PetroChina warns of big fall in 2020 profits

  • Market: Crude oil, Natural gas, Oil products
  • 29/01/21

China's biggest oil and gas producer, state-controlled PetroChina, said it expects its profit to have fallen by up to 63pc last year because of the effects of Covid-19 on oil prices and sales.

It expects profit to drop by 55-63pc, or 25bn-29bn yuan ($3.9bn-4.5bn), in 2020, according to preliminary estimates released by the company today. PetroChina made a profit of Yn45.7bn in 2019.

After taking into account one-off items, the company expects earnings to drop by Yn73bn-77bn, which would send it to a loss for the year.

Sales volumes of gasoline and diesel fell by 10-20pc last year because of the pandemic, and a sharp fall in oil prices forced it to make provisions for oil and gas asset impairments, PetroChina said, without giving details.

Operating results swung from a loss to a profit in the second half of last year as Covid-19 came under control in China.

PetroChina made a profit of Yn40.05bn in July-September, up more than fourfold from Yn8.83bn a year earlier. The company completed the sale of most of its oil and gas pipelines and some storage facilities to the newly formed PipeChina at the end of the quarter, for which it booked a profit of Yn45.82bn for the January-September period.

Profit fell by 73pc year on year in the first nine months of 2020 to Yn10.07bn, although this was a sharp recovery from a loss of Yn30bn for the January-June period.

Crude production rose by 2.7pc to 701.2mn bl (2.56mn b/d) during January-September, driven mainly by gains at PetroChina's overseas fields. Total upstream production was up by 4.3pc to 1.21bn bl of oil equivalent (442,000 boe/d).


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Pemex bajo presión para mantener refinación alta

Pemex bajo presión para mantener refinación alta

Mexico City, 7 May (Argus) — La refinación de crudo de Pemex, propiedad estatal de México, en marzo alcanzó sus niveles más altos en casi ocho años antes de las elecciones presidenciales del 2 de junio, pero la empresa podría enfrentarse a desafíos para mantener niveles de refinadoaltos en los próximos meses. Las seis refinerías nacionales de Pemex procesaron más de 1 millón b/d de crudo en marzo por primera vez desde junio de 2016, impulsadas por el progreso en la rehabilitación de las refinerías y una disminución de las exportaciones de crudo para alimentar el sistema de refinación. El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador busca reducir las importaciones de combustible en su último año en el cargo, en línea con su promesa de campaña de volver a México más independiente en energía. Sin embargo, los niveles de proceso de crudo podrían disminuir en abril-mayo después de que se produjeran incendios en las refinerías Minatitlán y Salina Cruz a finales de abril. Además, las refinerías de Salina Cruz (330,000 b/d) y Tula (315,000 b/d), las más grandes de México, siguen batallando con una producción elevada de combustóleo con alto contenido de azufre, lo que limita las capacidades de las refinerías para operar a altas tasas simultáneamente. Pemex lleva mucho tiempo luchando con la elevada producción de combustóleo, ya que México produce principalmente crudo pesado, lo que crea una serie de desafíos operativos. El combustóleo suele ocupar valioso espacio de almacenamiento necesario para productos de mayor valor, lo que puede limitar la producción de combustibles más ligeros. Las exportaciones récord de combustóleo en marzo, impulsadas por un aumento de la demanda en la costa del Golfo de EE. UU. después de los reacondicionamientos de la refinería, permitieron a Pemex elevar las operaciones en ambas refinerías simultáneamente. Sin embargo, el problema podría volver a afectar a Pemex en los próximos meses cuando la demanda de combustóleo disminuya y la empresa se vea obligada a almacenar el producto. Pemex está construyendo unidades de coquización en ambas refinerías para resolver este problema, pero no se espera que la unidad de Tula comience a funcionar hasta al menos finales de año, mientras que la unidad de coquización de Salina Cruz comenzaría a finales de 2025. Mientras tanto, la refinería Cadereyta de 275.000 b/d podría compensar parcialmente una disminución en el procesamiento de crudo en Tula y Salina Cruz, ya que su configuración le permite producir menos combustóleo, una fuente familiarizada con las operaciones de Pemex ha dicho a Argus . Las tasas de refinación de Pemex comenzaron a caer en 2014 después de que la administración anterior decidiera depender menos de la producción nacional y centrarse en abrir el mercado de la energía, antes hermético a inversiones externas. En cambio, López Obrador invirtió al menos $3.7 mil millones en mantenimiento para las refinerías antiguas de Pemex de 2019-2023, excluyendo proyectos importantes como las coquizadoras en construcción, además de $17 mil millones para la nueva refinería Olmeca. Cambios en el flujo de crudo y combustible Los mayores niveles de refinación de Pemex han disminuido el flujo de crudo y combustible entre México y EE. UU., y el arranque de Olmeca podría alterar aún más los flujos. Pemex redujo sus importaciones de gasolina y diésel en 25pc a 419,000 b/d en marzo, comparado con 562,000 b/d el año pasado, como resultado de un mejor rendimiento de las refinerías. Las exportaciones de crudo de México cayeron un 29pc hasta un mínimo histórico de 687,000 b/d en marzo, por una menor producción y mayores niveles de refinación. El flujo de crudo y combustible entre México y EE. UU. podría disminuir aún más una vez que Olmeca comience operaciones comerciales y si Pemex mantiene un alto nivel de refinación en sus otras refinerías. La refinería Olmeca comenzará a producir diésel de ultra bajo azufre esta semana, procesando destilados enviados desde la refinería Madero, dijo Pemex el 3 de mayo. Pero la refinería no ha cumplido varios plazos prometidos, el más reciente en abril. La unidad de destilación de crudo de la refinería, la primera unidad de procesamiento, se enfrenta a "problemas importantes" que han retrasado el inicio de la refinería, aunque otras unidades de procesamiento secundario están listas para comenzar, dijo a Argus una fuente familiarizada con las operaciones de Pemex. Sin embargo, el mercado se mantiene escéptico de que se puedan mantener los niveles de refinación después de las elecciones del 2 de junio, ya que Pemex sigue enfrentándose a problemas operativos en sus refinerías. Pero la candidata del partido gobernante Claudia Sheinbaum lidera la votación con doble dígito y se espera que continúe el proyecto actual del gobierno para reforzar Pemex y aumentar los niveles de refinación de la empresa. Por Antonio Gozain Exportaciones de crudo, importaciones de combustible de Pemex ’000 b/d Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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US set to resume crude purchases for SPR


US set to resume crude purchases for SPR

Washington, 7 May (Argus) — The US is set to resume crude purchases for the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), after calling off a planned 3mn bl refill last month following a rise in crude prices. The US Department of Energy (DOE) today said it plans to purchase up to 3.3mn bl of sour crude for delivery in October to the SPR's Big Hill storage site in Texas. The solicitation sets a maximum price of $79.99/bl for the offers, a slight increase from the $79/bl ceiling it used in the recent monthly purchases. The agency last month called off two pending solicitations that sought to buy 1.5mn bl/month for delivery to the SPR's Bayou Choctaw site in August and September, citing higher crude prices. The most recent SPR refill, nearly 2.8mn bl of sour crude for delivery in September, cost an average of $81.34/bl. DOE says it has has already purchased a total of 32.3mn bl at an average price of $76.98/bl, well below the average $95/bl it received from the sale of 180mn bl of crude from the SPR to respond to market turbulence after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. Energy secretary Jennifer Granholm told lawmakers last week that two out of four SPR sites were undergoing maintenance and would not be able to accept SPR deliveries until the end of the year. "We want to continue to fill it, and we will," Grahnolm said. The SPR held 367.2mn bl as of 3 May. By Haik Gugarats Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Australia’s Gorgon LNG train to be out for five weeks


Australia’s Gorgon LNG train to be out for five weeks

Singapore, 7 May (Argus) — One of three trains at Australia's 15.6mn t/yr Gorgon export terminal will be off line for five weeks, operator Chevron told Argus on 7 May. The train has been off line since 30 April because of a mechanical fault in a turbine. Chevron's five-week shutdown expectation is slightly longer than the initially expected shutdown period of about 2-3 weeks, traders said. Each week of downtime on one train at Gorgon reduces the terminal's available liquefaction capacity by about 100,000t. The five-week shutdown is likely to reduce the terminal's production by about 5-8 cargoes, traders said. One standard-sized cargo is roughly equivalent to 60,000-70,000t of LNG. But overarching sentiment from market participants is that the impact on both prices and supply will be limited, as only one train is affected and there are ample cargoes for June and July. There will be a temporary spike in prices as affected buyers — if any — will have to secure prompt cargoes to replace lost LNG from Gorgon, keeping prices supported well above $10/mn Btu, traders said. The shutdown will have a greater impact on prices if repair works drag on for longer and affect summer deliveries, they added. The ANEA price, the Argus assessment for spot LNG deliveries to northeast Asia, for the first and second half June were assessed at $10.57/mn Btu and $10.58/mn Btu on 7 May, higher by 40¢/mn Btu from the previous day. First- and second-half July ANEA prices were assessed at $10.64/mn Btu and $10.66/mn Btu, up by 36¢/mn Btu/mn Btu from a day earlier. Chevron has rescheduled deliveries of some LNG cargoes for their Asian offtakers, according to some traders. Further details are unclear. Shell might have bought around 3-4 cargoes because of the shutdown at Gorgon, according to traders. It is not clear whether the cargoes are for June or July delivery. Some traders have offered both June- and July-delivery cargoes to Chevron but the firm has responded by saying that the shortfall can be managed by optimising its own portfolio, traders said. The Gorgon LNG joint venture is operated by Chevron with a 47pc stake, while ExxonMobil and Shell hold 25pc each. By Simone Tam Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


General Petroleum expands UAE base oil storage facility


General Petroleum expands UAE base oil storage facility

Singapore, 7 May (Argus) — UAE-based lubricant producer General Petroleum plans to finish building the second phase of its UAE base oil storage terminal by the end of May, according to a source close to the firm. The construction started in March and will consist of 12 storage tanks, each with a 2,200t capacity. The producer aims to start operations at the second phase in June. Construction for a third phase is also scheduled to begin in June 2025, which will add four storage tanks of 6,000t capacity each. The first phase of the storage terminal started operations in March 2020 . That storage terminal consisted of eight storage tanks, each with a 1,550t capacity. The facility, located in the Hamriyah free zone in Sharjah, is expected to have a combined 62,800t base oil storage capacity after the phase three expansion is complete. The terminal is connected by two pipelines to the jetty. General Petroleum operates a 150,000 t/yr lubricant plant opposite the storage terminal, and exports more than a third of its production to overseas markets, the same source added. The company had highlighted North Africa, Asia-Pacific, and the Americas as key markets for growth. The blender also has a 25,000 t/yr production facility in Tanzania and a 35,000 t/yr facility in Uganda. The UAE is a major lubricant blending and trading hub in the region because of its strategic location and logistics infrastructure. The Mideast Gulf is also largely self-sufficient on base oil supply and is typically a net exporter of the lubricant feedstock, especially for Group I and Group III supplies. Regional base oil supply is set to rise in the years ahead with planned expansions. Africa is a growing market for base oils, propelled by its gross domestic product and population growth. Rising mobility needs and vehicle ownership is also expected to boost demand in the years ahead. Africa predominantly produces Group I base oils but remains structurally short on supply. Overseas supplies, including those from the Mideast Gulf, make up a sizeable portion of the region's imports. By Chng Li Li Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Brazil unlocks relief spending to flooded state


Brazil unlocks relief spending to flooded state

Sao Paulo, 6 May (Argus) — Brazil's president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva signed a decree to ease relief spending to Rio Grande do Sul state, which has been hit with historically heavy rainfall and floods. "We are going to do everything in our power to contribute to Rio Grande do Sul's recovery," he said today after signing the decree, adding that was only the first of "a large number of acts" for the state. The decree recognizes the state of emergency in Rio Grande do Sul and allows the federal government to grant funding and tax waivers to the state without having to comply with spending limits. In addition, it makes rules for public authorities to contract services and purchase products more flexible. The decree still needs both senate and congressional approval — which should be hasty, as both the senate and house leaders were present at the decree's signing. It is still not clear how much money it will take to rebuild the state, chief of staff Rui Costa and planning minister Simone Tebet said. But the minister of regional integration Waldez Goez estimated that it will take around R1bn ($200mn) to rebuild the state's highways. Rio Grande do Sul has been hit with heavy rainfall since 29 April. The highest volumes reached the central areas of Rio Grande do Sul, with cities receiving rainfall of 150-500mm (6-20 inches), regional rural agency Emater-RS data show. The monitoring station of Restinga Seca city, in the center of the state, recorded rainfall of about 540mm. Rainfall in Rio Grande do Sul overall surpassed 135mm in most of the state, according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). State capital Porto Alegre is expected to receive more rain later this week, according to Rio Grande do Sul-based weather forecaster MetSul. MetSul warned that parts of the Porto Alegre metropolitan area could remain uninhabitable for weeks or months. The floods have left at least 83 dead and 111 missing, according to the state government. An additional 130,000 people have been displaced from their homes. By Lucas Parolin Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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