Commodities specialist Argus branches out into agricultural markets
2 August 2021
Global energy and commodity information provider Argus has expanded into agricultural pricing. A new daily service – Argus AgriMarkets – covers the key global trading hubs for wheat, corn, barley and soybeans, and includes prompt spot prices for trades concluded for the short term as well as forward prices for products to be supplied at a later date. The service also carries daily pricing on rapeseed oil and grains freight routes.
Argus AgriMarkets builds on the 20-year expertise of Agritel, a business acquired by Argus last year, and which provides specialist information, consulting and forecasting for agricultural and agro-industrial markets in Europe and around the world. Argus also publishes extensive complementary services focusing on fertilizer markets, a key input to agriculture, and on biofuels, an increasingly important agricultural output.
“We have had excellent feedback on our new Argus AgriMarkets service, which we developed in close consultation with companies active in trading agricultural products,” said Adrian Binks, chairman and chief executive of Argus Media. “The service provides a new and very objective picture of these vital agricultural commodities and brings transparency to what can often be opaque and complex markets.”
About Argus Media
Argus is an independent media organisation with almost 1,100 staff. It is headquartered in London and has 26 offices in the world’s principal commodity trading and production centres. Argus produces price assessments and analysis of international energy and other commodity markets and offers bespoke consulting services and industry-leading conferences.
Companies in 140 countries around the world use Argus data to index physical trade and as benchmarks in financial derivative markets as well as for analysis and planning purposes.
Argus was founded in 1970 and is a privately held UK-registered company. It is owned by employee shareholders, global growth equity firm General Atlantic and Hg, the specialist software and technology services investor.
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