Россия обновит энергетическую стратегию в 2023 г. – Министр энергетики

  • Market: Coal, Condensate, Crude oil, Electricity, Natural gas, Oil products, Petrochemicals
  • 06/09/22

Разработка Энергетической стратегии России на период до 2050 г. - вместо существующего документа, рассчитанного до 2035 г. – продолжится до середины следующего года, заявил министр энергетики Николай Шульгинов в интервью агентству ТАСС. В апреле президент России Владимир Путин поручил правительству утвердить обновленную стратегию до 15 сентября, но теперь этот срок предполагается продлить.

«Мы сейчас занимаемся переносом сроков составления [Энергостратегии]: с 15 сентября 2022 г. на середину 2023 г. Сейчас большое количество неопределенностей, а нам важно сделать актуальную и оптимальную стратегию», - сказал Шульгинов в интервью, приуроченному к началу Восточного экономического форума (ВЭФ).

Путин в апреле на совещании по ситуации в нефтегазовой отрасли обозначил векторы будущей энергетической стратегии на период до 2050 г. На внутреннем рынке страны необходимо снижение цен на энергоресурсы, создание максимально разветвленной инфраструктуры для их доставки потребителям и стимулирование внутреннего спроса, заявил президент. На экспортных рынках будет происходить перенаправление потоков российской нефти и газа с западных направлений на юг и восток - в страны Африки, Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона и Латинской Америки – в связи с чем потребуется развитие инфраструктуры. В рамках обозначенного Путиным плана, Россия должна построить новые нефте- и газопроводы для месторождений Западной и Восточной Сибири, нарастить мощности по перевалке нефти в арктических и дальневосточных портах и увеличить объем перевозки грузов по Северному морскому пути (СМП). Важными задачами для нефтегазовой отрасли России являются развитие глубокой переработки нефти и газа, импортозамещение оборудования и технологий и переход от иностранных отраслевых систем стандартизации и сертификации в газовой и нефтехимической промышленности к отечественным системам, отмечал на апрельском совещании Путин.

По оценкам Минэнерго, добыча нефти, газа и угля в России в этом году сократится из-за западных санкций, которые вынудили многих европейских покупателей еще до официального вступления ограничений в силу отказываться от закупки новых объемов российских энергоресурсов. Шульгинов в интервью ТАСС привел прогноз, согласно которому в 2022 г. добыча нефти в России снизится примерно на 2%, а нефтепереработка – на 8%, до 262 млн т. Добыча газа уменьшится на 7%, при этом трубопроводный экспорт газа сократится, а экспорт СПГ останется на уровне прошлого года, заявил министр энергетики. Производство угля, по прогнозу Шульгинова, снизится на 6%, а энергопотребление в России вырастет на 1,5% относительно 2021 г.

Россия в 2021 г. нарастила добычу нефти на 2,2% по сравнению с предыдущим годом, до более чем 524 млн т. Производство природного газа в прошлом году повысилось на 10%, до 762,3 млрд м³, в том числе «Газпром» добыл 514,8 млрд м³, а «Новатэк» - 79,9 млрд м³. Добыча угля в России в 2021 г. увеличилась на 8,6%, превысив 438 млн т.

Экспорт российской нефти в 2021 г., включая поставки в дальнее и ближнее зарубежье, составил 44% от ее добычи (около 230 млн т), а экспорт угля – 52% (227 млн т). «Газпром» в 2021 г. поставил на внутренний рынок 257,8 млрд м³ газа, а в страны дальнего зарубежья - 185,1 млрд м³.


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India’s NTPC tests 20pc torrefied biomass co-firing


India’s NTPC tests 20pc torrefied biomass co-firing

Singapore, 13 May (Argus) — India's state-owned generator NTPC has demonstrated 20pc torrefied biomass-coal co-firing at a 110MW unit at its Tanda power plant in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. The test was part of NTPC's efforts to expand biomass co-firing across its coal-fired fleet as it aims to lower emissions. Each percentage point of biomass co-firing has the potential to reduce carbon emissions by approximately the same percentage, while also helping in mitigating air pollution caused by direct burning of agricultural waste in farmlands, NTPC said. The generator currently conducts 7-10pc non-torrefied biomass co-firing at NTPC's Dadri power plant, near Delhi. Torrefied biomass was found suitable for higher co-firing percentages without significant system modifications, NTPC said. The torrefied biomass was produced by heating biomass in the absence of oxygen to exhibit characteristics akin to high-quality coal. The gross calorific value and cost of torrefied biomass pellets were currently equivalent to imported coal, it added. Costs could be reduced with the maturity of technology and market in the long run, NTPC said. India's push to cut coal reliance NTPC's efforts are part of India's broader goal of cutting emissions as the country aims to trim reliance on coal in the coming years and attain net zero by 2070. Delhi had initially asked Indian utilities to adopt co-firing of at least 5pc biomass pellets by October 2022. But only a fraction of utilities followed the directives, which eventually prompted the federal power ministry to review the biomass co-firing policy. The ministry amended the policy in June last year and delayed the start date of co-firing, asking all coal-based thermal power plants with bowl mills to use a minimum 5pc blend of biomass pellets made primarily from agricultural residue, with effect from the start of India's 2024-25 fiscal year on 1 April. The threshold would increase to 7pc from the start of 2025-26, the ministry said. Plants with ball and race mills should co-fire the same percentages of torrefied biomass pellets made from agricultural residue during the same time frame, it said. India has surplus biomass supplies of about 230mn t/yr, largely from agricultural residue, the power ministry previously said. NTPC tenders NTPC has awarded biomass supply contracts totalling about 5.2mn t for 20 power plants operated by NTPC, and a joint venture plant. Out of which, it has so far co-fired 316,657t of biomass pellets at 13 NTPC power plants and at the joint venture plant. The generator is setting up biomass pellet plants at various locations to ensure a steady supply of pellets for co-firing. It has set up a 22 t/d non torrefied pellet plant at Lehra Mohabbat, Bhatinda in Punjab state. It is building a 100 t/d torrefied and 100 t/d non-torrefied pellet plant at joint ventureAravali Power's Jhajjar plant. It is also building a 50 t/d non-torrefied pellet plant at the Dadri plant. By Saurabh Chaturvedi Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


APA defers FID for Australian gas pipeline's stage 3


APA defers FID for Australian gas pipeline's stage 3

Sydney, 13 May (Argus) — Australian pipeline operator APA has deferred a final investment decision (FID) for stage 3 of its planned east coast grid expansion, given potential rule changes for the South West Queensland pipeline (SWQP). APA is pushing back the FID by about 6-12 months to the first-half of 2025, and was likely initially planning to make the FID this year. The operator postponed the FID because of recent action by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER), which said it might recommend rule changes for the SWQP. A review was announced in February and is not expected to be completed until November at the earliest, APA said. The firm opposes any further regulation of the SWQP , maintaining that it does not return excessive profits. APA said the lack of a single arbitration case involving the facility since such a regime was instituted in 2017 is evidence that its customers accept present arrangements. "We've probably got around six to 12 months at the very most for us to work through and hopefully there's no change to regulation, but basically the time frame is we need to get started pretty much early next year on building stage 3," APA's chief executive Adam Watson said on 9 May. If the AER decides to make the lightly regulated SWQP subject to reference price regulation, an access arrangement would need to be determined which will take 2-3 years to complete, APA said. This means any changes would be instituted in the fiscal year to 30 June 2028. The SWQP can carry 440 TJ/d (11.75mn m³/d) in a westerly direction from Wallumbilla to the Moomba hub, from where gas can enter the APA-operated Moomba-Sydney and Epic Energy-owned Moomba-Adelaide pipelines for transport to southeastern facilities. Expanding the capacity of pipelines allowing the north-south transit of gas is considered critical to avoiding shortfalls owing to the depletion of Gippsland basin fields this decade. Stage 1 of APA's east coast grid expansion was completed in 2023, with stage 2 also now operational in line with guidance. These two stages increased capacity by 25pc, allowing about 50 TJ/d more gas to flow on the SWQP to southern markets, with similar increased volumes expected from stages 3 and 4. By Tom Major Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


China, US pledge joint methane action at climate talks


China, US pledge joint methane action at climate talks

San Francisco, 13 May (Argus) — The US and China have pledged to further co-operate on methane reduction, among other topics, following a first meeting between the countries' new climate envoys in Washington during 8-9 May. The meeting follows video conferencing between the two sides in January under their "working group on enhancing climate action in the 2020s" initiative. China and the US reaffirmed their 2021 agreement to co-operate on reducing carbon emissions in the power generation sector, cutting methane emissions and boosting renewable energy in the " Sunnylands Statement on Enhancing Cooperation to Address the Climate Crisis " last November in San Francisco. China confirmed the appointment of Liu Zhenmin to replace Xie Zhenhua as the country's climate advsior in January. Liu's US counterpart John Podesta replaced John Kerry in January. Liu and Podesta discussed co-operation "on multilateral issues related to promoting a successful COP 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan" at the latest talks, the US state department said on 10 May. They also discussed issues identified in the Sunnylands statement, including energy transition, methane and other non-CO2 greenhouse gases, the circular economy and resource efficiency, deforestation,as well as low-carbon and sustainable provinces, states and cities. They plan to co-host a second event on reducing methane and other non-CO2 greenhouse gases in Baku and "conduct capacity building on deploying abatement technologies". It remains to be seen how the two new climate advisors will bring the two countries closer in climate negotiations. The Sunnylands statement and the close relationship of their predecessors were instrumental in bringing consensus at last year's Cop 28 UN climate summit in Dubai. China released a much anticipated methane plan last November, although Xie has flagged challenges with data monitoring in the sector. But China and the US have agreed to develop and improve monitoring to "achieve significant methane emissions control and reductions in the 2020s". China has also not signed on to the Global Methane Pledge to cut methane emissions by 30pc by 2030, from 2020 levels. The country's emissions may also rise more than expected after it redefined its meaning of energy intensity, according to the Helsinki-based Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air. Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Argus launches US low-carbon methanol pricing


Argus launches US low-carbon methanol pricing

Houston, 10 May (Argus) — Argus Media today launched pricing instruments for the US low-carbon methanol sector. Argus assessed US low-carbon methanol at $990.7/t fob USGC this week, down by $10.05/t from last week amid softening global markets. European bio-methanol prices slipped by $11/t to $1,080/t this week. The price had been as high as $1,100/t on 17 April. The calculated cost of USGC low-carbon methanol production stood at $1464.7/t, down by $16.55/t from last week. Weaker RINs cost offset higher natural gas prices this week. Low-carbon methanol is attracting widespread attention from multiple industrial sectors because it offers a decarbonization route both for the chemical industry's traditional end-uses and for reducing the sulphur content and carbon footprint of shipping, where it can be used as a bunker fuel. Rather than a specific bio-methanol, green methanol, blue methanol or an e-methanol price, the nomenclature of a comprehensive low-carbon methanol price was determined to be the best approach. In discussions with market participants, feedback indicated an initial wide approach was necessary in the emerging USGC low-carbon methanol market space. Developing technologies that are still in a nascent stage, if split, would segment the market and stifle price generation and transparency, said one trader. The all-encompassing approach allows the Argus US Low-Carbon Methanol price to develop as a standard price index. "It's the molecule that matters," the trader said. Moving forward, this would allow the price discovery process to progress as production volumes grow, and then, if necessary, adjust methodology to reflect the developing market. For more information about this new pricing service, please contact US methanol senior reporter Steven McGinn at steven.mcginn@argusmedia.com. Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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