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ANP reduz mescla de etanol e biodiesel no RS

  • : Biofuels, Freight, Oil products
  • 24/05/06

A Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP) diminuiu, temporariamente, a mistura obrigatória de etanol e biodiesel no Rio Grande do Sul por 30 dias, a partir de 3 de maio, em meio a enchentes catastróficas no estado.

O mix de etanol anidro na gasolina caiu dos atuais 27pc para 21pc, enquanto o do biodiesel no diesel S10 está agora em 2pc, queda em relação à porcentagem vigente de 14pc.

Também de forma temporária, a agência suspendeu a necessidade de mistura para o diesel S500.

A ANP informou que pode revisar os prazos da medida dependendo das condições de abastecimento no estado.

As chuvas no Rio Grande do Sul bloquearam rodovias e ferrovias que transportam os biocombustíveis para centros de distribuição, como Esteio e Canoas.

O fornecimento de combustíveis fósseis pela ligação dutoviária da refinaria Alberto Pasqualini (Refap) às outras bases de distribuição do entorno não foi comprometido, afirmou a ANP.

As enchentes no estado já deixaram pelo menos 83 mortos e 111 desaparecidos, de acordo com o governo local. Mais de 23.000 pessoas tiveram que deixar suas casas e cerca de 330 cidades estão em situação de calamidade pública.

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Транзит контейнеров по ТМТМ может удвоиться

Транзит контейнеров по ТМТМ может удвоиться

Riga, 13 February (Argus) — Перевозки контейнеров по Транскаспийскому международному транспортному маршруту (ТМТМ) могут вырасти в два раза в 2025 г., ожидают перевозчики. В текущем году по ТМТМ ожидается поставка примерно 600 контейнерных поездов, по прогнозам участников рынка. В 2024 г. из Китая в направлении Азербайджана было отправлено 358 контейнерных блок-поездов, что в 33 раза превысило показатели предыдущего года. При этом 146 составов (15 292 ДФЭ, 20-футовый эквивалент) проследовали транзитом через Азербайджан в направлении грузинских портов. Еще 212 составов (20 956 ДФЭ) были разгружены на станциях Азербайджана. Всего на этих поездах было перевезено 27 тыс. (40-футовый эквивалент, HC) контейнеров, по данным Азербайджанской железной дороги (АЖД). В основном в контейнерах доставлялись медицинские товары, автомобили и автозапчасти, а также продовольственные и непродовольственные товары. Из Баку транзитом через Казахстан в один из крупнейших сухих портов Китая ― Сиань 24 ноября был отправлен единственный экспортный блок-поезд с 62 40-футовыми контейнерами, груженными 1,66 тыс. т кокса. ________________ Больше ценовой информации и аналитических обзоров рынка транспортировки грузов в странах Каспийского региона и Центральной Азии — в отчете Argus Транспорт Каспия . Вы можете присылать комментарии по адресу или запросить дополнительную информацию Copyright © 2025. Группа Argus Media . Все права защищены.

Mexico factory output dips 1.4pc in December


Mexico factory output dips 1.4pc in December

Mexico City, 12 February (Argus) — Mexico's industrial production fell 1.4pc in December from the previous month with broad weakness across multiple sectors on tariff uncertainty and weak domestic demand. The result marks the largest monthly decline of 2024 and was weaker than the 1pc decline forecast by Mexican bank Banorte. It followed a nearly flat reading in November. Trade uncertainty and low domestic demand weighed on industrial production in December, said Banorte, with industry "sluggishness" likely through mid-2025. Manufacturing, which represents 63pc of Inegi's seasonally adjusted industrial activity indicator (IMAI), decreased by 1.2pc after rising 0.7pc in November. Transportation equipment manufacturing output, which comprises 24pc of the manufacturing component, has fluctuated in recent months, falling 6.4pc in December after a 3.6pc uptick in November and a 4.4pc decline in October. Despite this, Mexico's auto sector achieved record annual light vehicle production and exports in 2024. However, Mexican auto industry associations confirm investment in the sector has begun to slow on uncertainty tied to concerns over potential US tariffs and slow economic growth in 2025. Taking the base case that tariffs do not materialize, Banorte expects manufacturing to rebound in the second half of the year as uncertainty lifts and interest rates fall with rate cuts at the central bank. Mining, which makes up 12pc of the IMAI, was lower by 1pc in December, following a 0.5pc increase in November. The decline was again driven by the oil and gas production, falling by 2.5pc in December to mark a sixth consecutive monthly decline for hydrocarbons output. Construction, representing 19pc of the IMAI, contracted by 2.1pc in December with setbacks in all categories. This matched the November result, with Inegi recording declines in construction in five of the last seven months. From a year prior, industrial production fell by 2.4pc in December , while manufacturing fell by 0.3pc and construction declined by 7.1pc in December. Mining was down by 6.2pc. B y James Young Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

California aims to expand alternative bunkers


California aims to expand alternative bunkers

New York, 11 February (Argus) — California lawmakers will consider expanding alternative marine fuels use by ocean-going vessels on the state's coast. State senate bill 298, introduced by state senator Anna Caballero (D), would require the California State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission (Energy Commission), the California Transportation Agency and the state board to develop a plan by 31 December 2030 for the use and deployment of alternative fuels at California's public seaports. The plan should identify significant alternative fuel infrastructure and equipment trends, needs, and issues and describe how the state will facilitate permitting and construction of infrastructure to support alternative fuels. The plan should also identify locations for alternative fuel infrastructure, provide a reasonable timeline for its installment and estimate the costs, including public or private financing opportunities. The bill also calls for the Energy Commission to convene a working group consisting of representatives of seaports, marine terminal operators, ocean carriers, waterfront labor, cargo owners, environmental and community advocacy groups, the Transportation Agency, the state board, the Public Utilities Commission, and air quality management and air pollution control districts. The working group will advise the commission. The US territorial waters, including California's, are designated as emission control areas (ECAs). In the ECAs, the sulphur content of marine fuel burned by ocean-going vessels is capped at 0.1pc. Thus ocean-going vessels within 24 nautical miles of California burn 0.1pc sulphur maximum marine gasoil (MGO). Ocean-going vessels could achieve the equivalent of 0.1pc sulphur marine fuel emissions by installing marine exhaust scrubbers. But California has banned their use. California is the only US state that has banned the outright use of marine scrubbers. California also requires that ocean-going vessels while at berth in California ports must either use shore power or use alternative technology such as batteries. The regulation came into force for container ships, reefers and cruise ships in 2023. It came into force this January for tankers visiting Los Angeles and Long beach and for roll on roll off vessels. Starting on 1 January 2027, it will apply to all tankers at berth in all California's ports. US harbor craft vessels (such as barges, commercial fishing vessels, excursion vessels, dredgers, pilot vessels, tugboats and workboats) in California's waters are required to burn renewable diesel (R99 or R100). By comparison, elsewhere in the US, harbor craft vessels are required to burn ultra-low sulphur diesel (ULSD). In January, Los Angeles ULSD averaged at $773/t and R99 at $962/t. By Stefka Wechsler Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Texas ports reopen after fog: Update


Texas ports reopen after fog: Update

Updates status of Houston Ship Channel and Sabine-Neches Waterway Houston, 11 February (Argus) — Vessel movements at the Houston Ship Channel and nearby ports resumed today after closing Monday night due to fog, a ship agent said. The Houston Pilots Association, which services vessels entering or departing the port of Houston, resumed boardings for all traffic at 2:05pm ET Tuesday after opening to only outbound traffic at 10:45am ET, the US Coast Guard said. Pilots also resumed service at the nearby ports of Galveston and Texas City after closing Monday. The port of Freeport, Texas, remained open, the ship agent said. Pilot service at the Sabine-Neches Waterway on the Texas-Louisiana border resumed at 2:30pm ET Tuesday after closing at 12:30am ET, the third consecutive day with intermittent fog closures. Vessel traffic resumed at the Louisiana port of Lake Charles at 4:45am ET Tuesday, the ship agent said. Traffic there has been halted every night since 2 February due to dense fog but has remained open during the day. The October-March period that brings cooler weather to the US Gulf coast also brings periods of dense fog that can disrupt area ports, as warmer humid air collides with colder onshore air masses. Port closures can persist for several days, leading to delays and vessel congestion. Weather forecasts indicate a moderate to high chance of fog in Texas and Louisiana through Thursday morning. By Tray Swanson Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Brazil’s January inflation lowest since 1994


Brazil’s January inflation lowest since 1994

Sao Paulo, 11 February (Argus) — Brazil's monthly inflation stood at 0.16pc in January, the lowest increase for the month since 1994 when the government enacted multiple measures to contain soaring inflation, according to government statistics agency IBGE. The consumer price index (CPI) slowed annually to 4.56pc from 4.83pc in December, heavily influenced by a 14.2pc tumble in power costs in January, compared with a 3.19pc drop in December. Power costs decelerated January's inflation by 0.55 percentage points — the major individual contributor to the annual drop, according to IBGE — thanks to a R1.3bn ($224mn) federal discount in power tariffs that month, CPI's manager Fernando Goncalves said. Food and beverage costs rose by an annual 7.25pc, decelerating from 7.69pc in December. Beef costs increased annually by almost 21.2pc following a 20.8pc gain in the month prior, while soybean oil costs decelerated to 24.55pc over the last 12 months from 29.2pc in December. Motor fuels prices rose by 11.35pc in January. Ethanol was responsible for the group's largest annual increase of 21.59pc, up from 17.58pc in the month prior. Gasoline and diesel prices also registered annual rises of 10.71pc and 2.66pc from 9.71pc and 0.66pc, respectively. Still, diesel prices remained at a 0.97pc monthly increase from December, while ethanol costs contracted by 1.82pc from 1.92pc and gasoline prices increased by 0.61pc from 0.54pc. Fuel prices are likely to keep increasing in February, as states increased the VAT-like ICMS tax on fuels and state-controlled Petrobras increased wholesale diesel prices by 6.3pc , both effective as of 1 February. Transportation costs rose by 1.3pc in January over the year, following a 0.67pc gain in December. Flight tickets were the most responsible for the increase, with a 10.42pc monthly gain from a 22.2pc contraction in December. Brazil's central bank is targeting CPI of 3pc with a margin of 1.5 percentage point above or below. The bank raised its target rate to 13.25pc in January after it failed to maintain Brazil's headline inflation under the ceiling of 4.5pc for 2024. Further increases are expected in the coming months, the bank said. The central bank has recently changed the way it tracks the inflation goal. Instead of tracking inflation on a calendar year basis, it will now monitor the goal on a 12-month basis. In 1994, Brazil enacted its Plano Real, a series of measures to stabilize the economy and detain soaring inflation, which had hit an annual 916pc by the end of that year. One of the measures was to change its currency to the real from the cruzeiro real. By Maria Frazatto Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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