Argus Petroleum Coke Outlook
This monthly service features price forecasts for a number of fuel-grade and anode-grade petroleum coke price assessments that we publish, as well as detailed forecasts of supply and demand for petroleum coke in key markets such as the US, Europe, India and China.
Key features
In-depth analysis and supply/demand and price projections.
Refining economics and market intelligence that affects petroleum coke output
Imports and exports
Import/export and trade flows between all major market participants
Forecasts and analysis of end-use markets such as aluminium, cement, power generation and steel production.
Customers that benefit
Fuel buyers
Aluminium and calciner buyers
Product specifications
Quarterly and annual price forecasts for:
Key price assessments
Argus prices are recognised by the market as trusted and reliable indicators of the real market value. Explore some of our most widely used and relevant price assessments.
Argus Germany inland HVO price assessments
Trusted price assessment for the value of HVO100 in the German transport sector
Argus Sour Crude Index™(ASCI™)
Argus Sour Crude Index™ は、米国湾岸の貿易ハブにおける中質酸性原油の価格を反映しており、主にサウジアラビア、イラク、クウェートによって米国への石油輸出価格を決定する際に使用されています。
Argus USGC Group I and Group II fob
Independent price assessments capturing the value of group I and II base oils exported from the US Gulf Coast.
Argus Antimony
Antimony is a key raw material for technology and energy transition applications and its concentrated production in China introduces risks for countries in Europe and the US who rely entirely on imports.
Argus 北東アジア(ANEA™)
Argus Northeast Asia des(ANEA™)LNG 価格は、日本、韓国、台湾、中国の港に船積みされる LNG カーゴの日々の現物スポット価格を毎日査定しています。この価格は、評価日から 2 〜 5 ヶ月先までの4 つの半月ウィンドーにわたる受渡しの価格です。
Argus UCOME バイオディーゼル
Argus UCOME(使用済み食用油メチルエステル)価格評査定は、欧州の廃バイオディーゼル市場の重要なベンチマークです。UCOME の価格査定の主なベースは、アントワープ、ロッテルダム、アムステルダム、ドルトレヒト、フラッシング、ゲントを含む ARAのfob レンジです。アーガスは中国南東部地域の UCOME 価格査定も行っています。
Argus RME バイオディーゼル
Argus RME(菜種油メチルエステル)価格査定は、欧州における主要なバイオ燃料ベンチマークです。この価格査定は、スワップや現物取引、取引所を通じた清算・決済の価格決定に使用されます。
Argus European RED 海洋バイオディーゼルインデックス
Argus B24 (UCOME) dob West Med、Argus B30、B100(Advanced Fame 0)dob ARA、Argus B30 (UCOME) fob ARA
Gasoil diesel 50ppm fob offshore Lome STS cargo
The market’s first and only price assessment of low sulphur gasoil cargo for West Africa.
Argus steel scrap cfr Taiwan
The LME Steel Scrap CFR Taiwan (Argus) is a cash settled futures contract based on the reported arithmetic monthly average of Argus’ Ferrous scrap HMS 1/2 (80:20) containerised CFR Taiwan price.
US physical trade month
In the US, the crude industry utilizes a physical trade month, that is not based on a typical calendar month nor the Nymex futures contract schedule.
US coking coal
Argus provides three fob Hampton Roads coking coal price assessments — low-volatile, high-volatile type A (HVA) and high-volatile type B (HVB).
Petroleum coke: Argus fob USGC high sulphur coke index
The Argus fob US Gulf 6.5pc sulphur 40 HGI petroleum coke index is the benchmark price reference for coke originating in the US Gulf and midcontinent and shipping to the seaborne market.
Nymex roll
The commonly-used calculation to determine the physical price of crude at Cushing.
Baltic wood pellet
The fob Baltic wood pellet price assessment is the price reference for wood pellets sold out of Baltic ports in the 90-day spot window. It is also known as Argus fob Riga.
Argus WTI Midland
The Argus WTI Midland price is a volume-weighted average of spot trades. The oil price is a differential to Nymex light sweet crude futures settlement.
Argus Germany inland HVO price assessments
Trusted price assessment for the value of HVO100 in the German transport sector
Argus Sour Crude Index™(ASCI™)
Argus Sour Crude Index™ は、米国湾岸の貿易ハブにおける中質酸性原油の価格を反映しており、主にサウジアラビア、イラク、クウェートによって米国への石油輸出価格を決定する際に使用されています。
Argus USGC Group I and Group II fob
Independent price assessments capturing the value of group I and II base oils exported from the US Gulf Coast.
Argus Antimony
Antimony is a key raw material for technology and energy transition applications and its concentrated production in China introduces risks for countries in Europe and the US who rely entirely on imports.
Argus 北東アジア(ANEA™)
Argus Northeast Asia des(ANEA™)LNG 価格は、日本、韓国、台湾、中国の港に船積みされる LNG カーゴの日々の現物スポット価格を毎日査定しています。この価格は、評価日から 2 〜 5 ヶ月先までの4 つの半月ウィンドーにわたる受渡しの価格です。
Argus UCOME バイオディーゼル
Argus UCOME(使用済み食用油メチルエステル)価格評査定は、欧州の廃バイオディーゼル市場の重要なベンチマークです。UCOME の価格査定の主なベースは、アントワープ、ロッテルダム、アムステルダム、ドルトレヒト、フラッシング、ゲントを含む ARAのfob レンジです。アーガスは中国南東部地域の UCOME 価格査定も行っています。
Argus RME バイオディーゼル
Argus RME(菜種油メチルエステル)価格査定は、欧州における主要なバイオ燃料ベンチマークです。この価格査定は、スワップや現物取引、取引所を通じた清算・決済の価格決定に使用されます。
Argus European RED 海洋バイオディーゼルインデックス
Argus B24 (UCOME) dob West Med、Argus B30、B100(Advanced Fame 0)dob ARA、Argus B30 (UCOME) fob ARA
Gasoil diesel 50ppm fob offshore Lome STS cargo
The market’s first and only price assessment of low sulphur gasoil cargo for West Africa.
Argus steel scrap cfr Taiwan
The LME Steel Scrap CFR Taiwan (Argus) is a cash settled futures contract based on the reported arithmetic monthly average of Argus’ Ferrous scrap HMS 1/2 (80:20) containerised CFR Taiwan price.
US physical trade month
In the US, the crude industry utilizes a physical trade month, that is not based on a typical calendar month nor the Nymex futures contract schedule.
US coking coal
Argus provides three fob Hampton Roads coking coal price assessments — low-volatile, high-volatile type A (HVA) and high-volatile type B (HVB).
Petroleum coke: Argus fob USGC high sulphur coke index
The Argus fob US Gulf 6.5pc sulphur 40 HGI petroleum coke index is the benchmark price reference for coke originating in the US Gulf and midcontinent and shipping to the seaborne market.
Nymex roll
The commonly-used calculation to determine the physical price of crude at Cushing.
Baltic wood pellet
The fob Baltic wood pellet price assessment is the price reference for wood pellets sold out of Baltic ports in the 90-day spot window. It is also known as Argus fob Riga.
Argus WTI Midland
The Argus WTI Midland price is a volume-weighted average of spot trades. The oil price is a differential to Nymex light sweet crude futures settlement.
Argus Germany inland HVO price assessments
Trusted price assessment for the value of HVO100 in the German transport sector
Argus Sour Crude Index™(ASCI™)
Argus Sour Crude Index™ は、米国湾岸の貿易ハブにおける中質酸性原油の価格を反映しており、主にサウジアラビア、イラク、クウェートによって米国への石油輸出価格を決定する際に使用されています。
Argus USGC Group I and Group II fob
Independent price assessments capturing the value of group I and II base oils exported from the US Gulf Coast.
Argus Antimony
Antimony is a key raw material for technology and energy transition applications and its concentrated production in China introduces risks for countries in Europe and the US who rely entirely on imports.
Argus 北東アジア(ANEA™)
Argus Northeast Asia des(ANEA™)LNG 価格は、日本、韓国、台湾、中国の港に船積みされる LNG カーゴの日々の現物スポット価格を毎日査定しています。この価格は、評価日から 2 〜 5 ヶ月先までの4 つの半月ウィンドーにわたる受渡しの価格です。
Argus UCOME バイオディーゼル
Argus UCOME(使用済み食用油メチルエステル)価格評査定は、欧州の廃バイオディーゼル市場の重要なベンチマークです。UCOME の価格査定の主なベースは、アントワープ、ロッテルダム、アムステルダム、ドルトレヒト、フラッシング、ゲントを含む ARAのfob レンジです。アーガスは中国南東部地域の UCOME 価格査定も行っています。
Argus RME バイオディーゼル
Argus RME(菜種油メチルエステル)価格査定は、欧州における主要なバイオ燃料ベンチマークです。この価格査定は、スワップや現物取引、取引所を通じた清算・決済の価格決定に使用されます。
Argus European RED 海洋バイオディーゼルインデックス
Argus B24 (UCOME) dob West Med、Argus B30、B100(Advanced Fame 0)dob ARA、Argus B30 (UCOME) fob ARA
Gasoil diesel 50ppm fob offshore Lome STS cargo
The market’s first and only price assessment of low sulphur gasoil cargo for West Africa.
Argus steel scrap cfr Taiwan
The LME Steel Scrap CFR Taiwan (Argus) is a cash settled futures contract based on the reported arithmetic monthly average of Argus’ Ferrous scrap HMS 1/2 (80:20) containerised CFR Taiwan price.
US physical trade month
In the US, the crude industry utilizes a physical trade month, that is not based on a typical calendar month nor the Nymex futures contract schedule.
US coking coal
Argus provides three fob Hampton Roads coking coal price assessments — low-volatile, high-volatile type A (HVA) and high-volatile type B (HVB).
Petroleum coke: Argus fob USGC high sulphur coke index
The Argus fob US Gulf 6.5pc sulphur 40 HGI petroleum coke index is the benchmark price reference for coke originating in the US Gulf and midcontinent and shipping to the seaborne market.
Nymex roll
The commonly-used calculation to determine the physical price of crude at Cushing.
Baltic wood pellet
The fob Baltic wood pellet price assessment is the price reference for wood pellets sold out of Baltic ports in the 90-day spot window. It is also known as Argus fob Riga.
Argus WTI Midland
The Argus WTI Midland price is a volume-weighted average of spot trades. The oil price is a differential to Nymex light sweet crude futures settlement.