Mosaic plant sustains minor damage from fire

  • : Fertilizers, Natural gas
  • 24/03/28

Florida-based phosphate and potash fertilizer producer Mosaic anticipates limited damage to a production plant near Tampa and minimal disruption to operations in the coming weeks following a brushfire on Monday.

The brushfire ignited Monday evening during routine maintenance near Mosaic's Riverview phosphate production facility and was initially contained before rekindling Tuesday morning because of heavy winds. The fire was fully under control by Tuesday afternoon, according to local first responders.

Mosaic told Argus on Tuesday the fire was not considered a threat to the facility initially, but now expects the plant sustained "limited damage to ancillary operations" and the impact could last between four to six weeks.

The Riverview plant has a production capacity of 1.8mn metric tonnes (t) of processed phosphate products, and produces 30,000 t/week, according to Mosaic. The facility was producing phosphates primarily for exports to Brazil at the time of the fire, the company added.

Smoke was observed Monday from the fire as a result of foam retardants used by local fire officials to cool the high-density polyethylene pipes. Polyethylene gas piping is often used for natural gas distribution.

Natural gas flows delivered to the plant fell slightly Wednesday at 2.42mn cf/d, down from 2.45mn cf/d on Monday, once the fire was extinguished, according to data from Florida Gas Transmission. Flows at the plant on Thursday rebounded to 2.45mn cf/d, in line with expectations that affected phosphate output at the plant should only be temporary.

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EPA sets new oil and gas methane reporting rules

EPA sets new oil and gas methane reporting rules

Washington, 7 May (Argus) — Federal regulators have updated emissions reporting requirements for oil and gas facilities as they prepare to implement a methane "waste" fee for the industry. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Monday finalized new rules it says will improve the accuracy of data from the oil and gas sector under the federal greenhouse gas emissions reporting program. Oil and gas facility owners and operators will be required to estimate emissions from additional types of equipment under the rule, and they can draw on newer technologies, like remote sensing, to help estimate emissions. "EPA is applying the latest tools, cutting edge technology, and expertise to track and measure methane emissions from the oil and gas industry," agency administrator Michael Regan said. "Together, a combination of strong standards, good monitoring and reporting, and historic investments to cut methane pollution will ensure the US leads in the global transition to a clean energy economy." Data to support new fee The revisions to the "Subpart W" reporting requirements will be used to determine the amount of methane that will be subject to a "waste emissions charge" created by the Inflation Reduction Act. Under the law, the charge will be calculated based on the annual data that about 8,000 oil and gas sources are now required to report. The charge will begin at $900/t for 2024 methane emissions above a minimum threshold using current measurement data. It will then rise to $1,200/t in 2025 and $1,500/t in subsequent years. Industry officials had raised "serious concerns" about several aspects of the original proposal , warning it could lead to inflated emissions data. "We are reviewing the final rule and will work with Congress and the administration as we continue to reduce GHG emissions while producing the energy the world needs," American Petroleum Institute vice president of corporate policy Aaron Padilla said. The industry group previously said it will ask Congress to repeal the fee, which is only likely to occur if Republicans win control of the White House. Data collected since 2010 Oil and gas facilities have reported emissions under Subpart W since 2010. To simplify reporting, operators often count the equipment they have deployed, and use industry-wide averages to estimate emissions, in addition to other direct and indirect measurements. The industry has argued the Subpart W data is not accurate enough to collect the methane charge, which is expected to cost operators more than $6bn over the next decade. Environmental groups have had their own criticisms of the data, which they say omits vast amounts of emissions such as those from "super-emitter" events and poorly maintained flares. The final rule seeks to respond to some of those concerns by relying on updated emission factors, incorporating additional empirical data on emission rates, collecting data at a more granular level and relying on remote sensing technologies to detect large emission events. EPA also revised Subpart W to include more types of sources, including produced water tanks, nitrogen removal units and crankcase venting. The final rule also sets a threshold of 100 kg/hr of methane for requiring the reporting of emissions from "other large release events." The new data rules will take effect on 1 January 2025 and will first apply to reports submitted in early 2026 for next year's emissions. EPA is allowing the use of the new methodologies for calculating 2024 emissions, but operators can still use the existing rules. By Michael Ball Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Superbac busca reestruturação de dívidas


Superbac busca reestruturação de dívidas

Sao Paulo, 7 May (Argus) — A empresa brasileira de fertilizantes Superbac entrou com pedido no Tribunal de Justiça do estado de São Paulo (TJ-SP) para renegociar dívidas com credores e bloquear temporariamente os pagamentos por 60 dias, de acordo com solicitação arquivada em 3 de maio. O pedido, feito para a 1ª Vara de Falências e Recuperação Judicial de São Paulo, não é uma solicitação formal de recuperação judicial, mas sinaliza que a Superbac poderá solicitar o processo no futuro. De acordo com a petição inicial, a razão para a interrupção é uma "dificuldade financeira momentânea, porém reversível". A empresa afirma no pedido que a suspensão dos pagamentos é essencial para preservar os ativos da Superbac. Os pagamentos apenas beneficiariam um pequeno grupo de credores e colocariam a empresa em risco, informou a empresa. A dívida total da Superbac é de cerca de R$650 milhões. Em meio aos credores mencionados no arquivo, estão empresas de fertilizantes como a BPC; bancos como BTG, Santander, Daycoval e XP; fundos de investimentos; e empresas de logística como Multitrans e Coocatrans. A XP adquiriu uma participação na Superbac em julho de 2023, totalizando R$300 milhões. Localizada em Cotia, em São Paulo, a Superbac é uma empresa de biotecnologia, fundada em 1995, com operações em diferentes setores, como agricultura, fertilizantes e biofertilizantes, petróleo, gás e saneamento básico. A Superbac corresponde por 50pc dos fertilizantes organominerais e 6pc dos fertilizantes especiais no Brasil, de acordo com a petição. A empresa informou que a queda global no preço das commodities está prejudicando seu crescimento, uma vez que o setor de agricultura representa 99pc de sua receita. A Superbac tem uma fábrica de fertilizantes organominerais no Paraná, assim como centros de pesquisa nos Estados Unidos, Colômbia, Israel e Singapura. Por João Petrini Envie comentários e solicite mais informações em Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . Todos os direitos reservados.

Chile’s 1Q24 sulacid imports drop 19pc on port closures


Chile’s 1Q24 sulacid imports drop 19pc on port closures

London, 7 May (Argus) — Chile's sulphuric acid imports in the first quarter fell by 19pc on the previous quarter owing to heavy swells at Mejillones port. A total of 875,000t of sulphuric acid was imported in January-March, down by 19pc from 1.08mn t in October-December last year, GTT data show. They were also down by 15pc on the year. The drop was mainly down to heavy disruption at Mejillones, Chile's main import hub for sulphuric acid. The port, which hosts three sulphuric acid discharge terminals, was shut for a record 40 days in January-March owing to heavy swells. The port closures led to lengthy waiting times to discharge, with some ships experiencing nearly 3-4 weeks from arrival at the port, which resulted in high demurrage costs and a lack of spot demand. China regained its position as the key supplier to Chile, with imports rising by 19pc to 342,200t in the quarter, as Asian-origin cargoes looked economically viable owing to sliding fob values, while freight rates remained firm. Imports from South Korea rose by 34pc on the quarter to 145,300t, while Japanese shipments rose by 14pc to 114,300t. Chinese fob values averaged $16/t on a midpoint basis during the quarter, down from $32/t fob on a midpoint basis in the fourth quarter of last year. South Korea/Japanese fob values averaged $8/t on a midpoint basis during the first quarter, down from $31/t the previous quarter. Imports from neighbouring Peru dropped by 34pc on the quarter on a combination of logistical issues stemming from the congestion at Mejillones and some unplanned output issues faced earlier in the year by a supplier in Peru. Imports from European countries continued to slow in the first quarter, falling by nearly 60pc on the prior quarter, as heavy buying by key Moroccan buyer OCP and transport restrictions through the Panama Canal affected trade flows. Belgium was the largest European supplier to Chile, shipping 33,000t, compared with 86,000t the previous quarter. By Lili Minton Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Australia’s Gorgon LNG train to be out for five weeks


Australia’s Gorgon LNG train to be out for five weeks

Singapore, 7 May (Argus) — One of three trains at Australia's 15.6mn t/yr Gorgon export terminal will be off line for five weeks, a source familiar with Gorgon operations told Argus on 7 May. The train has been off line since 30 April because of a mechanical fault in a turbine. The five-week shutdown expectation is slightly longer than the initially expected shutdown period of about 2-3 weeks, traders said. Each week of downtime on one train at Gorgon reduces the terminal's available liquefaction capacity by about 100,000t. The five-week shutdown is likely to reduce the terminal's production by about 5-8 cargoes, traders said. One standard-sized cargo is roughly equivalent to 60,000-70,000t of LNG. But overarching sentiment from market participants is that the impact on both prices and supply will be limited, as only one train is affected and there are ample cargoes for June and July. There will be a temporary spike in prices as affected buyers — if any — will have to secure prompt cargoes to replace lost LNG from Gorgon, keeping prices supported well above $10/mn Btu, traders said. The shutdown will have a greater impact on prices if repair works drag on for longer and affect summer deliveries, they added. The ANEA price, the Argus assessment for spot LNG deliveries to northeast Asia, for the first and second half June were assessed at $10.57/mn Btu and $10.58/mn Btu on 7 May, higher by 40¢/mn Btu from the previous day. First- and second-half July ANEA prices were assessed at $10.64/mn Btu and $10.66/mn Btu, up by 36¢/mn Btu/mn Btu from a day earlier. Chevron has rescheduled deliveries of some LNG cargoes for their Asian offtakers, according to some traders. Further details are unclear. Shell might have bought around 3-4 cargoes because of the shutdown at Gorgon, according to traders. It is not clear whether the cargoes are for June or July delivery. Some traders have offered both June- and July-delivery cargoes to Chevron but the firm has responded by saying that the shortfall can be managed by optimising its own portfolio, traders said. The Gorgon LNG joint venture is operated by Chevron with a 47pc stake, while ExxonMobil and Shell hold 25pc each. By Simone Tam Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Chuvas no Rio Grande do Sul alagam o estado


Chuvas no Rio Grande do Sul alagam o estado

Sao Paulo, 6 May (Argus) — O estado do Rio Grande do Sul continua sendo afetado pelas fortes chuvas que começaram em 29 de abril, levando o governo a decretar estado de emergência em 2 de maio. Os maiores volumes de chuva atingiram as áreas centrais do Rio Grande do Sul, com cidades recebendo chuvas entre 150mm a 500mm, de acordo com dados da Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (Emater-RS) do Rio Grande do Sul. A estação de monitoramento da cidade de Restinga Seca, no centro do estado, registrou o recorde de quase 540mm. As chuvas no Rio Grande do Sul superaram 135mm na maior parte do estado, de acordo com o Instituto de Meteorologia dos Estados Unidos (Noaa, na sigla em inglês). Enquanto isso, nas demais regiões do Brasil prevaleceu o clima seco. O NOAA espera que as chuvas diminuíam nesta semana, mas as condições climáticas adversas devem continuar. Até 3 de maio, 154 trechos de 68 rodovias estavam totalmente ou parcialmente bloqueadas, de acordo com a Defesa Civil do estado. A usina hidrelétrica 14 de julho, com capacidade de 100MW, também foi afetada e teve sua operação parcialmente rompida. O porto do Rio Grande não suspendeu as operações, porém a movimentação está mais lenta. Apesar das chuvas intensas, as taxas de demurrage e o tempo de espera para atracação e desembarque ficou estável em $1/tonelada (t) e os custos totais para a movimentação de fertilizantes permaneceram em $19/t. Porém, participantes de mercado esperam que a situação mude nos próximos dias, o que deve aumentar as taxas de demurrage. Se a chuva não parar e os níveis do Rio Guaíba continuarem subindo, é provável que algumas áreas do porto inundem nos próximos dias, como aconteceu no porto de Porto Alegre. Em meio a movimentação de carga mais lenta, dificuldades logísticas e a demanda para serviços de transporte de fertilizantes, que já estava baixa, o frete de fertilizante na rota Rio Grande-Dourados, monitorada semanalmente pela Argus, caiu em média R$20/t, para R$225-250/t. Excesso de chuva pode prejudicar safra de soja O Rio Grande do Sul está colhendo a safra de soja 2023-24, que deve ser a segunda maior do país nesta temporada. Os trabalhos alcançaram 76pc da área esperada no estado até 2 de maio, avanço de 10 pontos percentuais na semana, apesar do excesso de chuvas, segundo a Emater-RS. Os agricultores aproveitaram as janelas mais curtas de clima favorável— ou quando as chuvas diminuíram — para intensificar as atividades de campo, especialmente nas áreas em que eram esperadas produtividades maiores e que não foram profundamente afetadas pela seca no início do ano. Os níveis de umidade dos grãos colhidos são considerados acima da média e vão necessitar de mais investimentos no processo de secagem. Algumas áreas reportaram germinação prematura e queda das plantas em razão do excesso de umidade. A Emater-RS mantém a produtividade média do estado projetada em 3.329 kg/hectare (ha), com os resultados recentes permanecendo dentro das projeções anteriores, de acordo com o boletim de 2 de maio, divulgado semanalmente pelo órgão. Com isso, ainda é esperado que a produção de soja do Rio Grande do Sul alcance o recorde de 22,2 milhões de t. No entanto, participantes de mercado concordam que as projeções para o estado devem cair nas próximas semana, uma vez que os estudos de campo começam avaliar com precisão os prejuízos causados pelo excesso de chuvas. Por João Petrini, Maria Albuquerque e Nathalia Giannetti Envie comentários e solicite mais informações em Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . Todos os direitos reservados.

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