Argus launches new dry bulk logistics report
20 December 2019
International energy and commodity price reporting agency Argus is launching a Russian language report that covers the markets for transporting dry goods including coal, fertilizers, grain, metals and other raw materials.
The new report, Argus Dry Bulk Logistics, will be published monthly and covers bulk, general cargo and containers in Russia, the CIS and the Baltic states.
The report includes information on:
-the volume and cost of transportation and transshipment
-the relative efficiency of deliveries by different modes of transport
-analysis of existing and prospective port capacities
-freight costs
-the size of forwarding and related costs
-the speed of transport on the Russian railway network
A detailed and transparent methodology supports price assessments for wagon rental rates, freight and port costs.
Adrian Binks, chairman and chief executive of Argus Media, said: “Argus’ years of experience in commodity markets and our network of well-connected contacts enable us to create a unique product that will be useful for companies operating in logistics in this region.”
Argus Dry Bulk Logistics is intended for cargo owners, traders, rolling stock operators, shipowners, surveyors, freight forwarders, transport and logistics companies, investment and credit companies and tax authorities.
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