Sao paulo

Argus Biofuels & Feedstocks Latin America Conference

São Paulo, Brazil
June 2025
217days remaining
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2024 Agenda

Argus Forum - 18 June

Argus Motor Fuels Forum * sessions in Portuguese only


Registration and welcome coffee

*Please note this Argus Forum can be added to your attendee pass free of charge. All the Forum sessions will be in Portuguese with no translation


Opening welcome address

Speakers Include:

Camila Dias

Camila Dias

Brazil Bureau Chief and Country Manager, Argus
14:00 - 15:00

The future of gasoline in decarbonization

- Does Brazil have a surplus of gasoline? The supply and demand scenario for the coming years with the expected increase in the mixture of anhydrous ethanol and the decarbonization goals of the transport sector
- Logistics: current and future trends in road fuel transport

15:00 - 16:00

Challenges of diversifying the diesel supply

- Beyond the national market – verticalization and regional integration of Brazilian importers
- One market, two international price references, several sources of supply - the search for a balance between competitive price and guaranteed supply in the Brazilian diesel market

16:00 - 16:30


16:30 - 17:00

Fuel of the future and the call for biofuels

- How the changes proposed by the PL could impact the diesel and gasoline markets
- Call for biofuels puts the cost of decarbonization up for debate
- Competition for renewable feedstocks for biodiesel and HVO/SAF

17:00 - 18:00

Protection mechanisms against price changes

- Opportunities for new listed futures contracts specifically aimed at the Brazilian fuel market:
Q&A with Vish Subramanian, Executive Director of Energy Products at CME

18:00 - 20:00

Happy hour: Networking drinks reception

Open to all conference attendees. Join your peers from the Argus Biofuels & Feedstocks Latin America conference and the Argus Motor Fuels Forum for networking

Conference day one - 19 June

08:00 - 09:00

Morning registration and networking

09:00 - 09:10

Argus welcome

Bryony Senczyszyn

Bryony Senczyszyn

Senior Portfolio Manager - Biofuels Conferences
09:10 - 09:20

Chairperson’s opening address

Camila Dias

Camila Dias

Brazil Bureau Chief and Country Manager, Argus

Creating an environment for growth and collaboration

09:20 - 09:30

Set your biofuels business goals - objective setting activity

Cast your vote on the most important industry issues and compare answers with attendees. Exploring key questions throughout the focus day will ensure impactful takeaways that you can embed into your own business strategy

09:30 - 10:00

Industry CEO keynotel: Tapping into Latin America’s biofuels potential and opening a market for business

- Are biofuels an important tool for decarbonisation – are technology and engines ready?
- What investments are taking place and what are the limits for growth?
- What are the developments with co-processing, SAF and HVO production?

Luiz de Mendonca

Luiz de Mendonça

Chief Executive Officer, Acelen

Exploring the regulatory landscape

10:00 - 10:40

Panel discussion: Developing blending programmes across the continent and assessing upcoming regulations

- How is regulation changing for CO2 emissions and developments on Euro 5-7 standards?
- What incentives and tax reduction strategies can we expect to help aid development?
- What could fuels of the future legislation look like and the use of second-generation ethanol as a feedstock source?

Speakers Include:

Maria Auxiliadora de Arruda Nobre

Maria Auxiliadora de Arruda Nobre

Regulation Specialist
Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP)
Andre Nassar

André Nassar

Executive President
Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries (ABIOVE)
Marcela Anselmi

Marcela Anselmi

Head of the Environment and Energy Transition Division
Bruno Alves

Bruno Alves

Director of Government Relations and Chief Sustainability Officer
UNEM - União Nacional do Etanol de Milho
10:40 - 11:00

Speed networking

A quick-fire networking activity where you'll meet everyone in the room and exchange your business cards. Set up meetings for later on in the show

11:00 - 11:30

Morning coffee and networking

10:30 - 10:50

Mid-morning keynote address: Petrobras

Speakers Include:

Marcio Gheventer

Marcio Gheventer

Low Carbon Products Business Manager

Raw feedstock availability and supplying new markets

11:50 - 12:20

Exploring the growing renewable feedstock landscape

A deep dive into feedstock availability, new pathways and growing demand drivers

- Moving towards waste and residues feedstock to meet sustainability goals and lower GHG emissions
- Understanding the changing landscape of UCO, soya, tallow and ethanol-to-jet
- How can the industry extract more vegetable oil in a sustainable way, avoiding deforestation?

Fabricio Cardoso

Fabricio Cardoso

Principal, Consulting
12:20 - 13:00

Panel discussion: Tapping into feedstock potential, availability and competitiveness

- How can the feedstock market be developed and what concerns are there over availability?
- How will the Brazilian market for tallow and soya bean oil develop?
- Can the production of FAME be increased at a reasonable price and in a sustainable way?
- Is the UCO market developing in countries including Colombia?

Geovane Consul

Geovane Consul

Chief Executive Officer
BP Bunge Bioenergia
Daniel Franco Goulart

Daniel Goulart

Executive Manager
Minerva Foods
Paulo Corte-Real Neves

Paulo Côrte-Real Neves

Executive Vice President, Trading
13:00 - 14:00

Networking Lunch

14:00 - 14:20

Determining the quality of feedstock and biofuels through laboratory testing and analysis

- Evaluating the quality of biofuels through laboratory analysis
- Full renewable fuel analysis to meet certification requirements and quality standards
- Preparing your product to meet with end-user requirements

Speakers Include:

Daniela Costa

Daniela Costa

Chemical Engineer
14:20 - 15:00

Trading and certification panel discussion: Could Latin America become an exporter of feedstocks and products in the long term – and is the environment ready for trade?

- Gaining clarity on certification requirements across Latin America and in the US and Europe
- What feedstocks are accepted across continents and what certification (ILLUC) is needed?
- How fast could HEFA pathways be Corsia approved?

Aleksandra Błazeusz

Aleksandra Błazeusz

System Manager
ISCC System
Camilo Adas

Camilo Adas

Energy Transition Director

Afternoon focus: HVO, SAF

Increasing production output of renewable diesel and SAF

15:00 - 15:40

Afternoon coffee and networking

15:40 - 16:10

SAF value chain focus panel: Getting ready for lift-off: How Latin America is building a new SAF commercial environment

- What are the advantages of developing an SAF market, including decarbonisation, commercial value and pricing?
- How can stakeholders collaborate and develop frameworks to help SAF production?
- How are companies being funded and what difficulties are they facing?

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Eduardo Calderón

Director Operation Center and Engineering
GOL Linhas Aéreas
Daniel Lopes

Daniel Lopes

Vice President of Sustainability and New Business
FS Bioenergy
Kristine Klavers

Kristine Klavers

Managing Director - Low Carbon Petroleum & Refining, EcoEngineers
16:50 - 17:20

Case study: Updates on the Ômega Green integrated biorefinery in Paraguay

- Building a new site to produce 20,000 b/d of renewable diesel, renewable jet fuel and by-products
- Understanding competitive advantages of the project and the value it brings to the region
- Investing in cracking and a separating stage as part of the HVO process for fuel production

16:10 - 16:40

Case study: Why ethanol-to-jet technologies are taking centre stage

- Exploring the technologies’ potential and how companies are getting certified
- Tracking ethanol for production and meeting sustainability criteria globally
- What carbon intensity score is needed to classify and utilise ethanol as a feedstock?

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Jason Hazen

Fuels and Logistics; LanzaJet Inc.

Chairperson’s closing remarks and close of conference day one

Camila Dias

Camila Dias

Brazil Bureau Chief and Country Manager, Argus

Networking drinks reception

Conference day two - 20 June

08:30 - 09:30

Morning networking and coffee

09:30 - 09:40

Chairperson’s opening remarks

Camila Dias

Camila Dias

Brazil Bureau Chief and Country Manager, Argus

Entering new markets with a lower carbon footprint

09:40 - 10:20

End-user and exporters panel: How to lower the carbon footprint for products to reach market

Global decarbonisation plans are at the forefront of business. Explore with our panel of experts how they are decarbonising, lowering emissions and proving this to their clients?

- What are companies investing in to lower their carbon footprint: from grain to food?
- How are carbon capture projects reducing the carbon intensity of corn ethanol?
- Where do we see avenues for growth in hard-to-abate sectors including marine and bioplastics?

Alexis Rodriguez

Alexis Rodriguez

Regional Head of Energy Transition Execution for Latin America
Cirilo Vieira

Cirilo Vieira

Fuel Business Director
Renan Marcel

Renan Marçal

Climate Change Manager

New builds and investments in projects for big impacts

10:20 - 10:40

Technology case study: State-of-the-art technology to unlock the opportunity of the SAF industry

- Reviewing the feedstock landscape and technology advancements for small to mid-sized SAF producers
- Converting vegetable and waste oil into SAF
- Improving supply chains and integrating production units to minimize carbon intensity


Enzo De Biase

Licensing Business Development Manager
NextChem Tech., NEXTCHEM
10:40 - 11:30

Panel discussion: Projects, construction, financing options and technologies – getting biofuels projects off the ground

As companies are under tender for new project agreements, biofuel producers are looking at what help is out there to best kick-start projects, build capacity and reach finance agreements

- What are the timelines and considerations when selecting an engineering company for new projects?
- Investing in equipment and installations that allow for tracking at the collection point
- How are projects being financed and what are the alternatives?

Kelly Johnson

Kelly Johnson

Global Sector Lead, Chemicals and Fertilizers
International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Túlio Abi-Saber

Túlio Abi-Saber

Vice President of Finance
Caio Dafico

Caio Dafico

Director of New Business
11:30 - 12:00

Morning coffee and networking

Setting up supply chains

12:00 - 12:30

Case study: Sourcing new feedstocks from restaurants to serve the market

- Working collaboratively with UCO suppliers to set up an efficient supply chain
- How is traceability and sustainability measured?
- Overcoming logistical hurdles from restaurant to end-user

Ramon Álvarez Blázquez

Ramon Álvarez Blázquez

UCO Trading
12:30 - 13:00

Biomass case study: Exploring wood pellets as a fuel of choice and setting up supply chains as an alternative future feedstock

- Exploring opportunities for pellets from saw dust and chips
- Addressing sustainability measures and requirements within the supply chain
- How could woody biomass help the global feedstock shortage and price competitiveness

Giovani Giacomet

Giovani Giacomet

Director of Strategy and Business Development
BrasPine Madeiras
13:00 - 14:00

Networking lunch

Building infrastructure for the movement of products inland and to export

14:00 - 14:30

Brazil case study: Looking at new rail links connecting north to south Brazil and how this will improve logistics and products supply

- Railroad as a large-scale alternative for solving ethanol long-distance logistics challenge
- New infrastructure projects and expanded geography to support the ethanol market boom
- How will developments improve Brazil’s infrastructure and project timelines?

Fabio Henkes

Fábio Henkes

Commercial Director

Exploring new trends for alternative fuel use in the maritime industry

13:20 - 16:10

Maritime debate: How will the market replace bunker fuel with alternative fuels, including blended VLSFO, ethanol and methanol?

- Will the IMO change the blending mandates to increase FAME and HVO blends?
- What is the appetite for co-processed diesel including B20 for use in ships?
- Pilot projects on Latin American cruise lines and ship operators – what is the outcome?

Carlos Torres

Carlos Torres

Global Head of Strategic Relationships and Partnerships, Bunker Holding Group
Camilo Angulo Ferran

Camilo Angulo Ferrand

Trading Manager
16:10 - 16:40

Afternoon coffee and networking

Interactive group roundtables

16:40 - 17:30

☆ Interactive group roundtables

Join this interactive discussion with 10-15 attendees. Get your pressing questions answered around a specific topic and collaborate with industry experts who have the same business strategies as you

Roundtable 1: A focus on demand: SAF, marine, bioplastics and what this means for the industry
Roundtable 2: New developments with ethanol-to-jet technologies
Roundtable 3: How the Latin American biofuels market will be funded in the future
Roundtable 4: A deep dive into new infrastructure and logistics – projects and timelines
Roundtable 5: How has corn as a feedstock developed – and where will it go?

17:30 - 17:40

Conclusion of roundtables

17:40 - 17:50

Summary from the day and chairperson’s close

Camila Dias

Camila Dias

Brazil Bureau Chief and Country Manager, Argus

Close of conference