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Brazil real recovers ground on US dollar
Brazil real recovers ground on US dollar
Sao Paulo, 22 January (Argus) — The Brazilian real continued to strengthen against the US dollar today thanks to increased investor confidence domestically and an easing in the dollar globally in recent days after the real tumbled in the last weeks of 2024 on fiscal concerns. The exchange rate ended the session at R5.946/$1, as the real appreciated by 1.4pc on the day. The real has strengthened by about 7.8pc to the dollar from an intradday low of R6.4/$1 on 25 December. The last time the exchange rate between the two currencies ended the day below the R6/$1 threshold was on 11 December, when it stood at R5.989/$1. The real's recent appreciation took place as domestic investors are more confident about the country's spending cut plans, according to Sidney Lima, an analyst at Ouro Preto Investimentos, an investment management firm. But it is hard to say whether the recent appreciating trend will continue in the future, he said. That will "depend on the continuity of fiscal reforms in Brazil and global economic conditions," he added. At the same time, the US dollar index, which tracks the dollar against six main trading partner currencies, has fallen from a more-than two-year high on 12 January on uncertainty over whether US president Donald Trump will follow through on his tariff threats. Still, the Brazilian real has depreciated by around 20pc to US dollar since 22 January 2024. By Lucas Parolin Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.
India’s RCF gets offers for phosrock, NPS in tender
India’s RCF gets offers for phosrock, NPS in tender
London, 22 January (Argus) — Indian fertilizer importer and producer RCF received offers from seven trading firms in its tender to buy phosphate rock and/or NPS 20-20-0+13S, which closed today. TLI Tradelink, Sun International, Agrifields, Aditya Birla, Indagro, Midgulf International and Hexagon Fertilizers Asia submitted offers in the tender. RCF will open the prices after evaluating the technical offers. The importer sought offers for two 35,000t cargoes of 29pc P2O5-minimum phosphate rock. The first cargo is to be shipped within 30 days from issuing the purchase order, with the second cargo in March, both to Hay Bunder, Mumbai on India's west coast. TLI Tradelink, Sun International and Midgulf International offered Egyptian rock for both cargoes. Agrifields and Aditya Birla offered Jordanian rock for both cargoes. Indagro offered Jordanian rock only for the second cargo. RCF also sought offers for two 35,000t cargoes of 20-20-0+13S in the tender. The first cargo is to be shipped on or before 20 March and the second is to be shipped on or before 20 April, both to any port on India's east coast. Midgulf International submitted offers for both NPS cargoes. Hexagon Fertilizers Asia offered only for the second NPS cargo. Fellow importer NFL bought 25,000-30,000t of 20-20-0+13S from Saudi Arabian producer Sabic at $396-397/t cfr earlier this week. By Tom Hampson Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.
Brazil Potash, Keytrade sign potash offtake deal
Brazil Potash, Keytrade sign potash offtake deal
London, 16 January (Argus) — Brazilian fertilizer company Potassio do Brasil, a wholly owned subsidiary of Canada-based Brazil Potash, has signed a memorandum of understanding with Swiss trading firm Keytrade to supply up to 1mn t/yr of potash from its Potassio Autazes project in Amazonas. Potassio do Brasil already has an existing offtake agreement with Brazilian agricultural firm Amaggi for about 500,000 t/yr. The Potassio Autazes project has a planned capacity of 2.4mn t/yr and began construction in September. It is expected to start operating in 2029. Potash from this project will be destined for the domestic market. Brazil currently imports about 96pc of its potash needs. By Julia Campbell Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.
Узбекистан начал поставлять карбамид в Бразилию
Узбекистан начал поставлять карбамид в Бразилию
Riga, 16 January (Argus) — Компания Uzkimyoimpeks в декабре приступила к контейнерным поставкам карбамида в направлении Бразилии. Первый блок-поезд с 54 сорокафутовыми контейнерами (по 28 т карбамида в каждом) компания отправила 11 декабря с терминала First Dry Port Terminal в Ташкенте. Состав с удобрениями производства компании Maxam-Chirchiq отправлен транзитом через Туркменистан и Азербайджан в направлении грузинского порта Поти. В Поти контейнеры планируется погрузить на морское судно для доставки в бразильский порт Паранагуа. Ожидается, что вся партия карбамида будет доставлена из Узбекистана в Бразилию в течение 60—70 дней. Из Узбекистана в Поти контейнеры планируется доставить за 20 дней, а морская перевозка займет 35—45 дней. До конца текущего года компания планирует вывезти в направлении Бразилии всего 108 контейнеров с карбамидом. Услуги по экспедированию контейнеров до конечного пункта оказывает компания First Dry Port Terminal, которая владеет терминалом для сухих грузов, площадью в размере 22 га в районе железнодорожной станции Сергели в Ташкенте. Станция оборудована восемью подъездными путями общей длиной 5,3 км. С данного терминала вывозится также минеральная продукция в направлении портов Латвии и Эстонии. Uzkimyoimpeks, дочерняя госкомпании Узкимесаноат, оператор экспортно-импортных операций химической продукции предприятий Maxam-Chirchiq, Аммофос-Максам и других производителей Узбекистана. ________________ Больше ценовой информации и аналитических обзоров рынка транспортировки грузов в странах Каспийского региона и Центральной Азии — в отчете Argus Транспорт Каспия . Вы можете присылать комментарии по адресу или запросить дополнительную информацию feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2025. Группа Argus Media . Все права защищены.
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