Our terms
Argus Media Events Antitrust Statement
Argus Media takes compliance with antitrust and competition law seriously. The purpose of Argus events is to help market participants understand major issues shaping commodity markets. Event sessions will follow the agenda as circulated or updated by Argus from time to time.
Argus reminds all participants at Argus events of the need to be mindful of the requirement to comply with antitrust and competition laws. Participants should not, at or in connection with an Argus event, enter into discussions, make announcements, post information, ask questions or otherwise exchange information, or refer questions to an individual, group, panel or otherwise, which concern the following:
company-specific (whether your own or a competitor’s) prices, including price increases and pricing methods, discounts, terms of sale/business;
individual company data on costs, production capacity (whether increases or reductions), inventory, sales, profit margins or other data that impact on price;
company-specific (whether your own or a competitor’s) business or investment plans whether regarding specific geographic or product markets, territorial or market allocation or particular customers. This includes information about specific company production/capacity increases or reductions; and
any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operations.
It is the responsibility of each event participant at all times to act in accordance with their own antitrust compliance policies and all applicable laws and to avoid or end any discussion initiated with them in breach of such policies and laws. While Argus is not responsible for what is communicated by event participants and is not able to review all questions asked by, or communications made between, event participants, nevertheless, Argus may remove/delete any content, presentation, question, message or topic displayed or raised at an event and decline to display or refer any questions to a panel or other participants which Argus Media considers could potentially breach antitrust or competition laws.
If you have any concerns or questions about this statement, please contact us at conferencesupport@argusmedia.com
Code of Conduct for Argus Media Events
Argus Media (“Argus”) is dedicated to providing a professional, collegial, and respectful environment for participants at all of our events.
This Code of Conduct applies to:
- any event (including a digital/virtual event) that is organised and/or hosted (including in collaboration with any other person or entity) by a member of the Argus Media group of companies, including but not limited to conferences, forums, webinars and exhibits (each an “Argus Event”); and
- any and all participants at Argus Events, including but not limited to employees, customers, delegates, speakers, volunteers, interns, guests, vendors, contractors, exhibitors, and other attendees (each a “Participant”).
This Code of Conduct may be revised at any time by Argus. A Participant’s registration for, or attendance at, an Argus Event indicates their agreement to abide by this Code of Conduct and its terms. Participants at Argus Events should conduct themselves at all times in a manner that is consistent with this Code of Conduct. This includes statements made in the media, social media postings, on-line publications, text messages, and all other forms of electronic communication.
All Participants are expected to:
- Uphold the professional purposes of Argus Events by respecting the rights, privacy, safety, and dignity of all persons and property
- Behave in accordance with professional standards
- Respect third parties’ intellectual property rights
- Behave in accordance with applicable laws, including without limitation competition and antitrust laws (please see Argus’ Antitrust Statement)
- Be properly registered for the Argus Events they are participating and benefiting from
- Use their real name and identity in registrations and when communicating or interacting with other Participants
- Unacceptable behaviours include (but are not limited to):
- Harassment and discrimination including any verbal, written, physical, or visual conduct based on race, age, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, transgender status, disability or marital status
- Inappropriate use of images; deliberate intimidation, bullying, stalking or following; sustained disruption of sessions, presentations or other events; inappropriate physical or verbal contact, and any unwelcome sexual attention (in all cases, including in written and/or message form)
- Wearing clothing (in person or on camera/video) that is not suitable for a professional work environment, that is provocative, inappropriate or otherwise potentially offensive
- Any boisterous, lewd or offensive behaviour or language (including in writing), using sexually explicit or offensive language or conduct, profanity, obscene gestures, or racial, religious or ethnic slurs
- Taking of photos or any other recording at the Argus Event without the prior permission of the individuals or owner(s) of the content therein
- Carrying out any activity that is not consistent with Argus Media’s Antitrust Compliance Reminder (a copy of which is included at the bottom of this Code of Conduct)
- Displaying (in person or on camera/video), distributing, advertising or promoting (including via web links) (1) any materials (including, but not limited to, music, video footage, images (including as background/wallpaper images) without the express permission of both the owner of the material (if any) and Argus and (2) any goods, products, services or advice without the express permission of Argus
- Being intoxicated, as determined by Argus, at any Argus Event venue or function (including where the attendance is via a digital platform)
- Showcasing or promoting any illegal substance in conversation, chat, photo, video, or text
- Sharing your delegate pass or digital/virtual event login credentials with other individuals
- Failure to comply with Argus’ Delegate Terms and Conditions or obey any of the rules or regulations of the venue or digital platform or instructions of the event venue or platform staff
- Any illegal activity not already covered in this list
- Failing to stop unacceptable behaviour when requested by a Participant, venue or digital/virtual platform provider, or by Argus
Argus will not tolerate unacceptable behaviour. Any Participant asked to cease any unacceptable behaviour must comply immediately. Argus may take any action they deem appropriate if a Participant engages in unacceptable behaviour, including expulsion from the Argus Event without warning or refund and, if appropriate, involvement of applicable law enforcement. Argus reserves the right to exclude any Participant found not be complying with this Code of Conduct from participating in any further Argus Event.
If you have a complaint or concern about harassment, discrimination, bullying or any other conduct that violates this Code of Conduct, please contact us immediately. If you witness this happening to someone else, please report that, too.
Contact via email: Confidential@argusmedia.com
Last updated: July 2020
Argus Media Delegate Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions for Argus conferences
1. Parties
1.1 These Terms and Conditions provide the terms under which a Delegate (as defined in clause 1.5 below) may attend an Argus Media group conference, event or forum (the “Event”) and apply whether the event is attended in person (an “In-Person Event”) and/or digitally (a “Digital Event”) via a digital platform or application (“Event Platform”). The expressions “Argus”, “we”, “us” or “our” refer to the Argus Media group entity specified on the applicable Event webpage (https://www.argusmedia.com/en/conferences-events), and “you” or “your” refers to you as a Delegate and/or as an Authorized Representative (as defined in clause 1.4 below).
1.2 The Terms and Conditions (and all documents and policies incorporated by reference herein), together with your completed registration form for the Event (the “Registration Form”), set out the entire agreement between you, your organization and us in relation to the Delegate’s registration for, and attendance at, the Event. Submission of your Registration Form constitutes your and your organization’s acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
1.3 Only an Authorized Representative may submit a Registration Form. You undertake that you, your organization named on the Registration Form, and the Delegate(s) will observe and comply with this Agreement, and you agree to draw these Terms and Conditions to the attention of each Delegate, including any delegate substitute made in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
1.4. Authorized Representative” means a representative of your organization who has the necessary authority and power to submit the Registration Form on behalf of the Delegate(s) and (where relevant) to agree to bind such persons in respect of these Terms and Conditions, and to procure their compliance and consents (where applicable) in full. If you do not have the necessary powers and authorization to do so, you must not submit the Registration Form.
1.5 Delegate” is the person identified in the Registration Form who wishes to attend the Event and who must be either an Authorized Representative or a person who has consented to the Authorized Representative acting on their behalf in connection with registration and attendance at this Event. Attendance at the Event by a Delegate will be treated as confirmation of your consent to these Terms and Conditions.
2. Event Attendance: Compliance Requirements, Safety and Security
2.1 You agree to comply with:
all applicable laws, regulations and requirements in respect of the Event;
the Argus Media Event Code of Conduct made available by Argus and as updated from time to time;
all instructions issued by us, the physical venue/venue operator in respect of any In-Person Event and/or the Event Platform provider in respect of any Digital Event (as applicable), including, but not limited to, any venue instructions, signage and conditions of use, any Event Platform user terms or notices, or any other guidelines, security arrangements or protocols. You acknowledge that your access to the venue for an In-Person Event and your access to, and use of an Event Platform for, a Digital Event will be dependent and/or conditional upon you agreeing to and remaining in compliance with such instructions and/or terms; and
all applicable antitrust and competition laws. We accept no responsibility or liability for conversations, questions submitted, or any other action taken by any person at the Event that may breach anti-trust and competition laws.
2.2. You are responsible for making all arrangements and for all costs associated with attending an In-Person Event, including those related to travel, visa, accommodation, and other incidental costs associated with you attending an In-Person Event.
2.3. You are responsible for ensuring that you have an appropriate internet connection (high speed Internet access is recommended) and such operating device(s), technology and/or system(s) notified to you at the time of registration (and updated from time to time) as being required to attend the Digital Event. Argus is not responsible for your internet connection and does not warrant that your attendance at a Digital Event or use of the Event Platform will be uninterrupted, secure or error-free. You are responsible for implementing safeguards to protect your own technology, computer systems, information and data and you are responsible for the entire cost of any service or repairs necessary as a result of attending the Event.
2.4. You will ensure that any usernames and passwords allocated to you for the purpose of attending the Event shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed to any other person. You will immediately notify Argus on becoming aware that any username or password has become known to or used by any other person. Argus may at any time require you to change any allocated username or password for any reason.
2.5. Notwithstanding any other provision in these Terms and Conditions, you are responsible for ensuring your own safety and security whilst attending the Event (including the safety of your own property). Except as set out in the “Liability” clause, we shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you.
2.6. Argus reserves the right, in its absolute discretion and without liability, to refuse admission to, or remove from the Event, any person (including a Delegate), including, without limitation, any person (i) who fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions (including any applicable venue/venue operator and/or Event Platform terms/ user terms), (ii) who in the opinion of Argus represents a security risk, nuisance or annoyance to the running of the Event, or (iii) whose attendance at the Event may, in Argus’ reasonable opinion, cause harm to Argus’ reputation and/or cause Argus to breach any law or regulation.
2.7. Argus reserves the right, whether due to a Force Majeure Event (as defined in clause 4.4) or in its sole discretion, to change the content/programme, speakers, location, platform, or timing of the Event without liability, and shall use reasonable endeavours to notify you of any such changes by no later than when it notifies other Event participants.
2.8. You understand and agree that views expressed by speakers or other attendees at the Event are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Argus. We shall not be liable for the views, acts or omissions of any such speaker or any other attendee at the Event.
2.9. For In-Person Events, Argus will use reasonable endeavours to satisfy any access or dietary requirements provided we are notified of such requirements reasonably in advance of the Event. However, you acknowledge and agree that, due to the location and/or venue, it may not be possible for such requirements to be satisfied.
3. Payments
3.1. The registration fee for the Event (the “Fee”) is specified on your Registration Form. The Fee is payable in full without deduction or set-off, together with all applicable taxes (including without limitation VAT) at the time of booking, or, where Argus agrees to issue you an invoice and the Event is more than 30 days away, payment is required 30 days after the invoice is issued, or, where Argus agrees to issue you an invoice and the Event is less than 30 days away, payment is required on or before the first day of the Event. The Fee is not refundable in whole or in part other than as expressly set out at clauses 4.1 and 4.2. Payment of the Fee grants you access to the program(s) scheduled during the Event.
3.2. Argus may at its sole discretion offer discounts, including, without limitation, “early bird” discounts. To qualify for any “early bird” discounts, you must have (a) submitted your Registration Form within the discount period (if any) specified on Argus’ website for the Event, and (b) paid the Fee in full in accordance with clause 3.1. Argus reserves the right to remove any offered discounts if it does not receive payment on time, and you agree to pay the full Fee for the Event.
3.3. You shall pay the Fee by any method of payment that Argus shall reasonably request. From time to time Argus may, but is not obligated to, accept payment by you of the Fee via a third-party payment intermediary (the “Third Party Payment Provider”). Use of the Third Party Payment Provider is entirely at your own risk. You should ensure that you read any third-party privacy policies and terms of use before using such services. We will not be responsible for any additional fees, charges or amounts imposed on you in respect of your use of a Third Party Payment Provider.
3.4. Without prejudice to any other remedy that may be available to Argus, Argus shall be entitled (where permitted by law) to charge interest of up to 3% (per annum) in respect of any overdue payment.
4. Event Materials, Delegate List and Event Platform and Content
4.1. Argus may make materials available to you in connection with the Event (“Event Materials”). Unless otherwise expressly stated, Argus owns all intellectual property and other rights in all Event Materials. You shall not disclose, distribute or use the Event Materials other than to support your own attendance at the Event.
4.2. Where we have received consent for an entity or an individual’s business information to appear on a delegate list for the Event (“Delegate List”), we may provide that entity or individual with access to the Delegate List to be used on the terms and subject to the conditions set out below or as otherwise notified to you in writing. Argus reserves the right not to provide a Delegate List for any particular Event. If Argus makes a Delegate List available, the Delegate List will form part of the Event Materials. Any Delegate List is the confidential and proprietary information of Argus.
4.3. The Delegate List and other Event Materials may be provided in hard copy or they may be uploaded to the Event Platform or another web-based application (an “App”) at Argus’ sole discretion.
4.4. The Delegate List may only be used for networking purposes connected with the Event. In particular, but without limitation, you may not: (a) disclose the Delegate List to any third party, including any non-attendees, other delegates, conference participants or any organization or association of which you may be a member; (b) use the Delegate List for marketing purposes or to host or promote your own event; or (c) redistribute or otherwise misuse the Delegate List.
4.5. Argus takes no responsibility for either your use of the Delegate List or for the actions of third parties in relation to the Delegate List.
4.6. Where you have registered for an Event, unless you advise us otherwise, we may provide sponsors with your business contact information (name, email, phone number, job title, company, country) and details of your engagement with a sponsor, including whether you requested a meeting with or accepted a meeting request from the sponsor, whether you clicked on the sponsor’s banner or logo, whether you visited the sponsor’s sponsorship or exhibition booth and whether you attended the sponsor’s speaker/break-out/round-table session(s).
4.7. You may choose whether or not to be visible to and communicate with other attendees via the Event Platform during the Event. Choosing to be invisible on the Event Platform will not impact on your consent to be on the Delegate List and/or the provision of the details described in clause 4.6 to sponsors. Please be aware that internet transmissions are never completely private or secure, even if there is a notice that a particular transmission is encrypted. Additionally, Argus and/or the Event Platform provider may be required to disclose information to third parties held on the Event Platform in accordance with law. Argus does not guarantee the security of the Event Platform and does not accept any liability in relation to the disclosure by you of any information at an Event, including at a Digital Event via an Event Platform, or any third party’s access to or use of any such information.
4.8. You agree that you are solely responsible for the content ("Content") sent, posted or displayed by you while using any Event Platform and for compliance with all laws pertaining to the Content, including, but not limited to, laws requiring you to obtain the consent of a third party to use the Content and to provide appropriate notices of third party rights. You represent and warrant that you have the right to use the Content in the manner and ways that you use it and that such use does not violate or infringe on any rights of any third party. Under no circumstances will Argus be liable in any way for any (a) Content that is transmitted or viewed on the Event Platform, (b) errors or omissions in the Content, or (c) any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of, access to, or denial of access to Content. Although Argus is not responsible for any Content, Argus may delete any Content, at any time without notice to you, if Argus becomes aware and/or reasonably considers that it violates any provision of this Agreement, or any law. You retain copyright and any other rights you already hold in Content which you send, post or display on or through, the Event Platform.
5. Cancellations & Termination
5.1. If a Delegate is unable to attend the Event, you may either (a) substitute another employee from your organization (the “delegate substitute”) at no extra charge by providing the substitute employee’s name and contact information to Argus using the Argus email address specified on the Event website, provided that you do so at least 48 hours before the first day of the Event, or (b) cancel your registration in accordance with clause 5.2. For In-Person Events, you must ensure that the delegate substitute obtains its own delegate pass and does not use the original Delegate’s delegate pass. For Digital Events, you must ensure that the delegate substitute is properly replaced in accordance with the requirements of the Event Platform provider and does not use the original Delegate’s log-in and password.
5.2. If you cancel a Delegate’s registration at least 45 days or more before the Event (the “Cancellation Cut-off Day”) by sending an email to the Argus email address specified on the Event website, Argus will provide you a refund of the Fees you have paid in respect of that Delegate, less a £150 administration charge. No refunds/credits will be given for cancellations received after the Cancellation Cut-off Day or for non-attendance of all or any part of the Event for any reason. If you cancel a registration and have not yet paid for that registration, you will still be required to pay the applicable Fees and the administrative charge, as applicable.
5.3. Where a Force Majeure Event has or may have, in Argus’ reasonable opinion, an adverse impact on: (i) the ability of Argus to hold the Event at the planned venue and/or Event Platform and/or date or time; or (ii) the Event generally, then Argus shall be entitled but not obliged, in its sole discretion, to either: (i) provide alternative facilities or venue for an In-Person Event or Event Platform for a Digital Event (as applicable); and/or (ii) reschedule the Event. You hereby agree that any fees received by Argus will be applied to any rearranged or rescheduled Event held pursuant to this clause and you will not be entitled to any compensation. If Argus is unable or elects not to rearrange or reschedule the Event pursuant to this clause, then you will receive, as your sole remedy, your choice of either a refund or credit towards another Argus event in respect of such fees. For the purpose of this clause, a “Force Majeure Event” means any event or circumstance arising that is beyond the reasonable control of Argus including (without limitation), supplier or contractor failure, speaker or participant cancellation or withdrawal, venue damage or cancellation, industrial dispute, governmental regulations or action (including imposition of sanctions, embargos and breaking off of diplomatic relations), military action, acts of God, fire, flood, earthquake, severe or adverse weather conditions, or other natural disaster, epidemic or pandemic, civil riot, acts of terrorism or war. These Terms and Conditions shall apply in respect of any rearranged or rescheduled Event.
5.4. If the Event is cancelled for any reason within Argus’ control, then you can choose to either receive a full refund of the fees you have paid, or receive a credit towards another Argus event. Argus shall not be liable for any loss, damage, costs (including without limitation travel, visa or accommodation costs), expenses or other liabilities incurred by you in connection with such Event cancellation howsoever arising, and regardless whether such damage was foreseeable or whether or not you were advised of the possibility of such damage.
5.5. You acknowledge that (i) the refund/credit provided in this clause 5 is your sole remedy in respect of cancellations under this clause, and (ii) it is your responsibility to cancel all attendance arrangements you have made in connection with attending this Event (including, but not limited to, travel and accommodation bookings, and technology upgrades or changes).
5.6. You confirm that neither you, nor any party that Controls your organization is a Restricted Entity. Argus may terminate these Terms and Conditions immediately without penalty or liability by written notice to you in the event that you, any of your Delegates or any party that Controls your organization is or becomes a Restricted Entity.
For purposes of this clause 5.6, “Restricted Entities” means (i) any individuals or entities against whom sanctions have been levied by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”), the U.S. Department of State, the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, Her Majesty’s Treasury, or any individuals or entities appearing on the US Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List (US) or the Consolidated List of Targets (UK) or any list of any national or international body or organisation of an equivalent nature and/or any list of any national or international body or organisation which updates or replaces those lists from time to time, and (ii) any individuals or entities with whom Argus is prohibited from dealing pursuant to any applicable sanctions regime or any other law, regulation or executive order; and “Control” means the power of a person to secure either by means of the holding of shares or the possession of voting power in or in relation to your organization or by virtue of any powers conferred by your organization’s articles of association or other document regulating, or arrangement in respect of, your organization that its affairs are conducted in accordance with the wishes of that person.
6. Data Protection & Privacy
6.1. We will process personal data (being information defined as personal data under applicable data protection laws) provided by you and Delegates in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and the Argus Privacy Policy available at https://www.argusmedia.com/en/privacy-policy.
6.2. There may be photographs and audio, video, and audio-visual recordings taken during the Event by Argus or other entities permitted to do so by Argus, which, based on our legitimate interest to have a record of the Event and to promote the Event, Argus may use (without payment) for promotional purposes online and/or in printed materials. For additional information see the Argus Privacy Policy.
6.3. Due to the fact that other participants at the Event may not consent to the use of their personal information, including name, voice, likeness, image and/or contribution, you are not permitted to record, photograph, film, broadcast audio or video sessions or make any other recordings of all or any part of the Event (including, for the avoidance of doubt, filming, photographing, screenshots or making other recordings of any individual speaker or any presentation made by that speaker). In addition, you may not record any one-on-one meetings, group discussions, virtual networking, or any other activities or content which you participate in or observe during the Event. Argus does not accept any liability in relation to any recording of you by any other delegates or attendees at the Event.
6.4. For Digital Events, we need to share your personal data with the provider of the Event Platform. After you have been granted access to the Event Platform, the Event Platform provider will collect and store information about you and your use of the Event Platform. Please refer to the Event Platform’s privacy policy which will be notified to you when you join the Event Platform.
7. Liability
7.1. Subject to clause 7.3, Argus (and its employees, affiliates, agents and subcontractors) shall not be liable to you, your organization, any Delegate, or any other party, for any loss or damage, howsoever caused and whether or not for breach of contract, negligence or otherwise (and whether or not Argus is advised of the possibility of such loss or damage), including: loss of profit, data, business, reputation or anticipated savings, and all indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential loss and damage, arising in connection with the Event, including without limitation, access to and use of the Event Materials, your use of Apps, Third Party Payment Providers, your attendance at the Event venue, or otherwise in connection with this Agreement.
7.2. Subject to clause 7.3, the total aggregate liability of Argus, its employees, affiliates, sub-contractors and agents, to you, the Delegates, or any other party arising out of or in connection with this Agreement whether the action is grounded in contract or tort (including negligence) or in any other law, and whether common law or statute, will in no event exceed the total amount actually paid by you to Argus in respect of the Event.
7.3. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as limiting the liability of either party for fraud or for death or personal injury caused by that party’s negligence.
7.4. You understand and agree that the provision of, any access to, and your use of, Event Materials and/or an Event Platform or App is provided “as is” and Argus does not endorse, approve, give any warranties of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability, accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. Any information distributed in connection with the Event shall not constitute any advice and your use or reliance on Event Materials and an Event Platform and/or App is entirely at your own risk. Argus makes no warranty or representation that your use of the Event Platform and/or App will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free. You should ensure that you read any applicable privacy policies and terms of use before accessing, downloading and using the Event Platform and/or any App.
7.5. You and your organization are fully responsible and liable for any loss or damage caused by you, whether to any property (including for the avoidance of doubt the Event venue) or to individuals attending an Event. You and your organization shall on written demand indemnify and keep Argus, its employees, affiliates, sub-contractors and agents (“Indemnified Parties”) fully indemnified from and against any loss, damage (including statutory damages), claims, costs and expenses (including legal and other professional costs and expenses), and liabilities suffered or incurred by the Indemnified Party arising out of your breach of this Agreement, in connection with your attendance at the Event or the infringement or violation by you of any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity or applicable law.
7.6. You understand and agree that it is your responsibility to arrange and maintain appropriate insurance cover for travel to and attendance at the Event, including for your own property.
8. General
8.1. If any provision of this Agreement (in whole or in part) is found by any competent authority to be unenforceable or illegal, the remainder of the provisions shall remain in force.
8.2. If either party agrees to waive its right to enforce any term of this Agreement, it does not waive its right to enforce any other terms of this Agreement.
8.3. This Agreement does not create any right or benefit enforceable by anyone other than the signatory parties to it and the Indemnified Parties within the meaning of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.
8.4. The parties agree that where Argus Media, Inc. is the entity indicated on the Event webpage, these Terms and Conditions will be governed by New York law and the federal and state courts of New York, New York, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any suit, action, proceedings or dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) and the legal relationships established by this Agreement, as applicable. Where any other entity, including Argus Media Limited, is the entity indicated on the Event webpage (or where no entity is indicated), the governing law will be the laws of England and Wales, and the English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction.
8.5. This Agreement embodies the entire understanding and agreement between you and Argus respecting the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes any and all prior understandings and agreements between us respecting such subject matter. Argus may elect to change or supplement the terms of this Agreement from time to time at its sole discretion. Argus will exercise commercially reasonable business efforts to provide notice to you of any material changes to this Agreement.
8.6. In all circumstances, the English language version of this Agreement prevails over any translations.