back into the Spanish and Indian markets. Others could open up if more non-US companies sign on to the swaps. Since the diesel ban took effect in October 2020, exports have mostly gone to China through obscure intermediaries in cash transactions benefitting Maduro, critics of the diesel ban say. US sanctions on tankers, including last-minute additions by the Trump administration, have only driven the trade further underground.

Argus has learned that US State Department officials are preparing to brief new decision-makers about the diesel issue. The emphasis is on unintended humanitarian consequences, including the risk to Perla gas production that supplies western Venezuelan power plants and residential demand. At the Perla gas field, Repsol and Eni are currently producing at capacity of more than 500mn cf/d despite the loss of the diesel-based payment mechanism. Instead, they are accumulating more PdV debt in anticipation of recouping payment through future diesel swaps.

Bolder action

The Maduro government is hoping the Biden administration will take bolder action on sanctions, especially after his chief rival, US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido, lost effective control of the National Assembly in December. But Biden plans to maintain US recognition of Guaido's authority and views Maduro as a "brutal dictator," Blinken told the Senate panel.

While the new White House is focusing on the Covid-19 pandemic, Iran and other priorities over Venezuela, Caracas may be feeling upbeat in spite of persistent international pressure over its human rights record. The US stance could converge with the EU's stress on negotiations that would lead to elections, erasing the zero-sum policy espoused by Trump and Guaido.

In the UK, Maduro might expect a victory later this year when the Supreme Court is expected to hear Venezuela's case to access half of the country's gold reserves in the Bank of England to pay for UN-coordinated pandemic relief. Closer to home, Venezuela scored propaganda points this week by supplying oxygen to pandemic-hit northern Brazil.

The picture is more complicated in the US. The opposition's hold over PdV's refining arm Citgo — an arrangement blessed by the Trump administration — is slipping away, potentially handing Maduro a short-term political gain but a longer term commercial loss. Creditors have all but given up on a near-term comprehensive debt restructuring, but US bondholders are hoping the Biden team will eventually allow them to trade their instruments.

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Eni confident on 2024 output, but Libya project slips

Eni confident on 2024 output, but Libya project slips

London, 26 July (Argus) — Executives at Italy's Eni are confident it will achieve the upper end of its 1.69mn-1.71mn production guidance for this year, but start-up of a key Libyan project is set to slip from 2026 into 2027. In a presentation of second-quarter earnings today, A&E Structure was one of two Libyan projects on a list of Eni's upcoming start-ups through to 2028 that will deliver some 740,000 b/d of oil equivalent (boe/d) of net production to the company. A&E Structure is a 160,000 boe/d gas development that will include some 40,000 b/d of liquids production, mainly condensate. A&E Structure is central to Libya's ability to sustain gas exports to Italy, which have dropped in recent years on a combination of rising domestic consumption and falling production. Supplies through the 775mn ft³/d Greenstream pipeline hit their lowest since the 2011 revolution in 2023, averaging 250mn ft³/d. The slide has continued since, with year-to-date volumes of around 160mn ft³/d on track for a record low. Eni's other upcoming Libyan project — the Bouri Gas Utilisation Project development that aims to capture 85mn ft³/d of gas at the 25,000 b/d offshore Bouri oil field — had already been pushed back from 2025 to 2026. For 2024 Eni expects to be "at the upper boundary of its guidance", according to chief operating officer of Natural Resources Guido Brusco. The company had a strong first half, during which output was 1.73mn boe/d — 5pc up on the year — thanks to good performance at assets in Ivory Coast, Indonesia, Congo (Brazzaville) and Libya. Brusco said Eni is in the process of starting up its 30,000 boe/d Cassiopea gas project in Italy, with first production expected next month, and the 45,000 b/d second phase of the Baleine oil project in Ivory Coast is expected to start by the end of this year. At Baleine, Brusco confirmed the two vessels to be used at phase two "will be in country in September and, building on the experience of phase one, we expect a couple of months of final integrated commissioning" before first oil. Eni also said today it would raise its dividend for 2024 by 6pc over 2023 to €1/share, and confirmed share repurchases this year of €1.6bn. It said there is potential for an additional buyback of up to €500mn, which is being evaluated this quarter. Eni's debt gearing is scheduled to fall below 20pc by the end of the year. Chief financial officer Francesco Gattei said these accelerated share buybacks would be possible if divestment deals are confirmed. By Jon Mainwaring and Aydin Calik Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Australia’s Ichthys LNG to restart liquefaction train


Australia’s Ichthys LNG to restart liquefaction train

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Dubai, 25 July (Argus) — The UAE today welcomed a UN-mediated agreement between Yemen's warring factions that could allay economic woes in the impoverished country. The UAE's ministry of foreign affairs hailed the 23 July announcement of an agreement between the internationally recognised Yemen presidential leadership council (PLC) and the Houthi militant group "with respect to airlines and the banking sector." The UAE, alongside Saudi Arabia, support the PLC. The agreement stipulates "cancelling all the recent decisions and procedures against banks by both sides and refraining in the future from any similar decisions or procedures," and calls for the resumption of Yemenia Airways' flights between Sana'a and Jordan at three a day and operating flights to Cairo and India "daily or as needed." The deal was reached two days after Israeli jets bombed the Houthi-controlled Red Sea port of Hodeidah. The internationally-recognised central bank in Aden in April ordered financial institutions to move their main operations from Houthi-held territory within 60 days or face sanctions. That deadline ran out in June, leading to a ban on dealing with six banks whose headquarters remained in Houthi-held Sana'a. The Houthis retaliated by taking similar measures against banks in PLC-held areas and seized four Yemenia Airways planes at Sana'a airport. The PLC said it hoped the Houthis would also meet a commitment to resume crude exports. Yemen's crude production collapsed soon after the start of the country's civil war, from around 170,000 b/d in 2011-13 to 50,000-60,000 b/d in 2022, according to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy. Data from analytics firm Kpler suggests Yemen has not exported any crude since October 2022. Threats yield results The Iran-backed Houthis earlier in July threatened to attack vital infrastructure such as airports and ports in Saudi Arabia, holding Riyadh responsible for decisions taken by Aden's central bank. The Houthis struck central Tel Aviv on 19 July, inviting an Israeli retaliation that took out a power station that supplies the Red Sea coastal city of Hodeidah and its port and fuel tanks, which are controlled by the Houthis. A breakthrough in the UN-mediated talks between the PLC and the Houthis resulted in the agreement on 22 July, a possible sign that Riyadh might have compromised to avoid a Houthi escalation. The Houthis have been attacking commercial ships in and around the Red Sea since November last year, six weeks after the breakout of the Israel-Hamas war, in what they say is an act of solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. By Bachar Halabi Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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Refining, LNG segments take Total’s profit lower in 2Q

London, 25 July (Argus) — TotalEnergies said today that a worsening performance at its downstream Refining & Chemicals business and its Integrated LNG segment led to a 7pc year-on-year decline in profit in the second quarter. Profit of $3.79bn was down from $5.72bn for the January-March quarter and from $4.09bn in the second quarter of 2023. When adjusted for inventory effects and special items, profit was $4.67bn — slightly lower than analysts had been expecting and 6pc down on the immediately preceding quarter. The biggest hit to profits was at the Refining & Chemicals segment, which reported an adjusted operating profit of $639mn for the April-June period, a 36pc fall on the year. Earlier in July, TotalEnergies had flagged lower refining margins in Europe and the Middle East, with its European Refining Margin Marker down by 37pc to $44.9/t compared with the first quarter. This margin decline was partially compensated for by an increase in its refineries' utilisation rate: to 84pc in April-June from 79pc in the first quarter. The company's Integrated LNG business saw a 13pc year on year decline in its adjusted operating profit, to $1.15bn. TotalEnergies cited lower LNG prices and sales, and said its gas trading operation "did not fully benefit in markets characterised by lower volatility than during the first half of 2023." A bright spot was the Exploration & Production business, where adjusted operating profit rose by 14pc on the year to $2.67bn. This was mainly driven by higher oil prices, which were partially offset by lower gas realisations and production. The company's second-quarter production averaged 2.44mn b/d of oil equivalent (boe/d), down by 1pc from 2.46mn boe/d reported for the January-March period and from the 2.47mn boe/d average in the second quarter of 2023. TotalEnergies attributed the quarter-on-quarter decline to a greater level of planned maintenance, particularly in the North Sea. But it said its underlying production — excluding the Canadian oil sands assets it sold last year — was up by 3pc on the year. This was largely thanks to the start up and ramp up of projects including Mero 2 offshore Brazil, Block 10 in Oman, Tommeliten Alpha and Eldfisk North in Norway, Akpo West in Nigeria and Absheron in Azerbaijan. TotalEnergies said production also benefited from its entry into the producing fields Ratawi, in Iraq, and Dorado in the US. The company expects production in a 2.4mn-2.45mn boe/d range in the third quarter, when its Anchor project in the US Gulf of Mexico is expected to start up. The company increased profit at its Integrated Power segment, which contains its renewables and gas-fired power operations. Adjusted operating profit rose by 12pc year-on-year to $502mn and net power production rose by 10pc to 9.1TWh. TotalEnergies' cash flow from operations, excluding working capital, was $7.78bn in April-June — an 8pc fall from a year earlier. The company has maintained its second interim dividend for 2024 at €0.79/share and plans to buy back up to $2bn of its shares in the third quarter, in line with its repurchases in previous quarters. By Jon Mainwaring Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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