
Argus Rare Earths Analyticsでは、主要なレアアース(希土類元素)の供給、需要、価格、プロジェクトに関する詳細な市場分析と10年間の市場予測をお届けします。



Key features

Inform your strategy

Plan your next move with one-year and ten-year forecasts across supply, demand, prices and projects updated every six months.

Minimise your risk

Stay ahead of impending regulations, policy changes and supply chain challenges.

Data and downloads

Access and manipulate valuable data with the Excel add-in, including project trackers, import/export numbers, EV sales and forecasts, demand projections for renewables and magnets.

Adding context to data

Understand the drivers and limiters behind our rare earth outlooks with extensive market analysis and commentary.

Access to experts

Subscribers gain access to our rare earths consultants and subject matter experts in 28 offices across Asia-Pacific, Africa, Europe and the Americas.