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Argus Biomass Conference

London, UK
1-3 April 2025
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Argus Biomass Industry Awards 2024 Winners

Congratulations to the winners at the 2024 Argus Biomass Industry Awards that took place on the evening of 23 April at the Argus Biomass Conference.

  • Women Thought Leadership Award: Irene di Padua, Policy Director, Bioenergy Europe
  • Lifetime Achievement Award: Christian Rakos, President, World Bioenergy Association
  • Start Up Award: Rare Earth Global
  • Technology Award: Bathan AG



Argus Biomass Industry Awards

The Argus Biomass Industry Awards recognises the thought leadership and key efforts of individuals and companies in tackling climate change and leading by example, to bring sustainability to the  forefront of business. Submit your entry today to nominate an individual or company taking meaningful steps to make the biomass industry a sustainable and inclusive sector working towards the green energy transition. 

Congratulations to the 2024 winners!

The Awards categories

  • This award recognizes an individual for their tireless support and efforts towards tackling biomass challenges and making key differences in the industry over the last decade.  
  • In 250-300 words/2-minute video*, please describe a few key highlights of your career that have helped the industry change for the better and have had long lasting effects on the market
  • Judges are looking for individuals with over 10 years of influence and experience in the biomass and bioenergy sector.

Winner: Christian Rakos, President, World Bioenergy Association

  • This award recognises women in the industry who have helped create more inclusive policy, engagement and have also displayed key thought leadership on biomass projects
  • In 250-300 words/2-minute video*, please describe two key projects that you have undertaken or participated displaying your thought leadership, innovation and ability to create more inclusive environments for women in the industry.  
  • Judges are looking for inspiring case studies, key projects and breakthroughs as well as challenges being overcome by individuals in the industry

Winner: Irene di Padua, Policy Director, Bioenergy Europe

  • This award recognises companies who are SMEs and have introduced new innovations to the industry. Start-up/SME must be between 3-5 years old.  
  • In 250-300 words/2-minute video*, explain some of the challenges you have faced with regards to adapting to changing sustainability standards
  • Judges are looking for start-ups that have introduced new innovations to the biomass industry that have proven a benefit to the larger biomass community.

Winner: Rare Earth Global

  • This award recognises a company/venture for a new product or innovative service that has impacted the biomass industry to make it easier to produce, easier to trade or easier to use product.   
  • In 250-300 words/ppt/2-minute video*, please explain the innovation, impact and key challenges you faced to achieve this breakthrough
  • Judges are looking for product-based innovations for manufacturing, technology and service sectors who have successfully solved a key market issue in biomass. Timeline: Products/services launched between 2018-2024.

Winner: Bathan AG

How to nominate a company or individual for an award

Deadline now closed. Congratulations to the 2024 winners!

In no more than 300 words, please tell the judges why your entry should win based on the award criteria. It is important that you explain this in a clear, cohesive manner, with evidence where appropriate. Applicants are welcome to nominate themselves or their own company for judges’ consideration. Multiple nominations are also accepted.

You may send supporting material for consideration via email to after you have submitted this form. Supporting material can include web links, videos, photographs and other documents. You do not have to submit supporting material for your nomination but if you do you should include the following information in your email subject line:

  • The category you are entering.
  • The name of the company, or the name, job title, and company name of the nominated individual 


Nominations for the awards should be submitted online after which they will be judged by our expert panel based on the award criteria. Companies on the shortlist will be invited to attend the awards ceremony.  

Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on 23 April, taking place at the Argus Biomass Conference (23-25 April, QEII Centre, London, UK). Access to the ceremony is available to registered attendees of the Argus Biomass Conference. Awards will be mailed to winners not present at the ceremony.

London UK

Pre-register for 2025

Complete this form to register your interest in attending, speaking at or sponsoring the Argus Biomass Conference on 1-3 April 2025 in London, UK.