Argus launches monthly European methanol contract price
Global energy and commodity price reporting agency Argus has launched a European monthly methanol contract price.
Traditionally, companies have bought and sold methanol in Europe based on a price that is negotiated quarterly. The new Argus European monthly methanol contract price is able to adjust faster to changing conditions when the market is volatile. Argus will also continue to publish a European quarterly contract price for methanol.
Methanol is used to make chemicals such as formaldehyde and acetic acid, and in the transport sector as a component in vehicle fuel additives, such as MTBE and in the production of biodiesel.
This development for methanol follows other chemicals such as propylene and ethylene, which transitioned from quarterly to monthly contract pricing after the financial crash in 2008. The US uses monthly prices for methanol and the introduction of a European equivalent will help market participants manage arbitrage opportunities and assess basis risk between the two regions.
Argus chairman and chief executive Adrian Binks said: “We are pleased that we have been able to work with methanol market participants to develop this new monthly contract price, so that they can better allocate resources, hedge risk and plan ahead.”
The new price is part of the Argus Methanol service.
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