Argus Benzene Daily
The Argus Benzene Daily service delivers key pricing and spot benchmarks, global industry news and analysis of leading economic drivers, in a single service.
A PDF report is delivered to your inbox daily and you get 24/7 access to a powerful, customizable dashboard displaying prices alongside the latest market news, analysis and commentary.
Key features

Global service
Global coverage, news and analysis in a single, concise and integrated service.

Regional prices
Daily spot price coverage across the world based on a clear and transparent methodology.

Dynamic dashboard
Powerful, real-time visualization tool designed to help you analyse your commodity markets faster.
Customers that benefit
Benzene and derivative producers
Use our price assessments to support contract negotiations; use our data and market analysis for an independent view on supply, demand and market dynamics for spot negotiations, budget planning and weekly commercial tactics.
Consumers of benzene and derivative products
Use our price assessments to support contract negotiations; use our data and market analysis for an independent view on supply, demand and market dynamics for negotiations, budget planning and weekly commercial management strategies.
Traders and distributors
Use our global price data and regional market analysis, to review arbitrage and trade opportunities, and to inform commercial activities.
Chemical equity analysts
Use our price data to make real-time assessments of companies producing, or with major spend on, benzene and derivatives. Use global market analysis and news to keep abreast of the latest market dynamics.
Product specifications
Argus Benzene Daily service gives you daily access to price spreads by region and/or related products with a global view of prices and news.