Argus Brazil diesel fca
The Argus Brazil diesel fca price assessments are spot market prices for Brazil’s wholesale imported, custom-cleared diesel traded in the country’s most active distribution hubs for domestic consumption. These prices are published based on trade and other market activity reported to Argus, and are the only reference for daily prices of imported diesel currently available in the Brazilian market.
Price assessment details
What are the advantages of the Argus Brazil diesel fca price assessments?
The Argus Brazil diesel fca price assessments reflect the transactions between importers and fuel distributors on an FCA (free on carrier) basis and represent the price of product loaded into buyers' trucks at the import terminals. Published daily, these prices are currently the only independent reference of imported product directly competing with domestically produced diesel, providing buyers and sellers with a reliable tool to index their term contracts.
How are these assessments used?
Users of the Argus Brazil diesel fca price assessments include domestic refiners, importers, distributors, and industrial consumers of diesel involved in supply chain and logistics. These assessments are also extremely relevant for exporters based in the US, Europe and Asia looking to supply the Brazilian motor fuels market.
Key price assessments
Argus prices are recognised by the market as trusted and reliable indicators of the real market value. Explore some of our most widely used and relevant price assessments.