Argus Austria VTP
Price assessment details
What are the advantages of the Argus Austria's Virtual Trading Point (VTP) price assessment?
Argus publishes Austria VTP price assessments daily. Assessments are based on a robust methodology and are known and trusted by market participants along the value chain. As part of the Argus European Natural Gas service, the Austria VTP assessments make up part of our wide-ranging market coverage, including prices for key European hubs, accompanied by the latest news and expert market commentary.
We provide assessments for Austria VTP prompt and forward contracts (see table below). Prices are assessed based on a broad range of market information. Argus also publishes Austria VTP volume-weighted average prices, monthly buy-sell indexes for day-ahead and front-month prices and data on price volatility. Our service includes spark spreads based on TTF price assessments that provide illustrative information about power generation economics.
How is this assessment used?
Published as part of the Argus European Natural Gas service, you can access Argus Austria VTP price assessments on the Argus Direct interactive platform, have the price delivered via a datafeed or Argus Direct for Spreadsheets, receive it via one of our third-party partners or get it direct to your inbox within the daily report. Argus European Natural Gas provides you with a comprehensive and independent view of the markets, with latest news, detailed analysis, price assessments and extensive associated pricing and fundamentals data. The insight from our cross-commodity analysis helps bring valuable context to prices and ensures users understand price and market movements.Explore our products
Key price assessments
Argus prices are recognised by the market as trusted and reliable indicators of the real market value. Explore some of our most widely used and relevant price assessments.