India's Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) has started an anti-dumping investigation on imports of polyvinyl chloride paste resin, commonly referred to as emulsion PVC (e-PVC) resin, originating from the EU and Japan.
The Gazette of India published a notice on this investigation on 24 January. India's MCI will investigate e-PVC imports into India from the EU and Japan between 1 April 2023 and 30 September 2024. The investigation will exclude PVC blending resin, PVC co-polymer paste resins, battery separator resins and PVC grades with a K-value below 60.
This follows the ongoing implementation of provisional anti-dumping duties (ADDs) on e-PVC imports originating from China, South Korea, Malaysia, Norway, Taiwan and Thailand.
The initial anti-dumping investigation on e-PVC imports from China, South Korea, Malaysia, Norway, Taiwan and Thailand is currently pending approval from the Finance Ministry, following recently suggested changes in preliminary ADDs.