Investidores pedem regulação para hidrogênio brasileiro

  • Spanish Market: Biofuels, Biomass, Electricity, Emissions, Fertilizers, Hydrogen, Metals
  • 20/09/23

O Brasil tem potencial para se tornar um dos principais fornecedores globais de hidrogênio, mas iniciativas para ampliar a produção necessitam de regulação do governo, afirmam investidores e pesquisadores.

"Uma paridade de preço competitiva [em relação a combustíveis fósseis] depende de incentivos e esforços do governo para estimular o movimento de zerar emissões", disse o gerente de desenvolvimento de produtos da Mercedes-Benz, João Marcos Leal, em evento do setor, realizado em São Paulo.

O potencial do hidrogênio no país se apoia na diversidade de fontes de energia renovável, além da experiência com o uso de biomassa como matéria-prima para combustíveis. O governo federal estima uma capacidade produtiva de aproximadamente 1,8 bilhão de t/ano da commodity, comparado às atuais 1 milhão de t/ano.

O presidente da Comissão de Transição Energética e Produção de Hidrogênio Verde da Câmara dos Deputados, Arnaldo Jardim, está trabalhando em um modelo regulatório para o hidrogênio.

O deputado reforçou a necessidade de uma "neutralidade tecnológica" na escolha das rotas de produção e defendeu a definição por uma categoria de baixo carbono do elemento químico.

Jardim disse que o governo estabelecerá medidas para a ampliação do hidrogênio como matriz energética. "Queremos iniciativas como tratamento tributário e garantias de que o governo possa conduzir leilões ou ter seu poder de compra utilizado para estimular a questão do hidrogênio."

Durante o evento, o parlamentar também sugeriu um pacote para estimular a demanda doméstica, como no uso da amônia verde, fertilizantes, aço verde, além dos setores de refino e transportes.

O país já possui um plano trienal para o hidrogênio, entre 2023-2025, no qual constam plantas em todas as regiões até 2025. Segundo o documento, o próximo passo é a consolidação do país como produtor competitivo da commodity de baixo carbono até 2030.

Tais perspectivas, no entanto, são incompatíveis com as ações do governo para o setor, devido à falta de um marco regulatório, na visão da Associação Brasileira de Energia Solar Fotovaltaica (Absolar). O presidente da entidade, Eduardo Tobias, destacou o uso da energia solar para produzir hidrogênio via eletrólise.

A Associação Brasileira de Energia Eólica (Abeeolica) também encorajou a produção do renovável a partir fontes verdes. "O custo do hidrogênio produzido usando energia de eólicas offshore já é muito competitivo", disse o diretor técnico da associação, André Themoteo. A Abeeolica prevê o início das operações da primeira usina eólica offshore do Brasil em 2030.

Portos preparam infraestrutura

Os portos brasileiros vêm anunciando novas infraestruturas para a produção de hidrogênio, na esteira de discussões crescentes sobre transição energética no país.

O porto do Açu, no Rio de Janeiro, planeja construir um polo de hidrogênio de baixo carbono de 4 gigawatts (GW), com capacidade para produzir 604.000 t/ano da commodity, 1,9 milhão de t/ano de amônia e 315.000 t/ano de e-metanol.

O projeto atenderá, principalmente, a demanda da indústria de fertilizantes. Além disso, há planos para beneficiar as movimentações de minério de ferro no porto e atender às demandas do setor marítimo, informou Eduardo Kantz, diretor executivo de ESG e questões institucionais do Porto do Açu.

O porto de Pecém, no Ceará, também terá um polo de hidrogênio. O pedido de licença ambiental já foi feito e a expectativa é de que que a produção de hidrogênio comece em 2027, de acordo com Fabio Grandchamp, vice-presidente de operações do complexo portuário.

Movimento similar é observado no porto de Suape, em Pernambuco, enquanto o porto de Santos, em São Paulo, considera a construção de uma planta de hidrogênio verde utilizando energia gerada pela sua usina hidroelétrica de Itatinga (SP), com capacidade de 15MW.

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Japanese bank Mizuho boosts support for H2, ammonia


Japanese bank Mizuho boosts support for H2, ammonia

Tokyo, 17 May (Argus) — Japanese bank Mizuho Financial aims to provide ¥2 trillion ($12.8bn) in financial support for domestic and overseas cleaner fuel projects by 2030 to support Japan's plan to build a hydrogen supply chain. Private-sector Mizuho is offering financing to low-carbon hydrogen, ammonia and e-methane projects related to production, import, distribution and development of hydrogen carriers. Mizuho said it has in the past offered project financing for large-scale overseas low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia manufacturing projects, as well as transition loans. Japan is focusing on cleaner fuel use in the power sector and hard-to-abate industries, as part of its drive to reach net zero CO2 emissions by 2050. Japanese firms are getting involved in overseas hydrogen projects because domestic production is bound to be comparatively small and costly. They are looking to co-fire ammonia at coal-fired power generation plants to cut CO2 emissions and examining use of the fuel as a hydrogen carrier . Japanese companies have also partnered with several overseas firms on e-methane. Mizuho has to date offered $1bn for cleaner fuel projects. The bank has set a goal to accelerate the setting up of a clean fuel supply chain by addressing the financial challenge faced by projects requiring large investments. Mizuho has attempted to help Japan's decarbonisation push by tightening biomass and coal financing policies. Mizuho has also stopped investing in new coal-fired power projects, including existing plant expansions. The bank has a plan to reduce the ¥300bn credit available for coal-fired power development projects by half by the April 2030-March 2031 fiscal year and to zero by 2040-41. By Nanami Oki Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Japan’s Jera to handle 35mn t/yr LNG until FY2035-36


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Osaka, 17 May (Argus) — Japan's largest LNG importer Jera plans to maintain its LNG handling volumes at no less than 35mn t/yr until the April 2035-March 2036 fiscal year. Rising renewable power supplies and the possible return of more nuclear reactors are likely to pressure LNG demand from Japan's power sector. Jera consumed 23mn t of LNG in 2023-24, down by 3pc on the year, although it handled 35mn t through its global operations during the same year. But Jera needs to secure sufficient LNG supplies to adjust for imbalances in electricity supplies and ensure power security, through more flexible operations. It is also looking to further promote LNG along with renewable electricity in Asian countries, while helping to reduce their dependence on coal- and oil-fired power generators. The 2035 target for LNG is part of Jera's three pillars of strategic focus, along with renewables as well as hydrogen and ammonia , which was announced on 16 May to spur decarbonisation towards its 2050 net zero emissions goal. The company plans to invest ¥5 trillion ($32bn) for these three areas over 2024-36. Jera also aims to retire all supercritical or less efficient coal-fired units by 2030-31 . This would help achieve the company's target of cutting CO2 emissions from its domestic business by at least 60pc against 2013-14 levels by 2035-36. By Motoko Hasegawa Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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Biomass start-ups lift Japan's Renova April power sales

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Trade curbs spur Chinese battery firms to look overseas


Trade curbs spur Chinese battery firms to look overseas

Beijing, 17 May (Argus) — An increasing number of Chinese battery firms have accelerated their expansions outside China, to meet buoyant overseas demand and to tackle escalating geopolitical curbs. These curbs include the US' newly announced tariff hikes on China's electric vehicles (EVs) and batteries from 2024 or 2026, and the EU's potential punitive duties on battery EVs originating from China. The US' Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the EU's Critical Raw Material Act have also prompted many Chinese battery material producers to step up their overseas expansions. China's battery material manufacturer Hunan Zhongke Electric has unveiled a plan to invest no more than 5bn yuan ($692mn) to build a production plant for battery anode material in Morocco, in which some other Chinese firms have also invested in similar projects. The plant has a designed capacity of 100,000 t/yr and will be developed in two phases with 50,000 t/yr each. The firm aims to complete plant construction for each phase in 24 months. Zhongke is a major battery anode material producer in China with 210,000 t/yr of capacity as of the end of 2023. Its output of anode materials rose to 143,513t in 2023, up by 14pc from 125,460t a year earlier, driven by the country's rising EV sales. It aims to expand overseas sales in the coming years. Major Chinese copper producer Zhejiang Hailiang also outlined a plan to build a 25,000 t/yr production plant for copper foil used in lithium-ion batteries in Morocco. Construction will take 36 months. "The layout of the Morocco project can help us penetrate into the European and US markets as soon as possible as exports from Morocco are duty free to these markets," Hailiang said. "This will help us avoid any international trade barrier." Morocco is one of the main destinations for Chinese companies to invest in and build overseas battery component plants given its abundant resources for phosphate, a main chemical compound in a lithium iron phosphate battery, and its free trade agreement (FTA) with the US. It is also a major cobalt metal producing country outside China, with cobalt being a critical mineral used in the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries. Major Chinese battery material producer EVE Energy is on track to develop a production project for energy storage batteries in Malaysia. It will establish a subsidiary EVE Energy Malaysia Energy Storage to develop this project to meet Malaysia's energy storage battery demand, although it has not disclosed the capacity, construction schedules and launch dates. The plant is the second phase of EVE's new energy products development in Malaysia. It in August 2023 started building a plant for cylindrical batteries mainly used in electric two-wheelers and electric tools in the southeast Asian country. The firm said the US' new tariff hikes will not affect its business because it had planned the Malaysia projects for consumer batteries and energy storage in advance, and these projects will support shipments to US consumers by 2026. New US tariff hikes US president Joe Biden's administration announced on 14 May that the tariff on lithium-ion EV batteries will immediately increase to 25pc, while the tariff on all other lithium-ion batteries is set to increase to 25pc in 2026, both from the current rate of 7.5pc. This is likely to trigger more Chinese battery companies to increase their overseas investments to avoid the tax, according to industry participants. The US' tariff hikes have drawn strong criticism from China. "Politicising and instrumenting economic and trade issues is typical political manipulation," said the country's ministry of commerce. "The Section 301 tariff hikes goes against President Biden's promise of 'not seeking to contain China's development' or 'not seeking to break the chain of decoupling from China'. The US should immediately correct its wrongful actions and cancel the tariffs. China will take 'resolute" measures to safeguard its own rights and interests'." Chinese battery firms' investments in Morocco Company Products Capacity Launch dates CNGR CAM precursors, LFP, black mass 120,000 t/yr, 60,000 t/yr, 30,000 t/yr 4Q, 2024 BTR CAM 50,000 t/yr N/A Hunan Zhongke Anode material 100,000 t/yr in 24 months Huayou Cobalt/LG LFP 50,000 t/yr in 2026 Huayou Cobalt/LG Lithium salts 52,000 t/yr N/A Sichuan Yahua/LG Lithium hydroxide N/A N/A Hailiang Li-ion battery copper foil 25,000 t/yr in 36 months Source: Company releases Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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