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India’s Fact issues tender to buy NPK and NPS

  • : Fertilizers
  • 24/12/09

Indian fertilizer importer Fact has issued a tender to buy 15,000t each of 15-15-15 and 20-20-0+13S, plus or minus 10pc of the respective quantities, closing on 16 December.

The company has requested shipment of the 15-15-15 to Tuticorin port and the 20-20-0+13S to New Mangalore port from 15-25 January next year.

Fact last month issued a purchase tender for 20,000t of 20-20-0+13S, after having received no offers in its previous tender for the product. Again, no offers were submitted for this tender by the closing date on 25 November.

Fact last month also requested 40,000t of 15-15-15. The company received one offer under this tender, but the offer price was not opened.

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