Первая грузовая компания сменила собственника

  • Spanish Market: Coal, Fertilizers, Metals
  • 03/11/23

Контроль над одним из крупнейших железнодорожных операторов России — Первой грузовой компанией (ПГК) — перешел от Fletcher Group Holdings (Кипр) бизнесмена Владимира Лисина к компании «Аврора Инвест», согласно корпоративному письму генерального директора ПГК Сергея Каратаева, сообщили источники, близкие к компании. Участники операторского рынка ранее обсуждали возможность смены собственника.

Каратаев отметил в письме, что новый собственник подтвердил прежний курс на «расширение объема бизнеса в полувагонах, крытых вагонах и фитинговых платформах, а также на операционную эффективность и улучшение клиентского опыта».

Официально в ПГК смену владельца не комментируют. Сумма сделки также неизвестна. Источники на операторском рынке оценивают стоимость компании в 200—210 млрд руб. ($2,14—2,25 млрд по курсу Центрального банка России на 2 ноября).

ПГК была выкуплена Лисиным у РЖД двумя траншами: 75% минус две акции за 125,5 млрд руб. в 2011 г. (примерно $4,2 млрд по курсу ЦБР на момент продажи) и оставшийся пакет за 50 млрд руб. в 2012 г. (около $1,6 млрд).

«Аврора Инвест» зарегистрирована в Москве, с августа компанию возглавляет Елена Чайковская, по данным системы «Контур.Фокус». Ранее генеральным директором была Юлия Терсаакова, которая также является главой компании «Вектор Рейл», принадлежащей бизнесмену Алексею Тайчеру и совладельцам оператора «СГ-транс» Руслану и Тимуру Бабаевым. «Аврора Инвест», «Вектор Рейл» и «СГ-транс» зарегистрированы по одному адресу. Именно Тайчера несколько источников на рынке оперирования считают конечным покупателем ПГК, однако сам бизнесмен в беседе с Argus опроверг свое участие в сделке.

ПГК — крупный участник рынка, в оперировании компании по состоянию на начало III квартала находилось 72,1 тыс. полувагонов, 15,6 тыс. крытых вагонов, 1 тыс. хопперов-окатышевозов и 3,3 тыс. платформ, включая 1,3 тыс. фитингов, по данным участников рынка. В залоге у ПГК находится один из крупнейших операторов фитинговых платформ — «Транс Синергия» (4,6 тыс. единиц в оперировании по состоянию на начало III квартала).


Перспективы развития рынков удобрений в фокусе обсуждения конференции «Argus Минеральные удобрения – 2022. Рынки стран СНГ, Каспия и Черного моря» 15-16 сентября, Батуми (Грузия).

Больше ценовой информации и аналитических материалов о рынке транспортировки навалочных, генеральных грузов и контейнеров — в ежемесячном отчете «Argus Логистика сухих грузов».

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Produção de veículos aumenta em abril


Produção de veículos aumenta em abril

Sao Paulo, 8 May (Argus) — A produção brasileira de veículos subiu 24pc em abril, em um cenário de vendas crescentes no mercado interno. A produção de veículos atingiu 222.115 unidades em abril, em comparação com 178.853 no mesmo mês em 2023, informou a Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veículos Automotores (Anfavea). Em relação a março, a produção cresceu 13pc. No acumulado desde janeiro, houve alta de 6,3pc, para 760.114 unidades. Já as vendas saltaram 37pc em comparação com o mesmo período do ano anterior. O licenciamento de veículos totalizou 220.840 unidades no mês, 17pc maior do que em março. O Brasil exportou cerca de 27.330 unidades em abril, queda de 19pc na base anual e alta de 16pc em relação ao mês anterior. "Temos pela frente alguns pontos de alerta, como a redução do ritmo de queda dos juros e os efeitos da calamidade no Rio Grande do Sul", disse o presidente da Anfavea, Márcio de Lima Leite. Leite acrescentou que as enchentes no estado já estão afetando fábricas de veículos, máquinas agrícolas e componentes usados por toda a cadeia automotiva. As chuvas já deixaram mais de 100 mortos, segundo a Defesa Civil do Rio Grande do Sul. Outras 128 pessoas estão desaparecidas e cerca de 164.000 perderam suas casas. Por Laura Guedes Participação de mercado de veículos leves por combustível % Abr-24 Abr-23 ± (pp) Gasolina 3,6 2,5 1,1 Elétricos 3,2 0,4 2,8 Híbridos 2,3 2,1 0,2 Híbridos Plug-in 1,7 0,7 1 Flex 79,5 83,4 3,9 Diesel 9,6 10,9 -1,3 Anfavea Envie comentários e solicite mais informações em feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . Todos os direitos reservados.

Low US natgas prices help ammonia economics


Low US natgas prices help ammonia economics

Houston, 8 May (Argus) — Nitrogen fertilizer production costs in the US are primed to hit historically low levels through the third quarter, potentially creating favorable margin and arbitrage opportunities during the offseason as bloated natural gas inventories depress key feedstock prices. Estimated ammonia production costs for most US producers tied to Henry Hub natural gas prices have spent the last 12 consecutive weeks below $100/short ton (st) on sub-$2/mmBtu feedstock prices. They should benefit from sub-$3/mmBtu natural gas costs through October, based on the 7 May Nymex futures curve. A mild winter stemmed seasonal withdrawals from natural gas storage and mitigated heating demand. US natural gas inventories exited the 2023-24 winter at the highest seasonal levels in eight years. High inventories help contain US gas prices by easing concerns about spikes in demand or supply shortfalls. Slackened natural gas demand has continued through April and has maintained downward price pressure, even as producers curtail output. The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) said that it expects inventory growth to lag average levels in the coming months as producers cut output in response to lower prices. But inventories were still expected to exit the injection season, when gas stockpiles are replenished to meet winter heating needs, at an all-time high above 4.1 Tcf, the EIA said. Natural gas is the primary feedstock for US ammonia producers, comprising on average 60-70pc of total production costs at current prices. Ammonia production costs have not spent this long below $100/st since May-July 2020, according to Argus data. Ammonia is a key feedstock for urea and UAN manufacturing. Sinking feedstock ammonia costs lowers the cost floor for upgraded nitrogen alternatives and fosters favorable margin opportunities. US producer CF Industries said during its first quarter results the energy curves between North America and Europe — with the latter a higher-cost ammonia production hub — remain wider than historical levels, creating potential arbitrage scenarios. Ammonia production costs based on the Dutch TTF natural gas day-ahead contract, which serves as the European benchmark, have averaged more than three-times more than those tied to Henry Hub since January, according to Argus data. "Longer term, we expect the global energy cost structure to continue to provide significant margin opportunities for our North American production network," CF chief executive Tony Will said during the company's earnings call. By Connor Hyde Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Enchentes afetam operações de empresas no Sul do Brasil


Enchentes afetam operações de empresas no Sul do Brasil

Sao Paulo, 8 May (Argus) — Diversas empresas brasileiras suspenderam operações no Rio Grande do Sul em razão das chuvas intensas que causaram diversos alagamentos e danos à infraestrutura. As enchentes ocasionadas pelo recorde de chuvas geraram pelo menos 83 mortes e 111 pessoas desaparecidas, de acordo com o governo estadual. Mais de 23.000 pessoas foram obrigadas a deixarem suas casas em meio a danos generalizados, incluindo pontes e rodovias inundadas em diversas cidades. A barragem da usina hidrelétrica 14 de Julho, com capacidade de 100MW, no rio das Antas, rompeu na semana passada em meio às fortes chuvas. A Companhia Energética Rio das Antas (Ceran), que opera a usina, implementou um plano de evacuação de emergência em 1 de maio. A produtora de aço Gerdau informou em 6 de maio que suspendeu suas operações em duas unidades no estado até que seja assegurada a "segurança e proteção das pessoas". A empresa não divulgou o volume de produção de aço dessas unidades. A empresa de logística Rumo interrompeu parcialmente suas operações e informou que os "danos aos ativos ainda estão sendo devidamente mensurados". A gigante petroquímica Braskem desligou duas unidades no complexo petroquímico Triunfo, como uma medida de prevenção em decorrência dos "eventos climáticos extremos" no estado, afirmou em 3 de maio. A empresa adicionou que não há expectativa de data para retomar as atividades. A Braskem opera oito unidades industriais no Rio Grande do Sul, que produzem 5 milhões de toneladas (t)/ano de petroquímicos básicos, polietileno e polipropileno, de acordo com seu website. Por Carolina Pulice Envie comentários e solicite mais informações em feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . Todos os direitos reservados.

New Zealand’s Genesis Energy to resume coal imports


New Zealand’s Genesis Energy to resume coal imports

Sydney, 8 May (Argus) — New Zealand's upstream firm and utility Genesis Energy plans to resume thermal coal imports later this year to feed its dual gas- and coal-fired Huntly power plant. The resumption was because of lower domestic gas production and rapidly declining coal stockpiles, and will mark the firm's first coal imports since 2022. Coal inventories at the 953MW Huntly plant, — New Zealand's largest power station by capacity and the country's only coal-fired facility — recently slipped below 500,000t, down from 624,000t at the end of March, and will fall below 350,000t by the end of the winter. This will trigger a need to purchase more coal to maintain a target operational stockpile of around 350,000t ahead of winters in 2025 and 2026, the company said on 8 May. Imports are currently the most efficient option for the quantity the company will need, with a delivery time of around three months, chief executive Malcolm Johns said. Genesis typically imports from Indonesia, the company told Argus . Gas production in New Zealand has dropped at a faster rate than expected, with major field production in April down by 33pc on the year, Genesis said. Lower gas availability typically leads to more coal burn, because the Huntly plant runs on gas and coal. This is in addition to an extended period of low hydropower inflows in recent months, which required higher thermal generation to ensure supply security. A prolonged outage at Huntly's unit 5 gas turbine between June 2023 and January 2024 also led to an even greater need for coal-fired generation, Genesis said. Biomass transition The company — which is 51pc owned by the state — is the second-largest power retailer in New Zealand, behind domestic utility Mercury, according to data from the Electricity Authority. It has a NZ$1.1bn ($659mn) programme for renewable power generation and grid-scale battery storage , which includes a potential replacement of coal with biomass at Huntly. But the transition to biomass "will take some years," Johns said. Genesis has successfully completed a biomass burn trial at Huntly last year and has collaboration agreements with potential New Zealand pellet suppliers, but there is currently no local source for the type of pellets needed for the plant. Genesis is hoping to move to formal agreements "as soon as counterparties are able". The company will not consider importing pellets, it told Argus . "We will only use biomass if we can secure a local New Zealand supply chain that is sustainable and cost-effective," it said. Domestic gas production New Zealand's three-party coalition government said separately on 8 May that the "material decline" in local gas production threatens energy security, blaming the previous Labour party-led government for "policy decisions which have disincentivised investment in gas production." The decisions — which were part of the former government's pledge to achieve a carbon-neutral economy by 2050 — led to a reduction in exploration for new gas resources since 2021, while suppressed maintenance drilling reduced production from existing gas fields, according to a joint release from energy minister Simeon Brown and resources minister Shane Jones. "Due to this significant reduction in gas production, the government has also been advised that some large gas consumers are expressing concern about their ability to secure gas contracts," the government said. Major industrial users such as Canada-based methanol producer Methanex have been forced to reduce production as a result, it noted. "We are working with the sector to increase production, and I will be introducing changes to the Crown Minerals Act to parliament this year that will revitalise the sector and increase production," Jones added. By Juan Weik Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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