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California LCFS gives options to claim EV credits

  • Market: Biofuels, Electricity, Emissions, Oil products
  • 27/03/19

California Low-Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) credits from electricity may get a boost this year, as regulators look to make it easier to document electric vehicle (EV) charging from clean energy sources.

Utilities, automakers and others can use meters or vehicle data to claim additional LCFS credits from residential EV charging that uses electricity with a low carbon intensity, the Air Resources Board (ARB) said in a 25 March guidance.

The ARB added "incremental" credits to the LCFS this year to encourage EV charging during periods of low demand on the grid, or from renewable sources. The entities supplying the electricity, or the manufacturer of the vehicle associated with the charging station, can claim a lower carbon intensity score and generate more LCFS credits.

The agency currently awards "base" credits for EV charging using the average carbon intensity score for California's electric grid, set at 93.75g CO2e/megajoule this year.

Electric utilities, or the "load serving entity," get first priority for the incremental credits, followed by the automakers, despite efforts from EV maker Tesla to move to the front of the line.

Those entities using meters to claim incremental LCFS credits must be able to measure the quantity of electricity dispensed to an EV over a quarter. Data from the vehicle must be able to differentiate between usage of home and public chargers, to prevent double counting.

The number of LCFS credits generated by electricity has risen steadily as EVs have grown in popularity. The alternative fuel trailed only ethanol and renewable diesel in the third quarter of 2018, with just over 370,000 metric tonnes of credits — an 82pc increase from the same period the year prior.

The California LCFS requires a 20pc reduction in the carbon intensity of transportation fuels by 2030.

The ARB will meet on 5 April to discuss the next round of updates to the program, including a possible hard price ceiling.


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LNG-burning vessels well positioned ahead of 2025

LNG-burning vessels well positioned ahead of 2025

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US court asked for third Citgo auction extension


US court asked for third Citgo auction extension

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Kosovo confident in winter 24-25 supply: TSO


Kosovo confident in winter 24-25 supply: TSO

London, 19 September (Argus) — Kosovar transmission system operator (TSO) Kostt is confident it can meet demand over the winter season through domestic generation and imports, Kostt told Argus in an interview ahead of the Energy Week Western Balkans conference. Domestic generation capacity is not enough to meet demand during periods of high consumption, such as during the winter season, and imports will be necessary during peak tariff periods to meet demand, the TSO said. Maximum demand over the upcoming winter season is expected to reach 1.45GW, and transmission capacity can reach 1.85GW under normal operating conditions, Kostt said. Kosovar distribution company Keds and energy supplier Kesko had to import up to 35pc of power during peak periods in December last year, when peak demand reached 1.1GW. Annual maintenance at the 680MW Kosova B lignite-fired plant was completed on 18 August, and the plant is scheduled to be fully available over the winter season. Constraints on the electric system should be reduced in the upcoming winter season, as Keds has started metering the four Serbian-majority municipalities located in the country's north in January . Kostt was responsible for supply in the region last year, but received payment through subsidies from the Kosovar government, rather than tariffs. But subsidies were sometimes delayed, which created challenges in balancing real-time deviations within Kostt's control area, the TSO said. An agreement was reached last year with Serbian state-owned utility EPS subsidiary Elektrosever to normalise power supply for the Serbian majority municipalities, which were not paying for the unauthorised withdrawal of electricity. Elektrosever is now responsible for supply in the region and submits daily nominations and adheres to balancing requirements, although Kostt still meets its financial requirement to cover losses in the transmission system. There have been no violations of the operational terms since the agreement went into effect on 1 January, Kostt said. "System operations have become more stable, and deviations are now within the Entso-e acceptable limits," Kostt said. And Elektrosever has agreed to Kostt's request to submit an electricity supply plan for the region for 2025. By Annemarie Pettinato Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Pertamina supplies first SAF to Virgin Australia


Pertamina supplies first SAF to Virgin Australia

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Western Australia to allow some onshore gas exports


Western Australia to allow some onshore gas exports

Darwin, 19 September (Argus) — Western Australia's (WA) state government will allow onshore developers of gas fields to export about 20pc of their output as LNG during a five-year window, in response to a growing failure to bring on new supplies for the domestic market. WA previously banned onshore gas exports, except in the case of Australian independent Beach Energy's 250 TJ/d (6.7mn m³/d) Waitsia stage 2 project . Beach may be required to share its infrastructure with fellow Perth basin firms, the WA government said, to expedite market access for new projects. Australian mining firm Mineral Resources, which has argued for permission to export 85pc of the gas from its Lockyer project as LNG and fellow WA-based firm Strike Energy may benefit from the changes, as both hold significant reserves in the Perth basin. The changes apply to new onshore developments or existing projects seeking to expand production. Developers are required to reserve 80pc of gas produced for WA, with this rising to 100pc from 2031 onwards. The policy shift follows dire outlooks for WA's gas supplies as the state attempts to wean itself off coal-fired power generation. It currently contributes about a third of the electricity into the state's largest power grid. A parliamentary report last month warned WA cannot rely on sporadic appeals for more gas to meet demand. "These policy changes are sensible responses that balance the need for Western Australia to secure its energy future while encouraging onshore producers to bring on more gas supply as and when it is needed," mines and petroleum Minister David Michael said on 19 September. The 15pc reservation for offshore LNG projects will continue, while WA has promised more transparency on the policy with the publication of a yearly WA Domestic Gas Statement to reveal how producers are meeting obligations, with a review to take place after two years. An interim parliamentary report tabled earlier this year showed about 8pc of the state's offshore gas output has reached WA consumers since 2006, representing just over half the required volumes. Following public criticism of LNG producers' contributions, Australian independent Woodside Energy has since pledged an extra 32PJ (854mn m³) of domestic supplies by the end of 2025 . WA will also seek to strengthen laws designed to prevent companies banking prospective onshore oil and gas tenements, with a review into the "use it or lose it" policy to be led by the state's energy department. By Tom Major Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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