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Rio Grande do Sul remaneja fornecimento de gás

  • Spanish Market: LPG, Natural gas
  • 17/05/24

O fornecimento de gás natural no Rio Grande do Sul teve que ser redistribuído em razão das enchentes históricas no estado, com o diesel potencialmente voltando como combustível a usinas de energia para deixar mais gás disponível para a produção de GLP (gás de cozinha).

O gasoduto Gasbol, que abastece o Sul do Brasil, não tem capacidade para atender à demanda da refinaria Alberto Pasqualini (Refap), da usina termelétrica de Canoas — controlada pela Petrobras — e das distribuidoras de gás natural da região, disse Jean Paul Prates, o então presidente-executivo da Petrobras, no início desta semana.

A distribuidora de gás de Santa Catarina ajustou sua própria rede local para atender aos picos de demanda no Rio Grande do Sul por meio da malha de transporte de gás.

A usina térmica de Canoas está operando com geração mínima de 150 GW, sendo 61pc provenientes de sua turbina a gás. A usina foi colocada em operação para restabelecer o fornecimento adequado de energia depois que as linhas de transmissão no Sul foram afetadas pelas enchentes.

A Petrobras planeja usar um motor a diesel para aumentar a geração de energia. O atual custo variável unitário (CVU) para o diesel na usina de Canoas é de R1.115,29/MWh. A companhia petrolífera também está operando a Refap a 59pc de sua capacidade instalada máxima.

Fortes chuvas no Rio Grande do Sul desde 29 de abril trouxeram inundações sem precedentes ao estado, causando uma crise humanitária e danos à infraestrutura. O clima extremo deixou 154 mortos, 98 desaparecidos e mais de 540 mil deslocados, segundo a defesa civil do estado.

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Cop 29 presidency sets out initiatives, summit agenda

Cop 29 presidency sets out initiatives, summit agenda

London, 17 September (Argus) — The president-designate of the UN Cop 29 climate summit, Azerbaijan's Mukhtar Babayev, has set out 14 initiatives and a detailed agenda for the conference, including a new focus on methane reduction and tackling barriers to a "clean hydrogen" market. There is an "urgent need to harmonise international frameworks, regulations and standards to create viable business models" for hydrogen, Babayev said. The Cop 29 presidency will build on the declaration of intent on mutual recognition of hydrogen certification schemes, made at Cop 28 last year, it said. It plans to launch a framework to set priorities ahead of Cop 30, scheduled for November 2025 in Brazil. The Cop 29 presidency also aims to tackle "the growing problem of methane from organic waste", it said. Methane — a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) — is often a focus at Cop summits, although typically with an eye to the largest emitters, the agriculture and fossil fuel industries. Babayev has called for governments to commit to targets to cut methane from organic waste in their climate plans, as well as for more signatories of the Global Methane Pledge. The pledge, launched in 2021 at Cop 26, asks signatories to cut methane emissions by at least 30pc by 2030, from 2020 levels. The Cop 29 presidency has also developed a two-pronged pledge, which seeks to scale up global installed energy storage capacity to 1.5TW by 2030 and add or refurbish more than 80mn km of power grid by 2040. It has developed a "green energy zones and corridors" pledge as well, to maximise sustainable energy generation and ensure "cost-effective transmission over large distances and across borders". Babayev provided further details of a planned climate fund , which will be capitalised by fossil fuel producing countries and companies. "We believe that countries rich in natural resources should be at the forefront of those addressing climate change," Babayev said, noting that the direction came from Azerbaijan's president Ilham Aliyev. The fund will be a public-private partnership, with "concessional and grant-based support to rapidly address the consequences of natural disasters" in developing countries, Babayev said. It will "provide offtake agreement guarantees for small and medium-sized renewable energy producers and first-loss capital for green industrial projects", with a focus on food and agriculture, he said. Cop 29 is set to take place in Baku, Azerbaijan on 11-22 November. It will be the first Cop hosted in the Caucasus region, Babayev noted. He flagged the "extreme heat [and] water scarcity" the region faces, but also pointed to its wind and solar power potential. Topics of other programmes set out today include water, climate action in tourism and a peace initiative which emphasised the "interplay between conflict and climate change". By Georgia Gratton Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Von der Leyen puts forward EU commissioner candidates


Von der Leyen puts forward EU commissioner candidates

Brussels, 17 September (Argus) — European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen today presented candidates for commissioner posts, confirming names put forward for portfolios including climate, energy, agriculture and trade. Von der Leyen — who was confirmed by European Parliament as Commission president on 18 July — has committed to doubling down on climate and energy policy. Her 2024-29 mandate stipulates greenhouse gas emissions cuts of at least 90pc by 2040 compared with 1990. Her commissioners, if appointed, will implement those policies. She is nominating Teresa Ribera to oversee competition policy but also "clean, just and competitive transition" that would include energy, climate, environment and other Green Deal files. Ribera is Spain's deputy prime minister and responsible for the country's ecological transition. Von der Leyen has proposed the current EU climate commissioner Wopke Hoekstra for the portfolio of climate, net-zero and clean growth. Hoekstra, who replaced previous Green Deal commissioner Frans Timmermans , will also be responsible for taxation. Other nominees include former Danish climate minister Dan Jorgensen, up for energy and housing commissioner. Former Swedish minister for EU affairs Jessika Roswall is proposed for a portfolio including environment and circular economy, and Luxembourgish Christophe Hansen, a former member of EU parliament, is proposed as agriculture and food commissioner. Von der Leyen now needs to ensure that candidate-commissioners are approved by parliamentary committees and then by plenary. Hearings will also focus on candidates' abilities to implement policies. "Parliamentary scrutiny will not cut corners," European Parliament president Roberta Metsola said. By Dafydd ab Iago Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

East Timor takes stake in Bayu-Undan gas field


East Timor takes stake in Bayu-Undan gas field

Darwin, 17 September (Argus) — The partners in the Bayu-Undan joint venture (BUJV) gas project have agreed to transfer a 16pc stake to East Timorese state-owned firm Timor Gap. A sale and purchase deed has been signed, with Timor Gap to participate in BUJV for the remainder of the project's lifespan, with the production-sharing contract for Bayu-Undan running to 30 June 2026 or until extraction ends, said operator Australian independent Santos. The deal follows an initial agreement in 2023 with Timor Gap on the proposed Bayu-Undan carbon capture and storage project, which Santos chief executive Kevin Gallagher recently described as the "next big project we really want to focus on" . BUJV includes the near-depleted gas field located 500km northwest of Australia in East Timorese waters, which formerly produced feedstock for the 3.7mn t/yr Darwin LNG terminal operated by Santos. Darwin LNG is preparing to receive next year the first gas from Santos' Barossa project , while Bayu-Undan continues to produce natural gas liquids and for the Australian domestic market. Santos will hold a 36.5pc interest in BUJV following the transfer, Japanese upstream firm Inpex 9.6pc, Tokyo Timor Sea Resources, owned by Japanese utility groups Jera and Tokyo Gas 7.7pc, Italian energy firm Eni 9.2pc and South Korean upstream firm SK E&S 21pc. Timor Gap is the majority shareholder in the Greater Sunrise LNG project, presently in the concept select phase . The Australian government is pressing for more action after years of stalled progress with concerns China could instead develop the field in partnership with East Timor. Greater Sunrise partners Timor Gap with 56.56pc, Australian independent Woodside with 33.44pc and Japanese utility Osaka Gas with 10pc. By Tom Major Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Washington voters waver on GHG repeal: Poll


Washington voters waver on GHG repeal: Poll

Houston, 16 September (Argus) — Support for a repeal of Washington's carbon market in the upcoming November election may be softening, while a repeal targeting the state's plans to phase out natural gas may be gaining strength, according to a recent public opinion poll. The poll — which canvassed 403 registered state voters by phone and online earlier this month — indicates just under a clear majority of voters leaning towards a "no" vote on initiative 2117, which would repeal language in the state's Climate Commitment Act (CCA) authorizing the state's cap-and-trade program. A successful repeal would prevent local and state officials from creating a similar replacement for the "cap-and-invest" program. Data collected in the survey indicates that 46pc of those surveyed would vote against the repeal, with the bulk of voters identifying as Democrat, with 21pc Republican support. The repeal vote received 30pc support, with slightly more than half those surveyed in favor identifying as Republican, and a further 2pc of the total surveyed undecided on the issue. Washington's "cap-and-invest" program requires large industrial facilities, fuel suppliers and power plants to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 45pc by 2030 and by 95pc by 2050, from 1990 levels. Revenue from state allowance auctions and other related funds is required by state law to be used for critical climate projects throughout Washington. In contrast, initiative 2066 received a majority support in requiring the state to continue to provide natural gas to utility customers, at 47pc. The ‘no' vote to continue dissuading the use of natural gas in the state as part of the state's energy transition plan garnered 29pc, with a further 24pc undecided. Respondents identifying as Republican formed the bulk of the "yes" vote with 68pc. Initiative 2066 would repeal HB 1589, signed into law by governor Jay Inslee (D) earlier this year. The law creates planning requirements for certain utilities to comply with a network of state regulations and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets and transition away from natural gas in cost-effective ways. Let's Go Washington, a political action committee, has backed both initiatives over the past year, on the narrative that the state's plans to transition away from natural gas-use and the cap-and-trade program raise fuel and energy prices for families. The poll, conducted by Cascade PBS/Elway, had 43pc of respondents identify as Democrat, 24pc as Republican and 34pc as Independent. Respondents were primarily ages 36 and older, from western regions of the state and with the majority, at 34pc, from suburban areas. Under state law, either initiative will need to receive a majority of total votes cast to pass in the 5 November election. By Denise Cathey Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

NGL pipeline burning in La Porte, Texas: Update


NGL pipeline burning in La Porte, Texas: Update

Houston, 16 September (Argus) — A natural gas liquids (NGL) pipeline operated by Energy Transfer Partners caught fire in La Porte, Texas, this morning, sending a bright orange plume of flame hundreds of feet into the air and leading to evacuations of nearby homes and businesses. The fire started at a valve station for a 20-inch NGL line, Energy Transfer said, located in a right-of-way shared with a number of other pipelines and high voltage power lines about 17 miles southeast of downtown Houston. Energy Transfer said the line has been isolated so that the residual product in the line can safely burn itself out. "We have no timeline at this point on how long that process will take, but we are working closely with local authorities," the company said. In a broadcast press conference today La Porte officials said it would likely be many hours until the fire burns out. Energy Transfer said it was aware of reports indicating that an unknown passenger car entered the right-of-way and struck the valve location. A vehicle could be seen very close to the flaring pipeline in video broadcasts of the fire this morning. The fire was first reported at 11:24am ET by the La Porte Office of Emergency Management via the X social media platform. The fire is near the intersection of Somerton Drive and Spencer Highway. First responders, including Harris County hazardous materials officials, were on the scene at the time of the post. The right-of-way includes a refined products pipeline system, various petrochemical pipelines, a Shell butadiene line, a Chevron ethylene line and an Enbridge Energy natural gas pipeline. Chevron said its pipeline was not affected by the fire. A shelter-in-place order has been issued for the nearby San Jacinto College campus and La Porte is recommending an evacuation of all homes and businesses between Luella and Canada roads. By Michael Camarda and Gordon Pollock Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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