«Новатэк» планирует выпускать СПГ в Мурманске по собственной технологии

  • Spanish Market: Natural gas
  • 21/06/23

«Новатэк» собирается построить в Мурманске завод по производству сжиженного природного газа (СПГ) мощностью свыше 20 млн т/год, используя для этого собственную технологию сжижения «Арктический микс», сообщил председатель правления «Новатэка» Леонид Михельсон. Газопровод мощностью 30 млрд м³/год для поставки сырья на завод «Новатэк» также намерен строить самостоятельно.

Завод «Мурманский СПГ» будет состоять из трех технологических линий, каждая из них будет потреблять около 11 млрд м³/год газа, сообщил Михельсон, слова которого приводит информационное агентство ТАСС. «Новатэк» планирует направлять на «Мурманский СПГ» газ со своих месторождений на юге Гыданского полуострова. «Газопровод до "Мурманского СПГ" мы будем строить сами. Основные предпроектные работы уже сделаны», - заявил глава компании. Михельсон отметил, что протяженность газопровода составит 1400 км, но не пояснил, в какой точке предполагается подключение этого трубопровода к Единой системе газоснабжения (ЕСГ), которой управляет «Газпром».

«Новатэк» сообщил 13 июня о получении российского патента на технологию «Арктический микс», основанную на смешанных хладагентах. Эта технология подходит для использования на линиях сжижения мощностью более 6 млн т/год СПГ, уточняли тогда в компании.

Размещение СПГ-завода в Мурманске позволит использовать на этом предприятии электроэнергию с Кольской АЭС, а отгрузки продукции осуществлять через незамерзающий порт Мурманск. «Новатэк» в настоящее время строит в бухте Ура в Кольском заливе комплекс по перевалке СПГ мощностью более 20 млн т/год, предназначенный для оптимизации отгрузок с завода «Арктик СПГ 2», сам завод пока не введен в строй. В 2019 г. сообщалось, что «Новатэк» разместит на терминале в Кольском заливе (два танкера-накопителя для хранения СПГ.

Михельсон в ходе состоявшегося на прошлой неделе Петербургского международного экономического форума (ПМЭФ) заявил, что крупные российские компании должны объединить усилия в области производства и экспорта СПГ. Доля российского СПГ на мировом рынке в настоящее время существенно меньше, чем доля России в мировых запасах газа, подчеркнул он. «Нам сейчас всем вместе — "Газпрому", "Роснефти", "Новатэку", "Газпром нефти" — надо объединиться и вернуть эту долю [на рынке]. Мы должны производить не 30 млн т СПГ, как сегодня, а нам надо производить минимум 150 млн т, все вместе должны производить. Зачем устраивать эту конкуренцию? Российская конкуренция на мировом рынке — нонсенс», — сказал Михельсон, слова которого приводит ТАСС.

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Japan’s FEPC calls for clearer nuclear policy stance

Japan’s FEPC calls for clearer nuclear policy stance

Osaka, 20 May (Argus) — Japan's Federation of Electric Power Companies (FEPC) has called for a clarification of the country's nuclear power policy, to ensure stable electricity supply and alignment with its net zero emissions goal. The call comes as the government reviews its basic energy policy , which was formulated in 2021 and calls for the reduction of dependence on nuclear reactors as much as possible. But Japan's guidelines for green transformation, which was agreed in February 2023, states that Japan should make the most of existing nuclear reactors. Tokyo should clearly state in its new energy policy that it is necessary to not only restart existing nuclear reactors, but also build new reactors, said FEPC chairman Kingo Hayashi on 17 May. Hayashi is also the president of utility Chubu Electric Power. Hayashi emphasised that to utilise reactors, it would be necessary to have discussions regarding financial support, policy measures that would help ensure cost recovery, address back-end issues in the nuclear fuel cycle and conduct a review of nuclear damage compensation law. Japan's current basic energy policy is targeted for the April 2030-March 2031 fiscal year, when the country's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is forecast to fall by 46pc from 2013-14 levels. To achieve this, the power mix in the policy set the nuclear ratio at 20-22pc, as well as 36-38pc from renewables, 41pc from thermal fuels and 1pc from hydrogen and ammonia. Japan typically reviews the country's basic energy policy every three years. Nuclear, as well as renewables, would be necessary to reduce Japan's GHG emissions, although thermal power units would still play a key role in addressing power shortages. But Japan has faced challenges in restarting the country's reactors following safety concerns after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, with only 12 reactors currently operational. Japan's nuclear generation in 2023 totalled 77TWh, which accounted for just 9pc of total power output. Tokyo has made efforts to promote the use of reactors, after the current basic energy policy was introduced in 2021. The trade and industry ministry (Meti) has updated its nuclear policy, by allowing nuclear power operators to continue using reactors beyond their maximum lifespan of 60 years by excluding a safety scrutiny period in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. This could advance the discussion on Japan's nuclear stance, especially if the new basic energy policy includes more supportive regulations. The trade and industry ministry started discussions to review the energy policy on 15 May, aiming to revise it by the end of this fiscal year. It is still unclear what year it is targeting and what ratio will be set for each power source in the new policy. But the deliberation would form a key part of efforts to update the GHG emissions reduction goal, ahead of the submission of the country's new nationally determined contribution in 2025, with a timeframe for implementation until 2035. By Motoko Hasegawa Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Rio Grande do Sul remaneja fornecimento de gás


Rio Grande do Sul remaneja fornecimento de gás

Sao Paulo, 17 May (Argus) — O fornecimento de gás natural no Rio Grande do Sul teve que ser redistribuído em razão das enchentes históricas no estado, com o diesel potencialmente voltando como combustível a usinas de energia para deixar mais gás disponível para a produção de GLP (gás de cozinha). O gasoduto Gasbol, que abastece o Sul do Brasil, não tem capacidade para atender à demanda da refinaria Alberto Pasqualini (Refap), da usina termelétrica de Canoas — controlada pela Petrobras — e das distribuidoras de gás natural da região, disse Jean Paul Prates, o então presidente-executivo da Petrobras, no início desta semana. A distribuidora de gás de Santa Catarina ajustou sua própria rede local para atender aos picos de demanda no Rio Grande do Sul por meio da malha de transporte de gás. A usina térmica de Canoas está operando com geração mínima de 150 GW, sendo 61pc provenientes de sua turbina a gás. A usina foi colocada em operação para restabelecer o fornecimento adequado de energia depois que as linhas de transmissão no Sul foram afetadas pelas enchentes. A Petrobras planeja usar um motor a diesel para aumentar a geração de energia. O atual custo variável unitário (CVU) para o diesel na usina de Canoas é de R1.115,29/MWh. A companhia petrolífera também está operando a Refap a 59pc de sua capacidade instalada máxima. Fortes chuvas no Rio Grande do Sul desde 29 de abril trouxeram inundações sem precedentes ao estado, causando uma crise humanitária e danos à infraestrutura. O clima extremo deixou 154 mortos, 98 desaparecidos e mais de 540 mil deslocados, segundo a defesa civil do estado. Por Rebecca Gompertz Envie comentários e solicite mais informações em feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . Todos os direitos reservados.

Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul reallocates gas supply


Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul reallocates gas supply

Sao Paulo, 17 May (Argus) — Natural gas supply in Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul had to be redistributed because of the historic floods in the state, with diesel potentially making its way back as an power plant fuel to leave more gas available for LPG production. Gasbol, the natural gas transportation pipeline that supplies Brazil's south, does not have capacity to meet demand from the 201,000 b/d Alberto Pasqualini refinery (Refap), state-controlled Petrobras' Canoas thermal power plant and natural gas distributors in the region, according to Petrobras' then-chief executive Jean Paul Prates said earlier this week. The Santa Catarina state gas distributor has adjusted its own local network to meet peak demand in neighboring Rio Grande do Sul via the pipeline transportation network. The Canoas thermal plant is running at its minimum generation at 150GW, with 61pc coming from its gas turbine. The plant was brought on line to reinstate proper power supply after transmission lines in the south were affected by the floods. Petrobras plans to use a diesel engine to increase power generation. The current approved fuel cost (CVU) for diesel in the Canoas plant is of R1,115.29/MWh. Petrobras is also operating Refap at 59pc of its maximum installed capacity, at 119,506 b/d. Heavy showers in Rio Grande do Sul since 29 April brought unprecedented flooding to the state, causing a humanitarian crisis and infrastructure damage. The extreme weather has left 154 people dead, 98 missing and over 540,000 people displaced, according to the state's civil defense. By Rebecca Gompertz Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Japan’s Jera to handle 35mn t/yr LNG until FY2035-36


Japan’s Jera to handle 35mn t/yr LNG until FY2035-36

Osaka, 17 May (Argus) — Japan's largest LNG importer Jera plans to maintain its LNG handling volumes at no less than 35mn t/yr until the April 2035-March 2036 fiscal year. Rising renewable power supplies and the possible return of more nuclear reactors are likely to pressure LNG demand from Japan's power sector. Jera consumed 23mn t of LNG in 2023-24, down by 3pc on the year, although it handled 35mn t through its global operations during the same year. But Jera needs to secure sufficient LNG supplies to adjust for imbalances in electricity supplies and ensure power security, through more flexible operations. It is also looking to further promote LNG along with renewable electricity in Asian countries, while helping to reduce their dependence on coal- and oil-fired power generators. The 2035 target for LNG is part of Jera's three pillars of strategic focus, along with renewables as well as hydrogen and ammonia , which was announced on 16 May to spur decarbonisation towards its 2050 net zero emissions goal. The company plans to invest ¥5 trillion ($32bn) for these three areas over 2024-36. Jera also aims to retire all supercritical or less efficient coal-fired units by 2030-31 . This would help achieve the company's target of cutting CO2 emissions from its domestic business by at least 60pc against 2013-14 levels by 2035-36. By Motoko Hasegawa Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Chinese importers seek five LNG cargoes for Jun-Sep


Chinese importers seek five LNG cargoes for Jun-Sep

Shanghai, 15 May (Argus) — Five Chinese importers, mostly second-tier buyers, are each seeking one LNG cargo for June-September delivery, according to an official notice published by China's national pipeline operator PipeChina on 15 May. The five importers are PipeChina, Chinese independent ENN, Hong Kong-listed city gas firm China Resources Gas, Hong Kong-based Towngas and state-owned China Gas. PipeChina and ENN have indicated a target price of at most $9.50/mn Btu for their intended cargoes, both for delivery to PipeChina's 6mn t/yr Tianjin terminal. China Gas has indicated a target price of at most $9.30/mn Btu for delivery to PipeChina's 6mn t/yr Beihai termial. China Resources Gas and Towngas have both indicated a target price of at most $9/mn Btu for delivery to PipeChina's 2mn t/yr Yuedong and Tianjin terminals, respectively. This consolidated requirement came about because of a need for PipeChina to better leverage on its infrastructure advantages and, at the same time, meet the varying needs of gas importers and consumers in the country. But this requirement comes at a time when spot LNG prices are still somewhat higher than the importers' targeted prices. But the importers can choose not to buy if offers are not within their expectations. The front-half month of the ANEA, the Argus assessment for spot LNG deliveries to northeast Asia, was last assessed at $10.485/mn Btu on 15 May. Chinese importers mostly perceive spot prices below $9-9.50/mn Btu for June-September deliveries to be unattainable for now because there is strong buying interest from south and southeast Asia in particular. Indian state-controlled refiner IOC most recently bought LNG for delivery between 22 May and 15 June at around $10.60/mn Btu, through a tender that closed on 14 May. Thailand's state-controlled PTT most recently bought three deliveries for 9-10 July, 16-17 July and 22-23 July through a tender that closed on 13 May , at just slightly above $10.50/mn Btu. The most recent spot transaction was Japanese utility Tohoku Electric's purchase of a 10-30 June delivery at around $10.55/mn Btu through a tender that closed on 14 May . This is at least $1/mn Btu higher than Chinese importers' indications. Summer requirements have so far been muted but concerns among buyers about potential supply disruptions remain. Malaysia's 30mn t/yr Bintulu LNG export terminal suffered a power loss on 10 May, but this issue may have been resolved as of early on 15 May, according to offtakers. Some unspecified upstream issues may still be affecting production at the Bintulu facility, resulting in Malaysia's state-owned Petronas having to ask some of its buyers for cargo deferments, according to offtakers. Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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