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Adubos: fretes a partir do PR seguem em baixa

  • Market: Fertilizers
  • 10/05/18

Os fretes rodoviários de adubos entre Paranaguá e as principais praças agrícolas no interior do país seguem em declínio desde o início deste ano em virtude da baixa procura pelo serviço em meio à ampla oferta de veículos no porto paranaense, segundo uma análise realizada pela Argus.

Historicamente, a demanda e o valor do serviço caem ao longo do primeiro semestre após o fortalecimento sazonal das entregas para uso na safrinha de milho no Centro-Oeste em janeiro – quando os fretes costumam atingir seu preço máximo anual devido à baixa oferta de frete retorno de adubos a partir dos portos. O cenário se repetiu este ano, mas os valores atuais encontram-se iguais ou menores daqueles normalmente observados em junho, quando costumam atingir o piso anual de preços.

Desde o início do ano, os indicadores de fretes da Argus entre Paranaguá e as cidades mato-grossenses de Rondonópolis e Sorriso despencaram 43,2pc em média para R$95-165/t, superando o recuo médio de 25,5pc visto neste mesmo período em 2017. Já os afretamentos até Rio Verde (GO) e Uberaba/Uberlândia (MG) caíram 37,3pc e 23,6pc desde janeiro para R$110-120/t e R$125-140/t, respectivamente.

A queda sazonal acumulada desde janeiro já supera os recuos vistos nos últimos anos e participantes não descartam retração adicional nos preços nas próximas semanas. O motivo seria o represamento da demanda, uma vez que consumidores têm adiado sua programação de entregas em função da alta volatilidade cambial e da falta de espaço para armazenamento no interior do país devido à colheita recorde de soja na safra 2017-18. Desde janeiro, a taxa de câmbio subiu 7,3pc para R$3,54 por dólar norte-americano.

Em junho do ano passado, o escoamento tardio das safras de soja e milho safrinha reduziu a oferta de armazenagem de adubos no interior do país, pressionando para baixo os afretamentos por conta da demanda represada em meio à ampla oferta de veículos em Paranaguá.

A queda nos fretes, entretanto, têm influenciado pouco a trajetória dos preços dos adubos no mercado interno, que reflete sobretudo as variações nos valores de importação destes produtos e na taxa de câmbio.

"Os fertilizantes, sobretudo os fosfatados e o potássio, estão subindo no interior do país junto com os valores de importação e com a desvalorização do real desde janeiro, apesar dos baixos custos com o transporte", afirmou o representante de uma trading que atua no Centro-Oeste. "A demanda por carregamentos está reduzida, mas deve subir entre maio-junho e elevar o valor dos fretes, encarecendo ainda mais os adubos na ponta consumidora", completou.

Os fretes devem se fortalecer a partir de meados de junho, acompanhando o aquecimento na demanda pelo serviço à medida em que as entregas de adubos para uso na safra 2018-19 ganhem ritmo. A procura atualmente represada pelo serviço poderá ser um fator de alta adicional sobre os fretes, sobrecarregando os sistemas de escoamento de fertilizantes e encarecendo ainda mais o valor dos afretamentos às vésperas das aplicações na próxima safra entre julho-agosto.


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USCG updates ongoing lower Mississippi restrictions


USCG updates ongoing lower Mississippi restrictions

Houston, 17 September (Argus) — The US Coast Guard (USCG) will further limit northbound movement for barges transiting the lower Mississippi River despite slightly higher water levels following Hurricane Francine's landfall late last week. The USCG announced on 16 September that all northbound traffic traveling from Tunica, Mississippi, to Tiptonville, Tennessee, can only have five barges wide and only four of those can be loaded. Barges also cannot be loaded deeper than 9.5ft. Any southbound traffic from Vicksburg, Mississippi, to Tunica cannot move more than seven barges wide or be drafted deeper than 10.5ft. Southbound traffic from Tiptonville to Tunica can only be six barges wide or less and cannot have a draft greater than 10ft. The USCG has updated lower Mississippi river draft restrictions about four times since the end of August, but this is the third year in a row of notable low water for the fall on the lower Mississippi river which has triggered draft restrictions to arrive more quickly than previous years. Hurricane Francine brought significant rainfall to the lower Mississippi at the end of last week . But this has not eased the minds of mariners, who anticipate the water may leave as quickly as it arrived. By Meghan Yoyotte Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Ethiopian EABC urea tender's lowest offer at $355/t cif


Ethiopian EABC urea tender's lowest offer at $355/t cif

London, 17 September (Argus) — Ethiopian Agricultural Businesses (EABC) closed a tender today to buy 250,000t of urea in five cargoes for September-October loading, with the lowest offer at $355/t cif. Pacific International appears to have offered at the lowest levels across all five cargoes on a cif basis. The firm offered lot 1 at $355/t cif, lot 2 at $359/t cif, while the offers on cif basis for the remaining three cargoes were at $368/t, $373/t, and $375/t, respectively. The urea is likely to be sourced from Oman. There were also seven other offers from suppliers. West Trade offered all cargoes, similarly to be sourced from Oman, on a cif basis at $375/t, $378/t, $380/t, $385/t and $382/t for lots 1-5, respectively. Midgulf likely offered one cargo under lot 5 at $410/t fob Egypt. Samsung offered three cargoes on a fob basis at $352/t fob Middle East, $375/t fob Egypt, and $362/t fob Middle East for lots 1,3 and 5. Supplier Fertiglobe appears to have offered $348/t fob under the first lot. ETG offered five cargoes, four of which are likely to be supplied from Onne, Nigeria, and offers were around $418/t cif, 419/t cif, $435/t cif and $422/t cif. Lot 4 was offered at $422/t cif basis and is likely to be sourced from Egypt. But there was no confirmation from the parties involved. Another supplier offered $450/t cif for lot 4. The lowest offer at $355/t cif marks a drop from $363/t cif under EABC's 12 July tender . By Dana Hjeij Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Brazil's Parana ports handle record cargo in Aug


Brazil's Parana ports handle record cargo in Aug

Sao Paulo, 16 September (Argus) — The Paranagua and Antonina ports, in Brazil's southern Parana state, handled a record amount of cargo in August thanks to increased fertilizer imports. The two ports handled 6.9mn metric tonnes (t) of cargo in August, up by 14pc from the same month in 2023 and above the prior record of 6.6mn t in June, according to Parana's port authority data. That also surpassed July's handling by 20pc. Imports totaled 2.5mn t last month, a 41pc hike from August 2023 and above the 2.2mn t handled in July. Fertilizer imports increased by 59pc to 1.2mn t in August from a year before and were 29pc — or 265,170t — above the prior month's imports. Exports reached 4.4mn t, up from 4.3mn t in August 2023 and a near 27pc increase from July's exports. Soybean shipments rose by 10pc to 1.9mn t in August from the same month last year. That was also above the 1.3mn t exported in the previous month. Corn exports decreased by 77pc to 72,900t, down from 316,430t shipped in August 2023 and almost in line with July's exports. Exports of bulk sugar increased by 34pc to 836,430t last month from the same period a year ago. That was also up by 77pc from July's exports. Parana ports handled 46.4mn t in January-August, up by 10pc from the same period in 2023, also boosted by higher imports. Imports increased by 23pc to 17.2mn t. Fertilizer imports rose by 14pc to 6.9mn t, up from 6mn t in January-August 2023. Exports totaled 29.2mn t, a 4pc increase from the same eight months last year. Soybean shipments rose by 11pc to 11.2mn t in the period, while corn exports dropped by 80pc to 581,730t from the same eight-month period in 2023. Wheat exports in January-August more than tripled to 171,830t from the same period a year before. Sugar shipments increased by 46pc to 4.2mn t. By Maria Albuquerque Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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