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Importação pesa na produção de veículos em janeiro

  • Spanish Market: Battery materials, Biofuels, Metals, Oil products
  • 08/02/24

A produção brasileira de veículos ficou estável em janeiro, com importações registrando o maior resultado em dez anos e exportações em queda.

O país produziu 152.564 veículos em janeiro, praticamente sem mudanças em relação às 152.666 unidades no mesmo período em 2023, de acordo com a Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veículos Automotores (Anfavea). Em comparação a dezembro, houve recuo de 11pc.

A baixa na produção foi impulsionada principalmente por uma elevação histórica nas importações de veículos. As chegadas atingiram 31.500 unidades, o maior volume desde janeiro de 2014, com a Argentina representando 46pc deste total.

A participação de mercado chinesa no setor automotivo brasileiro também está crescendo significativamente nos últimos anos, saltando para 25pc das importações no mês passado, ante 2pc no mesmo intervalo em 2020. A Anfavea não forneceu dados sobre a fatia de mercado da China em 2023.

O retorno das tarifas de importações sobre veículos elétricos direcionou o aumento das chegadas, segundo o presidente da associação, Márcio de Lima Leite.

"Muitas empresas importaram volumes maiores que a demanda em dezembro para vender em janeiro e fevereiro", disse Leite, acrescentando que veículos elétricos e híbridos corresponderam a 14pc e 19pc das importações do mês, respectivamente.

Enquanto isso, as vendas de veículos cresceram para 161.615 unidades em janeiro, alta de 13pc frente ao mesmo intervalo em 2023 e redução de 35pc em comparação a dezembro.

O Brasil exportou 18.837 veículos no período, queda de 43pc na base anual e de 26pc em relação ao mês anterior. As vendas para a Argentina, Colômbia e Chile caíram 19pc, 79pc e 60pc, respectivamente.


As regulamentações para o Mover, o novo programa de descarbonização da frota de transporte, serão lançadas até o fim do Carnaval, confirmou o vice-presidente e ministro do Desenvolvimento, Indústria, Comércio e Serviços (MDIC), Geraldo Alckmin, durante a entrevista coletiva da Anfavea nesta quinta.

A iniciativa ainda é uma Medida Provisória (MP) instituída pelo governo do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e estabelecerá requisitos obrigatórios para a comercialização de novos veículos produzidos internamente e unidades importadas.

"Vamos trabalhar no Congresso para o mais rapidamente possível termos a aprovação da MP", afirmou Alckmin.

A Anfavea elogiou o programa e destacou seu potencial para angariar mais investimentos para a indústria automotiva.

Até o fim de janeiro, o país já atraiu mais de R$41 bilhões em investimentos de várias montadoras, como Volkswagen, GM, Stellantis, Renault e outras.

"Iremos passar de R$100 bilhões [em investimentos]", previu Leite.

Participação de mercado de veículos leves por combustível%
Jan-24Jan-23± (pp)
Híbridos Plug-in2,51,21,3

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Blast furnace works cut S Korea's Posco 2Q steel output

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EU could launch 'other countries' HRC dumping probe


EU could launch 'other countries' HRC dumping probe

London, 25 July (Argus) — The European Commission soon could initiate a dumping investigation on some exporters selling into the 'other countries' quota for hot-rolled coil (HRC), according to multiple market sources. The 'other countries' quota in recent quarters has consistently filled rapidly upon resetting, and this pressure has been intensified by rising Chinese exports since August of last year. Some key 'other countries' sellers have seen the volumes they take from China balloon as a result. Vietnam bought more than 4.2mn t from China in the first six months of this year, compared with about 6mn t in the whole of 2023. China's increased exports has sparked talk that both India and Vietnam may start anti-dumping duty investigations. When announcing its 15pc cap on countries selling into the 'other countries' quota, the commission specifically alluded to the increase in Chinese exports affecting trade flows. Vietnam, Egypt, Japan and Taiwan are by far the largest sellers into the 'other countries' quota, and all of the countries initially exceeded their 141,849t cap quickly when the new quotas took force on 1 July. In April, before the cap was implemented, these four countries amounted for more than half of the 1.4mn t imported by the EU. The 'other countries' quota has essentially been reduced from 940,000 t/quarter to less than 600,000 t/quarter given the new cap. Sources suggested duties could be applied retroactively if the commission finds that material has been dumped. They also suggested it could be difficult to show dumping in some countries, such as Vietnam and Egypt, where domestic prices are often below export levels. A leading producer was gathering information on Egyptian cargoes arriving at EU ports in recent months, a trading firm said. The commission refused to comment on any potential investigation. By Colin Richardson Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

China raises EV, ICE vehicles trade-in subsidies


China raises EV, ICE vehicles trade-in subsidies

Beijing, 25 July (Argus) — The Chinese government has raised subsidies to boost trade-in of old internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles with new energy vehicles (NEV). The subsidy for consumers who trade in an old NEV registered before 30 April 2018 or an ICE vehicle that meets or is below China's national 3 emission standard for a new NEV has doubled to 20,000 yuan from a previous subsidy announced in May . Electric vehicles cost anywhere between Yn50,000 to Yn1mn, with consumers mostly purchasing those in the Yn100,000-200,000 range, according to industry participants. The government is also offering a Yn15,000 subsidy for consumers who trade in an old NEV registered before 30 April 2018 or an ICE vehicle that meets or is below China's national 3 emission standard, and purchase a new ICE vehicle with the displacement below 2.0 litre. Beijing in early March announced a plan to promote the replacement of industrial equipment and consumer goods through large-scale trade-ins, with NEVs making up the main part of the scheme, as part of Beijing's efforts to meet its annual economic growth target of 5pc. China's ministry of finance announced on 3 June that it will allocate Yn6.44bn to local governments to pay the subsidies for vehicle trade-ins in 2024, including Yn107mn to Tianjin, Yn90.81mn to Shanghai, Yn74.61mn to Beijing and Yn66.49mn to Chongqing. The central government announced on 29 May that it will remove purchase restrictions for NEVs during 2024-25, with the capital city Beijing allocating 20,000 additional purchase quotas for NEVs to families without a car. China produced 1.003mn NEVs in June, up by 28pc from the previous year and by 6.7pc from May, with sales increasing by 30pc from a year earlier and by 9.8pc from the previous month to 1.049mn, partly driven by the country's supportive measures, especially the trade-in subsidies. Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Refining, LNG segments take Total’s profit lower in 2Q


Refining, LNG segments take Total’s profit lower in 2Q

London, 25 July (Argus) — TotalEnergies said today that a worsening performance at its downstream Refining & Chemicals business and its Integrated LNG segment led to a 7pc year-on-year decline in profit in the second quarter. Profit of $3.79bn was down from $5.72bn for the January-March quarter and from $4.09bn in the second quarter of 2023. When adjusted for inventory effects and special items, profit was $4.67bn — slightly lower than analysts had been expecting and 6pc down on the immediately preceding quarter. The biggest hit to profits was at the Refining & Chemicals segment, which reported an adjusted operating profit of $639mn for the April-June period, a 36pc fall on the year. Earlier in July, TotalEnergies had flagged lower refining margins in Europe and the Middle East, with its European Refining Margin Marker down by 37pc to $44.9/t compared with the first quarter. This margin decline was partially compensated for by an increase in its refineries' utilisation rate: to 84pc in April-June from 79pc in the first quarter. The company's Integrated LNG business saw a 13pc year on year decline in its adjusted operating profit, to $1.15bn. TotalEnergies cited lower LNG prices and sales, and said its gas trading operation "did not fully benefit in markets characterised by lower volatility than during the first half of 2023." A bright spot was the Exploration & Production business, where adjusted operating profit rose by 14pc on the year to $2.67bn. This was mainly driven by higher oil prices, which were partially offset by lower gas realisations and production. The company's second-quarter production averaged 2.44mn b/d of oil equivalent (boe/d), down by 1pc from 2.46mn boe/d reported for the January-March period and from the 2.47mn boe/d average in the second quarter of 2023. TotalEnergies attributed the quarter-on-quarter decline to a greater level of planned maintenance, particularly in the North Sea. But it said its underlying production — excluding the Canadian oil sands assets it sold last year — was up by 3pc on the year. This was largely thanks to the start up and ramp up of projects including Mero 2 offshore Brazil, Block 10 in Oman, Tommeliten Alpha and Eldfisk North in Norway, Akpo West in Nigeria and Absheron in Azerbaijan. TotalEnergies said production also benefited from its entry into the producing fields Ratawi, in Iraq, and Dorado in the US. The company expects production in a 2.4mn-2.45mn boe/d range in the third quarter, when its Anchor project in the US Gulf of Mexico is expected to start up. The company increased profit at its Integrated Power segment, which contains its renewables and gas-fired power operations. Adjusted operating profit rose by 12pc year-on-year to $502mn and net power production rose by 10pc to 9.1TWh. TotalEnergies' cash flow from operations, excluding working capital, was $7.78bn in April-June — an 8pc fall from a year earlier. The company has maintained its second interim dividend for 2024 at €0.79/share and plans to buy back up to $2bn of its shares in the third quarter, in line with its repurchases in previous quarters. By Jon Mainwaring Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Australia’s Origin to expand Eraring battery project


Australia’s Origin to expand Eraring battery project

Sydney, 25 July (Argus) — Australian utility Origin will expand the battery energy storage system (BESS) at the site of its 2,880MW Eraring coal-fired power station in News South Wales (NSW), as part of its strategy to pivot to renewable energy. The A$450mn ($294mn) investment will add 240MW of four-hour duration supply to the 460MW, two-hour BESS already under construction as part of the project's first stage, Origin said on 25 July. Agreements for equipment supply and construction have been made with stage two construction to begin in early 2025 before the expansion comes on line during January-March 2027. Equipment will be provided by Finnish engineering firm Wartsila, which is also building the first stage of the BESS. The sanctioning of Eraring's second stage brings the firm's total commitment on storage to 1.5GW, with Origin agreeing in January to outlay A$400mn on a 300MW BESS along with the firm's 550MW Mortlake gas-fired power plant in Victoria. Origin and the NSW Labor state government agreed in May to keep Eraring, Australia's largest single power plant, open for at least two more years as part of a deal to maintain capacity because of delays with replacement projects. Australia is struggling to replace its retiring coal-fired power generation because of cost blowouts and delays for renewable projects. By Tom Major Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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